§ 18-11. Duties of owner regarding health and safety.
It shall be the duty of both the owner and the operator or manager or agent in charge of the day to day operation of a mobile living park, to comply strictly with the following requirements:
To take such emergency measures as deemed necessary by the director to preserve the immediate health and safety of all persons residing in the mobile living park;
To report to the director all known cases of communicable disease affecting any resident, guest or employee of the mobile living park; and
To facilitate City Code inspections and audits requested by the director to determine compliance with this chapter.
To comply with all City Code requirements and standards which relate to public health and safety, to assist and cooperate with any city official in the investigation of alleged violations of any city ordinances within the park, and to facilitate the officials' ingress into the park to the alleged violation site.
In the event that the mobile living park, in whole or in part, is closed for health reasons, is subject to an immediate vacate order by the director, or has been declared a nuisance by the city due to health and safety concerns, the owner shall be responsible for all moving costs and related expenses for the tenants and renters on the property as are affected by the nuisance conditions, and shall finalize and execute all arrangements to move them by a date certain, as determined by the city.
The owner shall immediately post a performance bond of $100,000.00, payable to the city, for the costs to remediate and cure the nuisance conditions, as well as to move such tenants and renters as are affected.
In the event that the city has to move the owner's tenants and renters from the property, the performance bond of $100,000.00 shall be forfeit to the city and the amount paid in full. If the costs to the city exceed $100,000.00, the owner shall be strictly liable to the city for the additional costs and shall pay the remainder no later than thirty (30) days after notice has been mailed to the owner.
(Ord. No. 2017-12-14-1009 , § 1, 12-14-17)