§ 71. Personnel director.
There shall be a director of personnel, who shall be appointed and who may be removed by the city manager, and who shall have had training and experience in personnel administration. He shall have power and be required to:
Perform such duties as are prescribed herein and as may be prescribed by ordinance, or by the commission or the city manager, according to their respective jurisdictions under this Charter.
Prepare and recommend to the city manager a classification plan and amendments thereto for the classified service for presentation upon approval by the city manager to the council, and after adoption by the council, administer the plan approved. The plan shall include titles for each class of positions. Each class shall include all positions which are sufficiently similar with respect to duties, responsibilities, and authority so that the same title may be used to designate each position allocated to the class, the same requirement as to education, experience, intelligence, general and specialized knowledge, skill, physical condition and other qualifications may be demanded of incumbents for the performance of their duties, the same tests of fitness may be used, and the same schedule of pay can be applied under like working conditions. After adoption of the plan the director, with the approval of the city manager, shall adopt written specifications for each class and allocate positions to classes. The class titles shall be used in personnel, budget, and financial records and communications, and, if individual positions are designated in the appropriation ordinances, in designating such positions.
Prepare and keep a record of the duties and responsibilities of each office and employment and establish and maintain a roster of all persons in the classified civil service showing as to each person:
The class title of the position, the salary or pay, any changes in title, pay or status, and
Such other data as is deemed desirable to maintain and improve personnel administration.
Hold open competitive examinations for all appointments in the classified civil service to determine the qualifications of those seeking employment and promotions, and upon the basis of such tests establish employment lists of persons eligible for appointment in the order of their achievement, which lists shall not be continued in effect for longer than one year following their establishment unless the director, with the approval of the commission, shall renew such lists for reasons presented in writing, but in no event shall such lists be continued in effect for more than eighteen months.
The character, content and manner of conducting tests shall be determined by the director, with the approval of the commission; however, upon the recommendation of the city manager, approved by the commission, such tests may be noncompetitive for positions which require exceptional qualifications of scientific, managerial, or professional character.
Upon written notice that a position in the classified service is to be filled, certify, in the order of their achievement, the names of the three persons highest on the employment list for the class who are willing to accept appointment. If there is no list available, the director may authorize a provisional appointment to a permanent position to continue until a list can be established and certification made; provided, however, that no provisional appointment shall continue for more than sixty days and shall not be renewed. Temporary appointments may be authorized by the director to an extra position established by the council but shall not continue longer than thirty days and shall not be renewed.
Establish for each class probationary periods of not less than three nor more than six months to enable the appointing officer to observe whether new officers and employees are able and willing to perform their duties in a satisfactory manner. Appointing officers must submit to the director reports at least once each month during the probationary period. No permanent appointment shall be made except on certificate of the personnel director, based upon monthly reports, that the office or employee has satisfactorily passed the probationary period.
Prepare and recommend to the city manager at least sixty days before the beginning of each fiscal year for presentation upon approval by the city manager to the council, a pay plan, including a schedule of pay for each class of position with minimum and maximum rates and, where necessary, intermediate rates, and, following the adoption of the appropriation ordinance by the council, see that payments are made in accordance therewith.
Certify to the department of finance, prior to payment, that the persons whose names appear on any payroll or pay voucher were on the roster of employees, were employed in accordance with the Charter and regulations established thereunder, performed the services indicated during the period covered, and that the pay rate has been established as provided herein. No payment shall be made without such certificate.