§ 34-127. Private fire protection water service connections; rates; billing; late payment; termination.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Private fire protection water service line connections permitted may be one of the following three (3) types:

    Type 1 — A line utilized exclusively to supply service for closed circuit automatic sprinkler head system.

    Type 2 — A line to supply service for systems which have water outlets such as open head sprinkler systems, standpipes, hose connection outlets, external private fire hydrants on the premises, or other outlets used solely for fire protection purposes.

    Type 3 — A line to supply service for a combination domestic and private fire protection system where the fire system is composed of automatic sprinkler heads, standpipes, hose connections, external private fire hydrants, and where other outlets shall be classified as a domestic account.


    The private fire protection water service charges for Type Nos. 1, 2, and 3 shall be based on the size of the fire flow line requirement determined in accordance with the system's "Regulations For Water Service." The water service rates which shall be the lawful rates charged on the three types of connections are contained in Rate Schedules A and B, attached hereto and incorporated herein.


    Such charges shall be billed as of January 1 of each year and shall be the net annual charge for private fire protection service to be rendered during the ensuing calendar year. For private fire protection service established subsequent to January 31 of each calendar year, charges shall be prorated based on the number of remaining full months in the year. Charges for private fire protection water service are due and payable on or before thirty (30) days from the date of mailing of the bill.


    For Type 3 (combination meter) accounts, private fire protection water service shall be billed in accordance with (c), above. Domestic service shall be billed monthly in accordance with Rate Schedules A or B for General Water Service rates inside and outside the city limits, according to the size of meter required for domestic flow purposes.


    A penalty for late payment in the amount of five (5) percent of the net charges shall be added to the current charges owing if full payment for such charges is not made to the system on or before thirty (30) days from the date of mailing of the bill.


    In the event payment of applicable charges for private fire protection water services is not made on or before sixty (60) days from the date of the mailing of the system bill, service may be subject to termination in accordance with the procedure set out in Division 4.


    The system is hereby authorized and directed to promulgate and enforce detailed rules and regulations governing private fire protection water service connections and charges consistent with the provisions hereof.

(Ord. No. 80330, § 1, 6-16-94)

Editor's note

Rate Schedules A and B referenced above are set out at length at the end of this chapter.