§ 18-17. Suspension and revocation of license.
Suspension. Any license to operate a mobile living park issued under the provisions of this chapter may be suspended by the director for the violation of any of the provisions of this division which constitutes an immediate health or safety hazard. Such suspension notice, hand delivered or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested shall take effect immediately upon said written notice. The suspension of the license may be lifted by the director as soon as he or she deems the park to be in compliance with this chapter, with or without re-inspection. In the event of suspension by the director, the licensee shall have the right to appeal per section 18-20 of this chapter.
Revocation. For failure to comply with the terms of this chapter, the director may revoke any license issued under provisions of this division after an administrative due process hearing pursuant to section 18-20, at which the license holder shall be given an opportunity to be heard and present evidence relevant to the issue in question.
Notice. If after the administrative hearing, the director makes the determination to permanently revoke or temporarily suspend the mobile living park license, the director shall post a public notice in a conspicuous place at each entrance to the mobile living park. The notice shall state: "Violation Notice: This is an unlicensed park, and is not available for new occupancy by order of the Director of Development Services." The removal or destruction of this notice shall constitute a misdemeanor crime.
(Ord. No. 2017-12-14-1009 , § 1, 12-14-17)