§ 5-50. Swine.
It shall be unlawful to keep or maintain swine within the city other than for the purposes and at the locations indicated below:
Exhibition at stock shows, fairs and circuses;
When located at and on the property of any vocational school, with facilities properly constructed as determined by the department;
Slaughtering establishments;
When offered for sale at stock yards or auction barns adjacent thereto;
When kept at the home of an FFA (Future Farmers of America) member under the supervision of a high school vocational agricultural teacher or of a 4-H member under the supervision of the county agricultural agent, subject to the following conditions:
Each enrollee shall obtain a permit from the department before commencing a project. The form of application for permits shall be prescribed by the department. No fees shall be charged for such permits;
The property upon which the FFA or 4-H enrollee resides and maintains the swine must be a minimum of one (1) acre in area with a maximum of five (5) swine;
The minimum pen size shall be six hundred twenty-five (625) square feet per hog over fifty (50) pounds, and the pen must be covered with a roof having a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet per hog with a minimum pen width of fifteen (15) feet;
All swine must be grain fed;
Swine must be on a self-waterer or similar equipment approved by the department. There shall be a slab or other solid type construction under the tank covering the area of four (4) feet in each direction;
Hog wallows are prohibited;
The open and adjacent areas must be kept clean;
Enrollees must be under close supervision of a vocational agricultural teacher or the county agricultural agent. If an enrollee does not conform to city regulations, such advisor will report the violation to the department and maintaining swine at the location shall be terminated immediately;
The pen shall be a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet from any dwelling or business building owned or occupied by any person other than the owner of the swine or person keeping and maintaining same; and
Enrollees must be certified by letters to the department by the county agricultural agent for 4-H members and by the high school principal for FFA members giving the names of the vocational agriculture teachers or advisors supervising the enrollees and their projects, and such other information as the department may require. Such officials shall notify the department of the termination of an enrollee's projects.
(Ord. No. 2010-06-17-0555, § 1, 6-17-10; Ord. No. 2017-10-05-0755 , § 1, 10-5-17)