§ 13-4. Enforcement, authority to enter premises.
The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the director and his designated agents.
The director and each inspector of the city acting under his authority or the authority of the city council, is, for the purpose of protecting the public health and enforcing this chapter, hereby authorized and directed, at any or all reasonable times when inspection may be deemed proper, to enter any premises, room, apartment, or place in the city, or if no objection be made, without the city, wherein any food establishment is operated or carried on, or where any food products are kept, produced, prepared or handled, and also any room, place, premises, vehicle or appurtenances, used in connection with such business or operation, and to make a complete inspection of each such room, place, premises or vehicles, and all machinery, equipment, furniture, utensils and other things found therein; and also to make a thorough inspection and examination of all foodstuffs and other things therein found, which are used or kept for the purposes of such business, which are reasonably within the purpose and intent of this chapter. All such inspectors are also authorized and directed to stop and inspect within the city, or by permission without the city, any wagon or vehicle which appears to be used for the purpose of transporting or delivering any such food products. Such director and inspector shall also be authorized to require, and the persons in charge of any such place or vehicle shall furnish to the director or inspector, such reasonable and proper samples as he may demand for making any tests of such food products.
(Ord. No. 2008-05-15-0402, § 1(Att. I), 5-15-08)