§ 49. Boards, commissions, committees, and authorities.
Boards, commissions, committees, and authorities shall not be established to administer municipal functions of the City; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to (1) the Board of Trustees of the San Antonio public library, (2) the Municipal Civil Service Commission, (3) the Planning Commission, (4) boards of examiners and/or appeals established by ordinance to administer the provisions of building, electrical and plumbing codes, and (5) boards, commissions and authorities established under the provisions of the laws of Texas. The Council by ordinance may create boards, commissions or committees to assist in only an advisory capacity the City Council and heads of municipal departments in the performance of their duties. The members of any such advisory boards, commissions or committees shall be appointed by the Council and shall receive no compensation from the City.
(Ord. No. 85965, § 1 (Prop. 1), 5-5-97)