§ 5-150. Animal nuisances; sterilization required for dogs free of restraint.
The owner or keeper of any animal in the city is responsible for the behavior and conduct of that animal at all times including the creation of a public nuisance. Violations of the following acts or omissions are public nuisances:
The owner or keeper shall keep the animal (except cats) restrained at all times and insure that the animal (except cats) does not roam or run unrestrained. Dogs found to be free of restraint shall be subject to mandatory sterilization at the owner's expense within thirty (30) days of notification of the violation;
The owner or keeper shall not allow animals being held on their property to create a noise disturbance in such a manner, to annoy, distress or disturb within the vicinity of hearing thereof. For the purpose of this chapter, an animal noise nuisance shall be defined as a minimum of two (2) separate recorded noise events over a period of twenty-four (24) hours where the animal can be heard continuously for a twenty (20) minute period of time one hundred (100) yards away, or behind the wall of a livable structure;
The owner or keeper shall prevent his animal from biting or injuring without provocation, any animal or person;
The owner or keeper shall prevent his animal from damaging or destroying public property or property other than its owner's private property;
The owner or keeper shall not keep more than the number of animals allowed under this chapter;
An owner or keeper creates an animal nuisance by the keeping, frequent feeding or harboring of any venomous or inherently dangerous or prohibited animal.
(Ord. No. 2010-06-17-0555, § 1, 6-17-10; Ord. No. 2017-10-05-0755 , § 1, 10-5-17)