§ 34-1342. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Fifty-year water resource plan. The fifty-year water resource plan approved by the city council in 1998 and as amended.

    Multi-year financial plan for water supply development. The multi-year financial plan for water supply development accepted by the city council and as amended.

    Projected water consumption. The total amount of water demand projected to be required to meet the needs of all the customers of the San Antonio water system for a given year.

    Water supply fee. The line item fee to system customers derived by dividing the annual water supply development costs by the projected annual consumption. Years 2001-2005 will follow the projects and funding programs set out in the multi-year financial plan for water supply development.

    Water supply development costs. Such costs include the following:

    Land acquisition and construction, including debt service, and the operation and maintenance of water supply development projects;

    Land acquisition and construction, including debt service, and the operation and maintenance of recycling facilities capable of converting wastewater effluent into water suitable for municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses;

    Land acquisition and construction, including debt service, and the operation and maintenance of infrastructure for the integration of new water supplies into the delivery system;

    Land acquisition and construction, including debt service, operation and maintenance of aquifer recharge enhancement and other aquifer optimization projects;

    Acquisition of new water supplies and water rights including land acquisition and permits;

    Water supply development, including consultants' feasibility studies and reports, water quality protection and treatment, aquifer recharge initiatives and aquifer optimization studies, investigations, legal fees, court costs and other costs related to the development of water supplies;

    Administrative costs, including overhead and that portion of the system's administrative costs applicable to the activities enumerated in this definition.

    The above notwithstanding, no costs will be included which are not in conformance with the current, approved water resource plan.

(Ord. No. 92753, § 1, 10-19-00; Ord. No. 101683, § 1(Att. I), 11-17-05)