§ 25-84. Compliance term.
Access controllers who, on the effective date of this article, restrict entry access to a residential development under their control by a means of either an electronically controlled key pad system or other restricted entry access system must bring such residential developments into compliance with this ordinance no later than one (1) year from the effective date of this article. An access controller installing a restricted entry access system after the effective date of this article shall submit an application to the police department alarm unit at least fourteen (14) days before entry access is restricted by such system. In addition, the access controller must specify the date on which the new emergency access code will become effective; such date shall not be less than fourteen (14) days after the date on which notice is provided. Fifteen (15) days after submission of a permit application, the access controller may restrict access to the residential development unless it receives notice under section 25-88(d) that its application has been denied.
(Ord. No. 84636, § 1, 8-29-96)