San Antonio |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 14. SOLID WASTE |
§ 14-18. Drop-off and recycling sites.
Compliance with onsite signs and site operating regulations. It shall be the duty of any person using city solid waste drop-off, recycling, and/or processing site to follow all traffic, safety, and directional signs, site operating rules and verbal directions, or directions posted or given within any city solid waste drop-off and/or processing facility at all times. Only materials authorized for acceptance at the site are allowed. Failure to comply will constitute a violation of this chapter and may result in denial of access to these facilities.
Covered loads (tarps). All loads of materials entering a city drop-off, recycling or processing site must be secured and covered either by the containment of the vehicle or, if an open topped vehicle, by a covering (tarp). Loaded vehicles exiting city sites must also be covered or contained. Texas state law regarding covered loads must be followed at all times by vehicles using city disposal or processing sites. It shall be the duty of the driver of the vehicle to comply with this section.
Assumption of risk. Any person entering upon a city-operated solid waste drop-off, recycling or processing site for any purpose shall be conclusively presumed to know and appreciate the hazards and the extent of the risk which accompanies the accumulation of scrap wood, glass, nails, and solid wastes of every description and the use of trucks, vehicles and heavy machinery used to move, remove, bury and dispose of solid waste. Every person entering upon any such site shall be conclusively presumed to have assumed the risk of injury or damage connected with or resulting from such hazards and danger by his or her action in entering upon such site, and for and in consideration of the permission granted by the city to enter upon such site. Upon entering a city operated solid waste disposal, recycling or processing site, every person shall be deemed to have covenanted not to sue and to indemnify, save harmless and defend the city, its agents, officers, and employees, from and against any and all claims of any nature whatsoever for injury or damage to person or property, whether real or asserted, arising out of or resulting from the entry by such person.
Identification and proof of residence. All individuals requesting to use a city drop-off, recycling or processing site may be required to provide identification and proof of city residence. Acceptable proof includes a current CPS Energy statement reflecting assessment of solid waste or environmental fees accompanied by a valid driver's license or State of Texas ID card. Those not able to provide such proof are not eligible to use the site, however, at locations where fees are assessed, those not able to prove San Antonio residence may be required to pay the higher "commercial and non-resident" rate as set out in section 14-30.
Salvaging or scavenging. Salvaging or scavenging items deposited at a site or from vehicles that are waiting to make deposits at a site is prohibited.
(Ord. No. 2015-09-10-0760 , § 1, 9-10-15)