§ 34-1349. Accountability procedures.
The system shall submit to the city council a semi-annual report; and shall brief the city council once per year in an open session meeting of the city council and as further required by the city council. The briefing shall include:
Progress on the 50-year water resource plan;
Amount of water supply developed;
Total revenues generated from the water supply fee;
Total uses of the water supply fee;
Total water supply development costs expended pursuant to the multi-year financial plan;
Project status report on all water supply projects;
Progress reports/updates on the acquisition of additional water resources;
Maintenance and operational expenses for completed projects; and
Status on the awarding of contracts; and
Any other information deemed necessary by the city council or the city's supervisor of public utilities.
The system shall submit its annual budget to the city council for review and consultation in accordance with the requirements of section 32, management of the system, subsection q, of city ordinance no. 75686. In addition, the system shall submit its proposed budget to the city's supervisor of public utilities at the same time it is submitted to the system's board of trustees.
The city council shall approve the issuance of all bonded debt by SAWS evidenced by the passage of an ordinance.
The system shall make all status reports submitted to the city council pursuant to this section available for public inspection in the offices of the city clerk of the city as well as the offices of the system's president/chief executive officer.
The system shall inform its customers through periodic customer bill inserts on the overall progress of the water supply projects.
The system shall hold town hall meetings and public outreach each year on the progress of the water resources plan.
(Ord. No. 92752, § 7, 10-19-00; Ord. No. 92753, § 1, 10-19-00; Ord. No. 101683, § 1(Att. I), 11-17-05)