§ 9. Mayor and mayor pro tem.
Par. 1. The person elected to the last place on the council shall serve as and be the mayor during his term of office.
Par. 2. The mayor pro tem shall act as mayor during the absence or disability of the mayor. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the mayor, the mayor pro tem shall act as mayor until the mayor's position has been filled as provided in Section 8 above. While serving as mayor, the mayor pro tem shall receive the same compensation as the mayor.
Par. 3. The mayor, the mayor pro tem and any member of council may be paid such expenses in connection with their official duties as may be provided by the council.
(Ord. No. 44594, § 1 (Prop. 2), 11-07-74; Ord. No. 2015-05-20-0423 , § 3 (Prop. 2), 5-20-15)
Note— See editor's note to § 8.