§ 14-30. Fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Residences. Use of city garbage, brush, and refuse collection and removal and disposal services and payment of fees set out below for such services shall be mandatory except as exempted in subsection (d) below. The monthly fees for household garbage that includes recycling, brush, leaves, and organics collection shall be as follows:

    Residential and Other Sites

    Type (regular account for curbside garbage, recycling and organics) Charge
    Per Month
    Single- or multi-family residential unit selecting small garbage container $16.76
    Single- or multi-family residential unit selecting standard (medium) garbage container 18.76
    Single- or multi-family residential unit selecting large garbage container 26.76
    Environmental fee—Solid waste per unit 2.24
    Environment fee—Parks per unit 1.00



    Description of Service Fee
    Vacant lots, or persons, entities and organizations that do not have regular accounts Out of cycle fees apply (subsection 14-30(e)(5))
    Commercial and non-city residents disposal/recycling of brush at a city operated brush recycling site, based on weight of brush rounded upward to the nearest twenty (20) lb. increment, yielding a minimal disposal fee based on twenty (20) lbs Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per ton, or four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) per cubic yard if scales are not available; twenty-five dollars ($25.00) minimum charge
    Commercial disposal/recycling of wood mulch resulting from mechanically shredded, ground or chipped brush at a city operated brush recycling site, by persons having a valid tree maintenance license issued by the city under section 12-171 No charge; subject to available capacity at the facility as determined by the director, SWMD.
    Residential, in city, non-commercial brush at a brush shredding site, based on weight of brush rounded upward to the nearest 20-pound increment, yielding a minimal disposal fee based on twenty (20) pounds Twenty-three dollars and fifty cents ($23.50) per ton or four dollars and forty-seven cents ($4.47) per cubic yard in quarter cubic yard increments if scales are not available.
    Sale to the general public of finely-screened landscaping mulch from a brush shredding site, based on sales rounded upward to the nearest 20-pound increment, yielding a minimum sale of twenty (20) pounds; subject to availability Three cents ($0.03) per pound in increments of twenty (20) pounds; converted to twelve dollars ($12.00) per cubic yard in quarter cubic yard increments if scales are not available
    Coarse ground mulch from a brush shredding facility No charge; subject to availability as determined by the director
    Collection of bagged leaves. Available only to residential customers on collection system, for leaves only Minimum twenty dollars ($20.00) per service call per residence for each eight (8) cubic yards; each eight (8) cubic yard increment; or part of an increment over eight (8) cubic yards, costs twenty dollars ($20.00) (bags only, no boxed leaves)
    Cart damaged or inoperable Normal wear and tear, no charge to exchange; where resident is determined to be at fault, fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per cart
    Cart lost or stolen First replacement cart, no charge; subsequent replacement carts, fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per cart
    Additional refuse container(s) Fee assessed in accordance with the monthly fee schedule above. Current container(s) must be of maximum size before requesting additional container(s).
    Additional organics or recycling cart No charge
    Upsize from smaller to larger volume garbage container First upsize: No charge
    Subsequent upsizes: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per occurrence
    Extra garbage service (brown cart) Ten dollars ($10.00) per collection; limited to three (3) times per year
    Non-compliance contamination fee Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per occurrence
    Non-compliance diaper contamination fee Fifty dollars ($50.00) per occurrence
    Automatic charge for container(s) at residence Residents who possess and use containers that are not assigned to their address will be charged the monthly fee corresponding to that size container.



    Environmental services fee. All properties, residential and nonresidential, shall pay a monthly environmental services fee of three dollars and twenty-four cents ($3.24) per each electrical meter account, billed and collected as provided below in section 14-31. At locations where the electrical meter does not accurately reflect the number of units, an environmental fee shall apply to each residential and non-residential unit. This fee is intended to defray municipal expense necessary to cleaning up illegally dumped waste, collecting and disposing of dead animals, performing regulatory maintenance on closed landfills, providing environmental services to the city's park system, and equitably sharing costs for neighborhood clean-ups benefiting residents and businesses that do not pay a monthly solid waste processing fee. Exemptions at subsection (d), recited below, do not apply to the environmental services fee.


    Business solid waste fee. The monthly solid waste fee for businesses receiving refuse and recycling services only (brush, bulky, and bagged leaf collection is not included) from the city, including hotels, motels, small offices, and premises not specifically listed in the residential schedule shall be as follows:

    Type (regular business account receiving city services) Charge
    Per Month
     Single unit on one meter and multiple units on master meter, per unit small garbage cart $16.76
     Single unit on one meter and multiple units on master meter, per unit standard (medium) garbage cart 18.76
     Single unit on one meter and multiple units on master meter, per unit large garbage cart 26.76



    Exemptions. Apartment houses and mobile home parks may be exempted from payment of solid waste fees upon furnishing of sufficient evidence assuring acceptable removal of all garbage and refuse by private means. For such exemption to be granted, written application must be submitted to and approved by the director or his designee.

    Single-family residences on premises not abutting public roadways, and to which access is possible only across private property, and premises abutting public roadways but on which the dwelling is so remote from such roadway as to make city collection impractical, may be exempted from such collection service and charges.


    Exemptions may be granted on certain meter accounts if the number of meters serving a dwelling does not reflect the true nature of the dwelling.


    New single-family residences shall be exempted from city garbage collection service and charges while under construction and after completion until initial occupancy of the structure. Initial occupancy shall be interpreted as the sale or lease of the property to a second party for occupancy or the first electric meter account name change, whichever occurs first.


    Disposal, brush facility, commercial haulers, and special service program fees. Persons disposing of brush for recycling at a city facility or using special city solid waste program services shall pay a fee or fees as set out below unless contractual arrangements specify otherwise.


    Unknown tare weight. A vehicle for which the tare (unloaded) weight is not on the disposal facility attendant's records will be charged for the full weight of the vehicle plus trailer(s) and load. After dumping the load, the vehicle and trailer(s) will be reweighed to determine the tare weight and the amount to be refunded at that time.


    Residential city customers. In order for a load, either brush for recycling or household hazardous waste, to be considered residential city, the material must originate from within the city corporate limits and must be generated by a residential, non-commercial entity. Proof of origination must include both of the following:


    Valid state ID card or driver's license.


    Current CPS Energy bill reflecting both items listed below.


    Same name as on the driver's license.


    Billing for the city environmental fee.


    Penalty for uncovered load (unlawful unsecured loads for both brush and solid waste, all facilities). All vehicles entering a disposal, recycling, deposit, or waste management facility, whether city or privately owned, shall have sufficient load restraints to prevent loss or spillage of load due to wind or motion of the vehicle on the road. Any vehicle driver who does not comply, will be required to pay an uncovered or inadequately secured load penalty of five dollars ($5.00) per load at the scale house, in addition to any other fees, before being allowed to enter the facility. A person commits an offense if the person delivers an unsecured or uncovered load to any disposal, recycling, or waste management facility within the city's corporate limits. Similarly, vehicles exiting a disposal, recycling, deposit, or waste management facility whether city or privately owned carrying brush or solid waste materials shall have sufficient load restraints to prevent loss or spillage of load. Uncovered load penalty, per load: Five dollars ($5.00).


    Dead animal fee. A ten dollar ($10.00) dead animal fee applies to all small dead animals (not requiring special handling) and dead animals from commercial businesses originating within city (veterinarian charges, per animal).


    Out-of cycle fees. All requests for pick-up of bulky waste and/or out of cycle bulky items and/or brush at a residential location will apply as follows:

    One item ..... $50.00

    Up to four (4) cubic yards ..... 50.00

    Each additional four (4) cubic yards (or any portion thereof) ..... 25.00


    State disposal levy. All disposal facility customers, including residences, will be assessed their share of the state disposal levy, which will be collected at the same time as any city fees, and in addition to any city fees. Fee as applicable per state statute.




    Commercial/industrial haulers.

    Permit Description Fee
    Vehicle permit fee (seven thousand (7,000) pounds or more gross vehicular weight), per vehicle, per year $2,250.00
    Vehicle permit fee (six thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (6,999) pounds or less gross vehicular weight), per vehicle, per year 150.00



    Credits/refunds, residential. No credit/refund shall be made for residential service unless exempted under subsection (d).


    Example 1—Customer has a business and takes their residential refuse to dumpster at their business. No credit/refund is allowed.


    Example 2—Customer has a commercial establishment in a residential building and has paid residential fee and commercial disposal service charge. Verification must be made by the director or his designated representative that a business is actually at the stated address and operating as stated. CPS Energy should verify that customer has been billed and rendered payment during disputed period and provide verification in writing that they were under contract to provide service. An alternative would be for customer to provide cancelled checks payable to commercial disposal service covering period of dispute.

    Once the necessary verification has been made, a credit/refund can be granted retroactive to one (1) year (twelve (12) months) or to date this activity started, whichever occurs first. An additional two (2) years (twenty-four (24) months) credit/refund can be granted if the customer submits the request in written form. In the event of a refund, a memo providing results of the field investigation, other information verified, and recommendation to refund should be attached to a request for payment and forwarded to fiscal programs for processing.


    Example 3—Customer is operating a small business out of a residence. This activity is classified as a "home occupation." A child care activity may fall into this category as long as it meets zoning requirements. If the customer is operating in accordance with the above descriptions, they will be charged as a residence. There shall be no credit/refund if they are not operating in accordance with the description of a home occupation. If the customer is operating in accordance with the above descriptions, they will be charged as a residence. There shall be no credit/refund if they are not operating in accordance with the description of a home occupation.


    Example 4—Customer has a house for sale and wants solid waste fee discontinued. As long as the collection service is available and electric service is provided to an address, CPS Energy shall include in a monthly electric and gas bill the solid waste service charges prescribed in the current ordinance relative to collection fees. No refund or credit shall be made.


    Example 5—Customer lives in an apartment that has separate electric utility service (CPS Energy) meters and has therefore been billed for city solid waste collection and private collection by the apartment owner. Is the tenant entitled to a refund or credit? Verification must be made by solid waste personnel that CPS Energy meters are being used, solid waste fees paid, and private garbage service is being provided. Once the facts are determined and verified as presented by the customer, apartment owners should be contacted and informed of the exemption form requirement. With verification of facts as described above, a credit/refund can be granted to the tenant retroactive up to one (1) year (twelve (12) months) or whenever tenant moved into apartment, whichever occurs first. An additional two (2) years (twenty-four (24) months) credit/refund can be granted if the customer submits the request in written form. The credit/refund is not to exceed three (3) years (thirty-six (36) months). A memo from the department providing the information described above for verification and a request for payment for the amount to be refunded should be forwarded to fiscal programs for processing and forwarded to the finance department for payment. If the customer is in agreement, credit can be given. The credit should be processed through the usual credit process with CPS Energy.

(Ord. No. 2010-11-04-0955, § 1(Att. I), 11-4-10; Ord. No. 2011-09-15-0752, § 1(Att. G), 9-15-11; Ord. No. 2013-01-31-0079, § 1, 1-31-13; Ord. No. 2013-09-12-0631, § 2(Att. P), 9-12-13; Ord. No. 2014-09-18-0694, § 2(Att. N), 9-18-14; Ord. No. 2015-09-10-0760 , § 1, 9-10-15; Ord. No. 2017-09-14-0656 , § 2(Att. B), 9-14-17; Ord. No. 2018-03-29-0204 , § 1, 3-29-18; Ord. No. 2018-09-13-0713 , § 1(Att. G.2), 9-13-18)