§ 78. Prohibitions.
No person shall willfully or intentionally make any false statement, certificate, mark, rating or report in regard to any test, certification, or appointment held or made, or in any manner commit any fraud interfering with the performance of these provisions or the applicable rules and regulations.
No person seeking appointment to or promotion in the classified civil service shall directly or indirectly give, render or pay any money, service or other valuable thing to any person on account of or in connection with any test, appointment or promotion.
No city employee may circulate petitions for city council candidates or city elections, receive or solicit any contribution for any city council candidate or city election other than for their own candidacy or campaign.
No city employee shall make any contribution to the campaign funds of any candidate for City office or take any part in the management or affairs or political campaign of any candidate for City office, other than for their own candidacy or campaign, further than in the exercise of his rights as a citizen to express his opinion and to cast his vote.
No employee of the city may wear city council campaign buttons nor distribute literature at work or in a city uniform or in the offices or building of the City of San Antonio.
City employee organizations shall not be allowed to make any contribution to the campaign funds of any candidate for City office or take part in the management or affairs of a political campaign for City office, further than to express opinions, except as authorized by state law.
(Ord. No. 85965, § 1 (Prop. 4), 5-5-97; Ord. No. 2015-05-20-0423 , § 3 (Prop. 4), 5-20-15)