§ 34-332. Specific water use reduction measures.  

Latest version.
  • Specific water use reduction measures, their corresponding stages and scope are set out in Table A Stage I, Table B Stage II, Table C Stage III [and] Stage IV, below.

    Table A—Stage I Restrictions

    Stage Measures For Scope of Restrictions
    I Essential Services Fire-fighting and medical uses-no restrictions. Reductions in fire hydrant and sewer line flushing encouraged.
    I Water Utility Use Water utilities are encouraged to implement voluntary measures, such as improving leak detection surveys and repair programs and stabilizing and equalizing system pressure.
    I Power Production Water used for power production shall be voluntarily reduced.
    I Military Compliance with mandatory reduction measures for those uses in the outdoor, essential and utility categories.
    I Agriculture The escape of irrigation tailwater, as that term is commonly used in the agricultural community, is prohibited. Water loss through percolation in transmission canals is prohibited.
    I Livestock Use Reduction of water use by any means available is encouraged.
    I Industrial, Commercial, and Other A. Reduction of water use by any means available is encouraged. Compliance with the mandatory demand reduction measures is required for those uses in the outdoor category, including landscape watering, swimming pools, hot tubs and similar facilities, golf courses, aesthetic uses such as water features; such restrictions specifically include industrial users, as well as all others.
    B. Use of gray water, treated wastewater or reuse water, cooling tower blow down, condensate water is a defense to prosecution. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance on a case by case basis.
    C. If one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down will be used, signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.
    I Hotels, Motels, Bed and
    Hotels, motels, and B&B's encouraged to voluntarily offer the option of a "no linen/towel change" program.
    I Households Reduction of water use by any means available is encouraged. Compliance with the mandatory demand reduction measures shall be achieved for those uses in the outdoor category, such as landscape watering, swimming pools, hot tubs, pressure washing and similar facilities.
    I Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs A. All swimming pools other than public swimming pools must be covered with an effective evaporation cover or screen or evaporation shields covering at least twenty-five (25) percent of the surface of the pool when the pool is not in active use. Active use includes necessary maintenance that requires removal of the cover, screen, or shields. Active use of public, commercial and apartment pools is whenever the pool is not officially closed.
    B. Auto fill feature turned off.
    I Water Features A. Residential: All residential water features are allowed without prohibition.
    B. Non-Residential: SAWS Conservation department may verify the condition of a water feature to determine if it is in good working order.
     1) All indoor water features in good working order allowed without prohibition.
     2) All water features that meet the definition of wildlife habitat water features section 34-271 in good working order allowed without prohibition with basic variance approved by SAWS Conservation.
     3) All outdoor water features that have a water surface area of less than one thousand (1,000) square feet prior to Stage I declarations and in good working order with an approved basic variance from SAWS Conservation are allowed without prohibition.
     4) All water features confirmed by SAWS to be using one hundred (100) percent treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down or other on-site reclaim water and in good working order with a basic variance approved by SAWS Conservation are allowed without prohibition. Signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.
     5) All outdoor water features that do not meet the conditions described in B.1)—4) above must have a Basic variance and outdoor water feature conservation plan approved by SAWS Conservation that includes limiting hours of operation to a maximum of eight (8) hours of 24-hour period before they are allowed to operate in Stage I or Stage II.
     6) Outdoor water features that do not meet the conditions described in B.1)—4) and would like to be considered for expanded operated hours from eight (8) hours in a 24-hour period to twelve (12) hours of operation in a 24-hour period during Stage I and II may apply for an advanced variance to the SAWS Conservation department prior to implementation of the extended hours.
    I Pressure or Power Washing Residential: Residential property owners may personally pressure wash their property without a variance for health and safety or in preparation of maintenance such as for house painting if they perform the work themselves. Water is never allowed to run into the street or otherwise off the property.
    Non-Residential: Pressure washing of non-residential property allowed for health and safety by a properly registered employee or a pressure washing company (section 34-272). A variance from the SAWS Conservation department is required prior to work and all conditions of the variance must be followed.
    I Vehicle and Equipment Washing A. Citizens are encouraged to wash their vehicles no more than twice a month.
    B. Residential: washing of vehicles and mobile equipment (e.g., washing vehicle at a residence) is permitted only on Saturday or Sunday with a pressure washer, hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle, or bucket of five (5) gallons or less, without waste.
    C. Fleet managers are encouraged to only wash those vehicles as is necessary for health and safety.
    D. Use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down is a defense to prosecution and may be use for vehicle washing any day. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance for the SAWS Conservation department on a case by case basis.
    I Landscape Irrigation for Existing Plants A. Landscape watering using sprinkler or irrigation systems is permitted only on designated landscape watering days (subsection 34-323(1)). For Stage I the following times and associated irrigation methods apply: Irrigation with a hose-end sprinkler or in-ground irrigation system is allowed on the day specified in subsection 34-323(1) between the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to midnight. Landscape irrigation with a soaker hose, handheld hose, drip irrigation system or five-gallon bucket is allowed at any time on any day.
    B. A user may file with SAWS a request for an exception to the designated days and times. The request must include: (1) a statement indicating compelling reasons why the user is unable to meet the specific designated watering times and days; (2) a water conservation plan demonstrating a significant overall reduction of water use, and (3) evidence of having filed with SAWS the annual irrigation check up required for properties that are five (5) acres or more and have in-ground irrigation (section 34-273.2). The water conservation plan must also include proof of irrigation efficiency of sixty (60) percent or greater and demonstrate specific measures to be taken to reduce consumption to meet the reduction goal established for Stage I, II, III, and IV. SAWS may, on a case by case basis, waive the requirements for irrigation efficiency and/or submission of a water conservation plan. Upon the approval of the water conservation plan as set forth herein, the user may be granted an exception.
    C. The one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down is a defense to prosecution and may be used to irrigate any day without waste, that include allowing water to run down the street, parking lot, or adjacent property. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance from the SAWS Conservation department on a case by case basis.
    D. If one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down will be used during additional days allowed in subsections 34-323(1)—(7) signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.
    I Landscape Irrigation for New
    A. Installation of new landscapes is permitted with a variance which shall only be granted if all applicable provisions including section 34-273, 34-274.2 and section 34-275 are verified by SAWS, including zonal irrigation systems if a permanent irrigation system is installed, a minimum of four (4) inches of soil under turf, model home with xeriscape and xeriscape option offered by builder on file with SAWS Conservation department.
    B. Landscape watering permitted to maintain adequate growth until established on newly installed landscapes, generally five (5) weeks. Property owners should submit electronically on-line at www.saws.org to the SAWS Conservation department their name, address where the new landscape is to be installed and the date of installation in order to receive a confirmation electronic email from SAWS. A copy of the confirmation must be posted at a place visible from the street at the property the variance was received at.
    Thereafter, landscape watering using sprinkler or irrigation systems for landscaping plants is permitted only on the day and times associated with the current stage in effect at the termination of the variance.
    C. The one hundred (100) percent use of gray water, treated wastewater or reuse water, condensate water, cooling tower blow down may be used to irrigate any day between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. without waste, that include allowing water to run down the street, parking lot, or adjacent property. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance from the SAWS Conservation department on a case by case basis.
    D. If one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down will be used during additional days allowed in subsections 34-323(1)—(7) signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.
    I Golf Courses Golf courses shall be required to submit a water conservation plan and shall have on file with SAWS the annual irrigation check Up as described in section 34-273.2 and shall be defined as "conforming" or "non-conforming" and shall reduce water usage under the following terms:
    A. All landscape out-of—play areas such as may be found around a club house or entryway shall follow general landscape irrigation restrictions (subsections 34-323(1)—(3)).
    B. All in-play areas may be irrigated with a sprinkler or irrigation system between the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to midnight.
    C. Conforming golf courses shall implement a ten (10) percent reduction in the replacement of daily evapotranspiration rate ("ET rate") or soils daily water holding capacity, achieved by use of an existing and properly operating CCIS (as defined) capable of achieving such water conservation goals.
    D. A non-conforming golf course shall not use more than 1.8 times the base usage. If not separately metered an irrigation audit showing precipitation rates and run times along with a conservation plan shall be submitted and approved by SAWS for the purpose of establishing acceptable irrigation run times and days as approved by SAWS.
    E. The one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down, gray water, treated wastewater or reuse water, condensate water, cooling tower blow down is a defense to prosecution and may be used to irrigate any day without waste. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance from the SAWS Conservation department on a case by case basis.
    F. If one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down, gray water, treated wastewater or reuse water, condensate water, cooling tower blow will be used during additional days or hours allowed in subsections 34-323(1)—(5) signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.
    I Public Parks A. Public park owner/operators shall be required to submit a water conservation plan and have on file with the SAWS Conservation department an irrigation checkup as required by subsection 34-273(2).
    B. Public parks shall limit irrigation with an irrigation system to those days and times required by subsections 34-323(1)-(3).
    C. The one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down is a defense to prosecution and may be used to irrigate any day between the house of 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. without waste, that include allowing water to run down the street, parking lot, or adjacent property. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance from the SAWS Conservation department on a case by case basis.
    D. If one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down will be used during additional days allowed in subsections 34-323(1)—(3) signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.
    I Athletic Fields A. An athletic field shall either irrigate according to a basic plan or an advanced plan. Plans shall be on file and approved by SAWS in advance of use. The advanced plan showing precipitation rates and run times along with a conservation plan shall be submitted and approved by SAWS for the purpose of establishing acceptable irrigation run times and days as approved by SAWS. A basic plan outlines which day of the week (Monday—Friday) which athletic field would be irrigated.
    B. All landscape out-of-play areas such as may be found around a club house or entryway shall follow general landscape irrigation restrictions (subsections 34-323(1)—(5)).


    Table B—Stage II Restrictions

    Stage Measures For Scope of Restrictions
    II In General Stage I restrictions remain the same except as added to or replaced below.
    II Hotels, Motels, Bed and Breakfasts Hotels, motels and B&B's must offer and clearly notify guests of a "no linen/towel change" program.
    II Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs A. Draining permitted only onto pervious surface, or onto pool deck where the water is transmitted directly to a previous surface, only if:
     1. Draining excess water from pool due to rain in order to lower water to maintenance level;
     2. Repairing, maintaining or replacing pool component that has become hazardous; or
     3. Repairing pool leak
    Refilling of public swimming pool permitted only if pool has been drained for the repairs, maintenance or replacement set out in items 2 or 3 above.
    II Landscape Irrigation for Existing Landscapes Landscape watering using sprinkler or irrigation systems is permitted only on designated landscape watering days (subsection 34-323(1)). For Stage II the following times and associated irrigation methods apply: Irrigation with a soaker hose, hose-end sprinkler or in-ground irrigation system is allowed on the day specified in subsection 34-323(1) between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Landscape irrigation with a drip irrigation system or five-gallon bucket is allowed during Stage II hours on any day. Landscape irrigation with a handheld hose is allowed at any time on any day.
    II Landscape Irrigation for New
    A. Installation of new landscapes is permitted with a variance which shall only be granted if all applicable provisions including section 34-273, 34-274.2 and section 34-275 are verified by SAWS, including zonal irrigation systems if a permanent irrigation system is installed, a minimum of four (4) inches of soil under turf, model home with xeriscape and xeriscape option offered by builder on file with SAWS Conservation department.
    B. Landscape watering permitted to maintain adequate growth until established on newly installed landscapes, generally five (5) weeks. Property owners should submit electronically on-line at www.saws.org to the SAWS Conservation department their name, address where the new landscape is to be installed and the date of installation in order to receive a confirmation electronic email from SAWS. A copy of the confirmation must be posted at a place visible from the street at the property the variance was received at.
    Thereafter, landscape watering using sprinkler or irrigation systems for landscaping plants is permitted only on the day and times associated with the current stage in effect at the termination of the variance.
    C. The one hundred (100) percent use of gray water, treated wastewater or reuse water, condensate water, cooling tower blow down is a defense to prosecution and may be used to irrigate any day without waste. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance from the SAWS Conservation department on a case by case basis.
    D. If one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down will be used during additional days or hours allowed in subsections 34-323(1)—(7) signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.
    II Golf Courses Golf courses shall be required to submit a water conservation plan and shall have on file with SAWS the annual irrigation checkup as described in section 34-273.2 and shall be defined as "conforming" or "non-conforming" and shall reduce water usage under the following terms:
    A. All landscape out-of—play areas such as may be found around a club house or entryway shall follow general landscape irrigation restrictions (subsections 34-323(1)—(3).
    B. All in-play areas may be irrigated with a sprinkler or irrigation system between the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to midnight.
    C. Conforming golf courses shall implement a twenty (20) percent reduction in the replacement of daily evapotranspiration rate ("ET rate") or daily soil-holding capacity, achieved by use of an existing and properly operating CCIS (as defined) capable of achieving such water conservation goals.
    D. A non-conforming golf course shall not use more than one and six-tenths (1.6) times the base usage. If not separately metered an irrigation audit showing precipitation rates and run times along with a conservation plan shall be submitted and approved by SAWS for the purpose of establishing acceptable irrigation run times and days as approved by SAWS.
    E. The one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down is a defense to prosecution and may be used to irrigate any day between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. and without waste. Alternate on-site reclaimed sources may be approved through variance from the SAWS Conservation department on a case by case basis.
    F. If one hundred (100) percent use of treated wastewater (recycled water), reuse water, reclaimed water, gray water, condensate, or cooling tower blow down will be used during additional days allowed in subsections 34-323(1)—(4) signs identifying this property as using recycled or reclaimed water source must be posted on site at a location where the general public can view it.


    Table C—Stage III Restrictions

    Stage Measures For Scope of Restrictions
    III In General Stage I, II restrictions remain the same except as added to or replaced below.
    III Industrial, Commercial, and Other Additional reductions may be imposed by the city council if conditions warrant.
    III Hotels, Motels, Bed and
    Hotels, motels, B&B's must limit linen/towel changes to once every three (3) nights or for the entire stay, whichever is shorter, except for health and safety.
    III Vehicle and Equipment Washing During Stage III any vehicle wash facility that is not certified as a SAWS certified vehicle wash facility will not be able to operate. Upon receiving certification vehicle wash facilities may resume operating hours.
    III Landscape Irrigation for Existing Landscapes Landscape watering using sprinkler or irrigation systems is permitted only on designated landscape watering days (subsection 34-323(1)). For Stage III the following times and associated irrigation methods apply: Irrigation with a soaker hose, hose-end sprinkler or in-ground irrigation system is allowed the day specified in subsection 34-323(1) every other week beginning on the first Monday after the Stage III has been declared, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Landscape irrigation with a drip irrigation system or five-gallon bucket is allowed on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during Stage III hours. Landscape irrigation with a handheld hose is allowed at any time on any day.
    III Landscape Irrigation for New
    A. Installation of new landscapes is permitted only if less than fifty (50) percent of the available landscape area is planted with turf, all applicable provisions of section 34-273, 34-274.2 and section 34-275, including proper horticultural practices such as the use of mulch and zonal irrigation systems if a permanent irrigation system is installed and a minimum of four (4) inches of soil under turf. In addition, drip systems in mulched beds are required.
    B. A user may file with SAWS a request to install more than fifty (50) percent turf. The request must include: (1) a statement or plan describing the landscaping plan; and (2) a statement indicating how the landscaping plan will achieve the goals of this chapter. Upon the approval of the alternate landscaping plan as set forth herein, the user may be granted an exception.
    III Water Features 1) Water features that are required to have a basic variance and outdoor water feature conservation plan approved by SAWS Conservation must reduce their hours of operation to a maximum of four (4) hours a day in Stage III.
    2) Outdoor water features that would like to be considered for expanded operated hours from four (4) hours in a 24-hour period to eight (8) hours of operation in a 24-hour period during Stage III may apply for an advanced variance to the SAWS Conservation department prior to implementation of the extended hours.
    III Golf Courses A. A conforming golf courses shall implement a thirty (30) percent reduction (or twenty (20) percent reduction, if the conforming golf course is an ISP participant) in replacement of daily ET rate or soils daily water holding capacity, achieved by use of an existing and properly operating CCIS (as defined) capable of achieving such water conservation goals.
    B. A non-conforming golf course shall not use more than one and one-fourth (1.4) times the base usage. If not separately metered an irrigation audit showing precipitation rates and run times along with a conservation plan shall be submitted and approved by SAWS for the purpose of establishing acceptable irrigation run times and days as approved by SAWS.


    Table D—Stage IV Restriction

    Measures For Scope of Restrictions
    In General The most restrictive requirements of either Stage I, II or III restrictions remain the same except as added to or replaced below.
    Commercial Surcharge A surcharge is assessed on all irrigation accounts and assumed irrigation (section 34-124) of the San Antonio Water System as described in section 34-128. Surcharge is to remain in effect for a minimum of one complete billing month. The surcharge shall remain in effect if Stage IV is still in effect at the beginning of the next billing month.
    Residential Surcharge A surcharge is assessed on all water accounts of the San Antonio Water System as described in section 34-128. Surcharge is to remain in effect for a minimum of one complete billing month. The surcharge shall remain in effect if Stage IV is still in effect at the beginning of the next billing month.
    Additional Restrictions Additional restrictions including but not limited to a ban on lawn watering with irrigation systems or hose end sprinklers may be established at the discretion of the city council.


(Ord. No. 2014-05-29-0376, § 3(Exh. B), 5-29-14)