§ 15-264. Germicidal treatment requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General requirements. Germicidal treatment is required on all secondhand or refurbished mattresses by a permitted germicidal treatment provider using a method identified below before they may be sold or rented to consumers.


    Treatment methods.


    Chemical spray.


    Only those products specifically approved by the health department may be used as a germicidal treatment method.


    Mechanical, compressed air, hand pump, or electric sprayers must be used and they must be of the continuous spray type. No intermittent spray devices are allowed.


    Chemicals must be in liquid form. Aerosol sprays shall not be used.


    Liquid sprays must include a simple but positive means of detection or verification by means of an ultra-violet lamp unit.


    Liquid sprays requiring premixing or dilution shall not be approved.


    Spray area must be in such a location as to be protected from wind.


    Manufacturers' specifications such as amount of coverage, operator safety precautions, and other warning labels must be followed.


    Dry heat.


    A minimum temperature of two hundred thirty (230) degrees Fahrenheit for a period of one hour and fifteen (15) minutes, within a closed chamber is required for proper germicidal treatment. The minimum temperature may be reduced to two hundred five (205) degrees Fahrenheit for a period of one hour and thirty (30) minutes for foam products which may be damaged at two hundred thirty (230) degrees Fahrenheit.


    The dry heat chamber shall be equipped with a recording clock to accurately record the time and temperature. The clock shall be attached on the outside of the chamber and the heat bulb sending unit must be installed within the chamber at the furtherest point practical from the entry of the heat.


    The chamber and automatic circulating heat devices shall maintain equal and uniform temperatures in all sections of the chamber.


    All mattresses shall be spaced within the chamber to allow not less than four (4) inches on all sides of each article for full circulation of heat or air.




    Treatment by the steam method shall consist of steam under pressure of fifteen (15) pounds per square inch maintained for thirty (30) minutes or a pressure of twenty (20) pounds per square inch maintained for twenty (20) minutes.


    An alternate method may consist of two (2) applications of streaming steam, maintained for a period of one hour each, to be applied at intervals of not less than six (6) nor more than twenty-four (24) hours.


    Other methods. Any other method of germicidal treatment may be used provided such proposed method is in accordance with national or model standards relating to germicidal treatment, it is in compliance with the intent and purpose of this article, and it provide equal or greater protection to the public than those specifically listed in subsections (1) through (3). The director of the health department is required to evaluate any proposed written request to conduct germicidal treatments in a method outside those specifically mentioned in this article and sign any written approval, detailing a finding that the method proposed is in accordance with this subsection.

(Ord. No. 2015-12-03-1020 , § 3, 12-3-15)