§ 34-2.01. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given in this section. In the event a definition listed in Article I, Division 2, herein is given a more specific meaning within another article/division of this chapter, such more specific definition shall control.

    Athletic field. A sports playing field, the essential feature of which is turf grass, used primarily for organized sports for public or private schools, professional sports, or sanctioned league play.

    Base use amount for general and wholesale water service customers. For general class water customers the base is defined as one hundred (100) percent of the average monthly water consumption with such amount being calculated by adding the monthly consumption, deducting irrigation use either calculated or metered, for the previous calendar year, and dividing the sum by twelve (12). For a new general class water customer who does not have a record of prior-year consumption history in order to establish a base use, a default base amount shall be assigned using the average monthly consumption for the prior calendar year for the average apartment, general or industrial account (as applicable) having the same meter size and sub-classification as the customer. A table of average monthly consumptions by general class sub-classification and meter size shall be updated annually by SAWS with actual prior calendar year consumption history information to serve as the source of default base amount assignments. For wholesale water service customers the base is defined as one hundred (100) percent of average monthly water consumption for the previous calendar year or as agreed to by the wholesale customer and approved by the SAWS board of trustees.

    Board. The Board of Trustees of the San Antonio Water System, a water, wastewater and wastewater reuse agency of the City of San Antonio, established and created pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 75686 and the Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annotated Article 1115.

    Certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN). The area designated by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) within which the system operates and maintains water production and distribution facilities.

    Customer service. The organizational unit of the San Antonio Water System charged with the duties of billing, collection and responding to customer inquiries.

    Drip irrigation. Irrigation system (drip, porous pipe, etc.) that applies water at low-flow levels directly to the roots of the plant.

    Economic development customer. Any customer that agrees in a contract to which SAWS is a party:


    To construct new or additional manufacturing or assembly facilities located within SAWS' service area that require a minimum capital investment of three hundred fifty million dollars ($350,000,000.00);


    To employ in such facilities a minimum of one thousand five hundred (1,500) persons in new or additional full time employment positions with an average salary, including benefits, of a minimum of nineteen dollars ($19.00) per hour, adjusted as of January 1 of each year for inflation and cost of living based on the Texas Consumer Price Index, as published by the comptroller of public accounts, using January 1, 2003, as the base comparative date; and


    To purchase potable water and wastewater treatment and service exclusively from SAWS for a period of at least ten (10) consecutive years.

    End use. The use of water, typically by a customer, before it is discharged either back to the environment, an organized wastewater collection system, or an on-site wastewater system. Examples of end use include, landscape, domestic, cooling towers, manufacturing. These uses may be further defined. For example within the broad category of "domestic" end use is laundry, shower, dishwasher use.

    Flow study. For the purposes of Chapter 34, Articles I and II, a study to estimate how much water from a single meter service is used for irrigation and other on-site uses. To conduct the flow study all irrigation from a meter is discontinued for a 14-day period and daily incom

    ing meter readings are recorded. The resulting consumptions are to be averaged, then annualized and compared to the previous twelve (12) months of water consumption.

    This information will be used to determine the volume to be attributed to irrigation and charged the irrigation water service rate.

    Full time employment. Employment for a minimum of thirty-five (35) hours per week.

    General customer. Any customer not meeting the definition of a residential or wholesale customer as set forth herein.

    Golf course. An irrigated and landscaped playing area made up of greens, tees, fairways, roughs and related areas used for the playing of golf.

    Hand-held hose. A hose attended by one (1) person, fitted with a manual or automatic shutoff nozzle.

    Hose-end sprinkler. A sprinkler that applies water that is piped through a flexible movable hose to landscape plants.

    I.C.L. Inside the corporate limits of the city.

    Irrigation system. Also referred to as an in-ground or permanent irrigation system, a system with fixed pipes and emitters or heads that apply water to landscape plants, including drip systems.

    Irrigation water. The application of water to grow or maintain landscaping plants, such as flowers, ground covers, turf or grasses, shrubs, and trees. For purposes of Water Service and Rates, Article I and Article II does not include:


    Essential use without waste of water by a commercial nursery to the extent the water is used for production rather than decorative landscaping;


    Treated wastewater referred to as recycled water or on-site reuse water such as cooling tower blow-down or other process water used at least once on-site and then reused for landscape irrigation;


    Application of irrigation water by means of a bucket [not to exceed five (5) gallons in capacity], hand-held hose, hose-end sprinkler or soaker hose;


    Water used without waste by a golf course, athletic field, public school, or public park.

    Landscape irrigation plan. The plan will include the type of irrigation system installed, zones, and square footage irrigated. It may also include a description of performance standards such as a calculated distribution uniformity, rain sensors, moisture meters, and other systems that increase the efficiency of the overall system, identification, location and dimensions of plant materials, description of plant materials shown on the plan, including names (common and botanical) or other information the customer would like to submit supporting their claim.

    O.C.L. Outside the corporate limits of the city.

    Outdoor landscaping. Any member of the Kingdom Plantae, including any tree, shrub, vine, herb, flower, succulent, groundcover or grass species, that grows or has been planted out-of-doors.

    Public park. Municipal, county, state or federal owned or operated facility or tract of land, other than a golf course, maintained as a place of beauty or of public recreation.

    Public school. A free tax-supported school controlled by a local governmental authority.

    Quality control. The organizational unit of the San Antonio Water System charged with monitoring, testing, and preserving both the potable water quality and wastewater quality of the service area, as well as administering the San Antonio Pretreatment Program.

    Regional agent boundary (RAB). The geographic region within which the system operates and maintains sanitary sewer facilities.

    Residential customer. A single or multi-family dwelling unit containing two (2) or less family units.

    SAWS. The San Antonio Water System, a water, wastewater and wastewater reuse agency of the city, established and created pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 75686 and Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annotated Article 1115.

    Service area. The geographic region within which the system operates and maintains water and/or sanitary sewer facilities.

    System. All properties, facilities, and plants currently owned, operated, and maintained by the city and/or board for the supply, treatment, and transmission and distribution of treated potable water, chilled water, and steam, for the collection and treatment of wastewater, and for water reuse, together with all future extensions, improvements, purchases, repairs, replacements and additions thereto, whether situated within or without the limits of the city, all water (in any form) owned by the city, and any other projects and programs of the system, provided, however, that the city expressly retains the right to incorporate (1) a stormwater system as provided by the provisions of Section 402.041 through 402.054, as amended, local government Code, or other similar law, and (2) any other related system as provided by the laws of the State of Texas as a part of the system. The system shall not include any special project of any water or water-related properties and facilities owned by the city as part of its electric and gas systems.

    Turf. A surface layer of earth containing mowed grass with roots.

    Wholesale customer. A customer which has entered into a contract for wholesale water and/or sewer service with the System.

(Ord. No. 80330, § 1, 6-16-94; Ord. No. 92752, § 1, 10-19-00; Ord. No. 97264, § 1(Att. 1), 2-27-03; Ord. No. 2017-12-07-0928 , § 3(Att. II), 12-7-17)