San Antonio |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 29-133. Excavation in streets in good condition.
The permittee shall complete pavement restoration of the excavated area within thirty (30) days on major arterial, minor arterial and collector streets and within thirty (30) days on residential and alley streets after final backfill is completed and accepted by the director. The permittee shall conduct the work with a minimum disturbance to existing utilities and shall coordinate all work in or near the existing utilities with the utility owners.
Excavation in new streets. There shall be no excavation in new streets without the prior approval of the director. Any request for a permit to excavate a new street shall include a description of the proposed work and proposed restoration of the area, as well as a statement as to why alternate procedures cannot or should not be used in lieu of excavating a new street.
Excavation in arterial streets in good condition.
A permit holder shall perform jacking and boring operations in a manner that does not weaken or impair the right of way upon completion of restoration of the excavation.
Excavation in all streets in good condition regardless of age should not occur without prior approval of the director. Streets assigned a PCI of eighty-six (86) or above by the pavement management system are deemed to be in good condition and are subject to the review procedures of excavation of new streets.
Restoration of the excavated area of streets in good condition shall be in accordance with this article.
Excavation in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement surface. If the existing pavement is PCC, the concrete shall be cut first with a saw to a minimum depth of half the thickness of the concrete which shall also cut the reinforcing steel. The concrete can then be broken out with an air chisel or pavement breaker. No more than six (6) inches of PCC shall be broken back beneath the saw cut. Further criteria is set forth in the UECM. The guidelines for jacking and boring are set forth in the UECM.
Responsibility of excavated area maintenance. A permittee or ROW user shall maintain their repairs in the right-of-way for the life of the street as defined in this article.
(Ord. No. 93319, § 1, 1-25-01)