§ 15-266. Permitting fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Secondhand/refurbished mattress retailer permit. The initial permit fee for the first two-year term is a fixed two hundred twenty dollars ($220.00), regardless of time in actual operation. Subsequent permit fees shall be adjusted based upon the number of secondhand/refurbished mattresses sold and rented during the previous two-year period. Should operations cease prior to two (2) years, any subsequent new permit fee shall follow the graduated fee schedule listed below. Calculation for permit fee purposes is based separately upon all such business locations held under the same ownership.

    The graduated fee schedule is as follows:


    For less than two thousand (2,000) such mattresses sold and rented, the fee is two hundred twenty dollars ($220.00);


    Two thousand (2,000) to nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (9,999) such mattresses sold and rented, the fee is three hundred thirty dollars ($330.00);


    Ten thousand (10,000) to nineteen thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (19,999) such mattresses sold and rented, the fee is four hundred forty dollars ($440.00);


    Twenty thousand (20,000) to twenty-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (29,999) such mattresses sold and rented, the fee is six hundred sixty dollars ($660.00);


    Thirty thousand (30,000) to forty-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (49,999) such mattresses sold and rented, the fee is eight hundred eighty dollars ($880.00);


    Fifty thousand (50,000) to one hundred thousand (100,000) such mattresses sold and rented, the fee is one thousand three hundred twenty dollars ($1,320.00); and


    Over one hundred thousand (100,000) such mattresses sold and rented, the fee is one thousand three hundred twenty dollars ($1,320.00) plus three cents ($0.03) for each additional mattress.


    Germicidal treatment permit. One hundred ten dollars ($110.00) each fixed for a two-year term and any subsequent biennial renewal.

(Ord. No. 2015-12-03-1020 , § 3, 12-3-15)