San Antonio |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-302. Limitation of political contributions to candidates or officeholders for Mayor or Council and specific-purpose political action committees.
A candidate for district office on the City Council or City Council officeholder may not accept more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) in political contributions from any individual or single entity per contribution cycle.
A candidate for Mayor or Mayoral officeholder may not accept more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in political contributions from any individual or single entity per contribution cycle.
A specific-purpose political action committee (SPAC) registered with the City and formed for the purpose of supporting or opposing a candidate for district office on the City Council or City Council officeholder may not accept more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) in political contributions from any individual or single entity per contribution cycle.
A specific-purpose political action committee (SPAC) registered with the City and formed for the purpose of supporting or opposing a candidate for Mayor or the Mayoral officeholder for the City may not accept more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in political contributions from any individual or single entity per contribution cycle.
Except as provided in section 2-304 of this chapter, the limits set out in subsections (a)—(d) of this section apply to contributions made in the form of loans, extensions of credit, and guarantees of loans or extensions of credit as described in subsection 2-301(b). Repayment of loans does reset the contribution limit.
Political action committees, commercial entities, or campaign vendors cannot provide in-kind contributions with a commercial value to candidates or officeholders beyond the limits established in this section. Individuals may donate their time as campaign volunteers without limit. "In-kind" contribution means goods or services provided to or by a person at no charge or for less than their fair market value.
An individual or entity cannot make a political contribution in cash exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) to a candidate for Mayor or City Council, or to a municipal officeholder, or to a specific-purpose political action committee formed for the purpose of supporting or opposing a municipal candidate or officeholder, nor can any of these candidates, officeholders or specific-purpose political action committees accept political contributions in cash exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00), from a single donor during a reporting period as defined in Texas Election Code § 254.063. This restriction includes tickets to fund-raising events.
A person may not knowingly make or authorize a political contribution or expenditure in the name of or on behalf of another, unless the person discloses in writing to the recipient the name and address of the person actually making the contribution in order for the recipient to make the proper disclosure.
A minor may make a contribution only if done so knowingly and voluntarily with funds, goods or services owned or controlled exclusively by the minor and not with proceeds of a gift where the purpose was to provide funds to be contributed. The minor shall submit a form with the contribution acknowledging his or her minor status and that his or her contribution complies with this provision.
A "coordinated campaign expenditure" shall be considered a contribution subject to the limits set forth within this section and subject to the disclosure requirements for campaign contributions made to a candidate for elected City office. As used in this subsection, the term "coordinated campaign expenditure" means a payment, other than a direct contribution, for an activity, service or product that contains express advocacy for the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate(s) for City office and is made in cooperation, consultation, or concert, with or at the request or suggestion of, a candidate(s) for City office or a candidate's representative, agent or employee.
Coordinated campaign expenditures shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Voter identification and/or get-out-the-vote activity on behalf of a specific candidate(s) for City office;
A public communication that refers to a clearly identified candidate(s) for City office and that promotes or supports a candidate(s) for that office, or attacks or opposes a candidate(s) for that office, or is suggestive of no plausible meaning other than an exhortation to vote for or against a specific candidate(s).
The following is not considered a coordinated campaign expenditure:
Direct monetary contributions made to a candidate for City office;
In-kind contributions made to a candidate for City office;
Payment by an individual or organization for the individual's or organization's overhead expenses including but not limited to rent, utilities, taxes, office supplies or salaries;
Volunteer (unpaid) activity(ies) on the part of the individual or members of the organization.
(Ord. No. 2013-05-09-0317, § 1(Att. A), 5-9-13; Ord. No. 2018-06-21-0491 , § 1(Att. B), 6-21-18)