§ 28-72. In general.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General prohibition. Temporary sign placement is prohibited in the city and ETJ unless permitted as provided in this division. Signs in violation of this division constitute bandit signs.


    All temporary signs must comply with reasonable time, place and manner regulations and are subject to all applicable City Code requirements, including underlying zoning districts and uses.


    Zoning districts and uses are outlined in the Unified Development Code (UDC) of the city.


    Temporary signs may only be placed in residential zoning districts and uses identified in Table 311-1 of the UDC.


    Temporary signs may only be placed in nonresidential zoning districts and uses identified in Table 311-2 of the UDC.


    A temporary sign permit is required in order to display a temporary sign, unless specifically excepted from permitting requirements. A department issued decal or other approved identification means authorizing temporary placement must be displayed on all temporary signs regulated under this division, unless such sign is excepted from permitting requirements. Only one (1) temporary sign permit for a temporary sign advertising a commercial message may be issued for the premises and only in specified areas detailed in each section below except for noncommercial speech in residential zoning districts.


    A temporary sign is authorized for one (1) single continuous maximum specified time period detailed in each section below. Signs exceeding maximum time periods are illegal and subject to removal.


    Private profiteering involving unauthorized temporary sign placement is prohibited in and constitutes a violation of this chapter.


    No temporary sign permit is transferrable or assignable from one (1) permit holder to another, to another property or be used for a different time period than what it was issued. A permit holder may not switch signs under one (1) sign permit.


    Temporary signs are prohibited severally:


    With an area greater than that prescribed in the applicable sections below;


    Which is more than the maximum height prescribed in the applicable sections below;


    Which is illuminated; or


    Which has any moving elements.


    Temporary signs must be constructed of durable building materials reflecting the temporary nature of the sign and securely affixed to a structure or ground. Signs shall have a non-reflective surface.


    Permit application. An application for a temporary sign permit must include, at a minimum:


    A map and listing identifying the street and block number where each sign shall be placed regardless of size.

    Commentary: The director may modify the map requirement for the application if the temporary sign is intended to be mobile in nature (e.g., real estate open houses, etc.)


    Prior permission of the underlying property owner.


    Acknowledgement that signs will be spaced as required under this chapter.


    Acknowledgement that sign square footage is not limited to a specific shape unless specifically stated under each section below. No offensive shapes may be utilized.


    Payment of fees.

    Note: The director of development services may accept confirmation from another governmental agency where appropriate.

(Ord. No. 2017-05-04-0297 , § 1(Att. 1), 5-4-17)