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Small: Fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) Feet; Medium: Twenty (25) to Forty (40) Feet; Large: Forty (40) Feet and Higher (60'+) Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Shade Area Anacacho, Orchid tree* Bauhania congesta S—M Semi-Evergreen, tree-shrub, white flower clusters 275 Anaqua*, Sandpaper tree Ehretia anacua M—L Evergreen broadleaf; white flower clusters 875 Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica M—L Evergreen conifer; gray green foliage; pyramidal shape 875 Texas Ash*, Green Ash Fraxinus sp. M—L Deciduous; fast growing 875 Ashe Juniper* Juniperus ashei S—M Evergreen conifer; green foliage, females fruit 275 Bald Cypress** Taxodium distichum L Deciduous conifer; fine textured foliage; fall color 875 Big Tooth Maple** Acer grandidentatum M Deciduous: full to partial sun: Medium water, fall color: no 550 Black Willow* Salix nigra M—L Deciduous; riparian species 875 Bur Oak* Quercus macrocarpa L Deciduous; large acorns and leaves, good shade tree 1200 Carolina Buckthorn* Rhamnus caroliniana S—M Semi-Evergreen; sun-shade, glossy leaves, reddish fruit 275 Cedar Elm* Ulmus crassifolia M—L Deciduous; narrow canopy, good shade tree for R.O.Ws 875 Chinquapin Oak* Quercus muhlenbergii M—L Deciduous; round-topped tree; bold foliage 875 Condalia, Brazil Tree, Bluewood Condalia* Condalia hookeri, C. viridis S—M Evergreen; delicate foliage; very drought tolerant; sun-shade, good shade tree 275 Cottonwood* Populus deltoides L+ Deciduous; large leaves, females fluffy seeds, not recommended for parking lots 1200 Crabapple, Texas* Mollis texana S—M Deciduous, full to partial sun, spring flowering tree 275 Desert Willow* Chilopsis linearis S Deciduous; pink tubular flowers; willow-like foliage, very drought tolerant 275 Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara L Evergreen; spreading pyramidial shape 1200 Ebony, Texas* Pithecellobium flexicaule S Evergreen; sun; white flowers n/a Escarpment Black Cherry* Prunus serotina var. eximia M—L Deciduous; sun to shade; fall foliage 875 Eve's Necklace* Sophora affinis M—L Deciduous; sun-shade; white to pink flowers 875 Goldenball Lead Tree* Leucaena retusa S—M Deciduous; delicate foliage; fragrant yellow flowers 275 Hackberry* Celtis spp. M—L Deciduous; prolific; wildlife favorite 875 Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos M Deciduous; thornless varieties available 550 Huisache* Acacia farnesiana M Deciduous; delicate foliage; fragrant yellow flowers 550 Italian Stone pine Pinus pinea L Drought tolerant, needs room to grow 875 Kidneywood* Eysenhardtia polystachya S Deciduous; delicate tree-shrub; fragrant white flowers n/a Lacy Oak* Quercus laceyi M Deciduous; sun-partial shade; hill county native, good shade tree 550 Live Oak* Quercus virginiana M—L Evergreen-like; good shade tree 875 Mesquite* Prosopis glandulosa S—M Deciduous; lacy spreading form 550 Monterrey Oak Quercus polymorpha S—M Evergreen-like; good shade tree 875 Montezuma cypress** Taxodium mucronatum L Semi-evergreen: full sun: low water 875 Mexican Buckeye* Ungnadia speciosa S Deciduous; pink-red spring flowers 275 Pecan* Carya illinoensis L+ Deciduous; needs lots of space; sensitive to root impact 1200 Persimmon, Texas* Diospyros texana S—M Deciduous; sun-shade, smooth bark; females has black pulpy fruit 275 Plum, Mexican* Prunus mexicana S Deciduous; sun to shade; white flowers, fruit n/a Possum Haw* Ilex decidua S—M Deciduous; sun-shade; female has red fruit 275 Retama, Paloverde* Parkinsonia texana S—M Deciduous; fast growing, yellow flowers 275 Red Oak, Shumard* Shumard Quercus shumardii L Deciduous; fall color, good shade tree 1200 Red Oak, Texas* Quercus texana M Deciduous; fall color, good shade tree 550 Redbud, Texas, Oklahoma, Mexican* Cercis canadensis var texana S—M Deciduous; sun-shade, red/pink or white flowers 275 Rusty Blackhaw* Viburnum rufidulum S Deciduous; fall color, white flower clusters n/a Silk-tassle* Garrya ovata S Evergreen; sun-shade n/a Spiny Hackberry* Celtis pallida S Evergreen; greenish white flowers, yellow orange fruit n/a Sycamore, Mexican Platanus mexicana L+ Deciduous; large leaves, good shade tree 1200 Sycamore,Texas* Platanus glabrata L+ Deciduous; large leaves, good shade tree 1200a Texas Mountain Laurel* Sophora secundiflora S Evergreen, part shade to full sun; fragrant purple flowers 275 Texas Pistache* Pistacia texana S Semi-Evergreen; full sun to part-shade; red fruit n/a Wafer Ash, Hop tree* Ptelea trifoliata S Semi-Evergreen; sun-shade; light green foliage n/a Western Soapberry* Sapindus drummondii M—L Deciduous; full to partial sun; good shade tree, cluster large yellow flowers 875 Wild Olive* Cordia boisserieri S—M Semi-Evergreen; large white flowers, hardy to 14°F 275 Yaupon Holly* Ilex vomitora S—M Evergreen; sun-shade; female has red fruit 275 *=Texas Native
**=no credit for planting these trees for parking lot shading, these species do not thrive in these conditions
Large (Not Taller than Twenty-Five (25) Feet at Maturity) Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Bay Laurel noblis 6′—12′ Evergreen, sun-part sun, fragrant leaves Buckeye* Aesculus pavia 6′—12′ Deciduous (even in dry weather), shade, yellow or red flowers Evergreen Sumac* Rhus virens 4′—15′ Evergreen, sun-shade, red fruit Flameleaf Sumac* Rhus lancelota 5′—15′ Sun-partial shade; deciduous; red berries in fall; fall color Texas Mountain Laurel* Sophora secundiflora 10′—25′ Tree-like evergreen shrub; purple spring flowers; sun, part shade Texas Pistache Pistacia texana 6′—12′ Semi-evergreen, sun SHRUBS
Medium (Five (5) to Ten (10) Feet at Maturity) Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflora 5′—9′ Bronze evergreen foliage; white or pink; sun, part shade Agarita* Mahonia trifoliata 5′—9′ Holly-like evergreen foliage; yellow spring; red edible berries; sun-shade Cenizo, Texas Sage* Leucophyllum sp. 5′—9′ Dusty gray evergreen foliage; sun; blooms throughout summer; purple - pink flowers; several new varieties: including compact Elbow Bush* Forestiera pubescens 3′—6′ Deciduous; sun-shade, small white flowers, black fruit Frangrant Sumac* Rhus aromatica 3′—6′ Deciduous; part shade, fall color Hogplum* Colubrina texensis 4′—6′ Part shade, full sun; fragrant blooms Juniper Juniperus sp. 5′—10′ Tough evergreen; many varieties; sun, part shade Mutablis Rose, Butterfly Rose, Old Blush Rosa chinensis x (Mutablis) 3′—5′ Sun, large single petal flowers change color as ages Pomegranate Punica granatum 5′—10′ Sun, upright shrub; orange blooms; edible fruit; dwarf variety Primrose Jasmine Jasminum mesnyi 5′—8′ Evergreen, sun-shade, sprawling, yellow flowers Southern Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera 3′—8′ Evergreen, sun-shade, compact variety, available White Brush* Aloysia gratissima 4′—8′ Delicate; fragrant white flower; suckers, can be used as a hedge SHRUBS
Small (Not Taller than Five (5) feet at Maturity) Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks American Beautyberry Callicarpa americana 3′—4′ Deciduous, fruit in fall and winter, purple; part shade Agave, century plant Agave americana 3′—5′ Sun, rosette, spine-tipped leaves Barbados Cherry Malpighia glabra 2′—4′ Evergreen, pink flowers, red fruit, sun-shade Barberry Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 3′—5′ Evergreen; sun-part shade, color foliage Grayleaf Cotoneaster Cotoneaster glaucophylla 3′—5′ Sprawling evergreen shrub; dusty gray foliage; sun, part shade Juniper Juniperus sp. 2′—5′ Evergreen shrubs; many varieties available; sun Mexican Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa 3′ Broad clusters of orange flowers Mexican Oregano Poliomentha longiflora 2′—3′ Evergreen, sun, pink flowers Rock rose* Pavonia lasiopetala 2′—4′ Deciduous; sub-shrub, pink or purple flowers Rosemary, Upright Rosmarinus officinalis 3′—5′ Evergreen, sun-part shade; blue flowers Red Yucca* Hesperaloe parviflora 3′—4′ Sun, rosette, narrow leaves Yucca* Yucca spp. 3′—4′ Sun, rosette, narrow leaves, white flowers VINES
Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Autumn Clematis Clematis sp. n/a Evergreen; fragrant white fall; sun, part shade Carolina Jessamine* Gelsemium sempervirens n/a Evergreen; yellow spring; sun, part shade Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides n/a Evergreen; fragrant white spring; sun, part shade Coral honeysuckle* Lonicera sempervirens n/a Almost Evergreen; red blooms; part shade to full sun Coral vine, Queen′s wreath Antigonon leptopus n/a Pink flowers in late summer and fall; sun Fig Ivy Ficus pumila (repens) n/a Evergreen; clings to walls; sun, part shade Lady Banksia Rosa banksia n/a Evergreen, flowers in yellow or white; sun-part shade Scarlet Clematis* Clematis texana n/a Shade to part shade, spring and summer blooms; red, rust, maroon, or rose-pink Silverlace Vine Polygonum ambertii n/a Fluffy masses of white; sun, part shade Virginia Creeper* Parthenocissus quinquefolia n/a Deciduous GROUNDCOVER
Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Asiatic Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum n/a Evergreen; green or variegated foliage; sun, part shade, no flowers Columbine Hinckley Columbine* Aquilegia spp.
A. hinckleyanan/a Evergreen, gray/green foliage, yellow flowers Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides n/a Evergreen; fragrant, white spring flowers; sun, part shade Frogfruit* Phyla incise (nodiflora) n/a Semi-evergreen, creeper, sun-part sun, white flowers Lantana purple, gold Lantana sp. n/a Deciduous, sun, purple, white or yellow flowers Pigeonberry* Rivina humilis 1′—2′ Semi-evergreen shrub Rosemary, prostrate Rosmarinus officinalis 1′—2′ Evergreen sub-shrub, sun to part sun, blue flowers Santolina Santolina sp. 1′—2′ Species with green or silver foliage; sun Trailing Juniper Juniperus sp. n/a Several varieties available; not suitable for wet, humid areas; sun Verbena* Verbena spp. n/a Evergreen, pink, purple, white, red flowers Yarrow Achillea millefolium n/a Gray or green gray leaves; many varieties GRASSES, TURF
Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon n/a Excellent drought tolerance; poor shade tolerance; sun Buffalograss* Buchloe dactyloides 4″—6″ Excellent drought tolerance; poor shade tolerance; sun Prarie mix n/a 8″—12″ Mixture of Texas native Bunch, can add wildflowers St. Augustine grass Stenotaphrum secundatum n/a Produces dense turf; shade areas only; poor drought tolerance; sodded PERENNIALS
Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Butterfly Weed Asclepias spp. 3′ Semi-hardy perennial, orange flowers Cigar Plant Cuphea micropetala 3′—4′ Red, yellow; summer to fall flowers; sun Fall Aster Aster spp. 2′—3′ Semi-evergreen, sun-part sun, blue or white Firebush Hamelia patens 3′—5′ Reddish orange; summer to fall flowers; sun Hinckley′s Columbine* Aquilegia hinckleyana 18″ Yellow; spring flowers; shade Indigo Spires Sage Salvia spp. 2′—3′ Semi-evergreen, sun, dark blue flowers Lantana Lantana sp. 1′—2′ Many colors; spring to fall flowers; sun Mealy Cup Sage* Salvia farinacea 3′ Sun, part shade; blue, white, purple flowers Mexican Oregano Poliomentha longiflora 1′—3′ Evergreen; pink; summer flowers; sun Mexican Petunia Ruellia sp. 1′—3′ Evergreen; tolerates shade; purple, pink, white flowers, suckers Mexican Sage Salvia leucantha 3′—4′ Semi-evergreen; blue; spring to fall flowers; sun Mist flower, Boneset Eupatorium spp. and
Ageratum spp.2′—4′ Hardy perennial, white to blue flowers Muhly Grass* Muehlenbergia lindheimeri 3′ Evergreen; hardy perennial; sun Pigeonberry* Rivina humilis 1′—2′ Semi-evergreen shrub Purple Cone Flower* Echinacea purpurea 2′ Hardy perennial, rosette with pink or white flowers Perennial verbena* Glandularia bipinnatifida 6″—1′ Many colors; spring to fall flowers; sun Rock rose* Pavonia lasiopetala 2′—4′ Deciduous; sub-shrub, pink or purple flowers Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis 1′—4′ Sun, part shade; blue flowers Shrimp Plant Justicia spp. 1′—2′ Hardy perennial, sun-part sun; orange, red flowers Skullcap* Scutellaria frutescens 1′ Evergreen sub-shrub; pink or purple flowers Texas Betony* Stachys coccinea 1′—2′ Evergreen, gray-green; red tubular flowers Tropical Sage* Salvia coccinea 2′—3′ Evergreen, red, pink blooms; part shade to full sun Turk′s Cap* Malvaviscus drummondii 1′—4′ Shade; red flowers White Rain Lily* Zephyranthes candida 1′ Ephermal; sun, part shade; white PALMS
Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks California Fan Palm Washingtonia filifera 15′—60′ Tree-like palm; sun. Hybrids with W. robusta can be taller Dwarf Palmetto* Sabal minor 3′—7′ Trunkless, bushy palm; sun, part shade Texas Palmetto* Sabal texana 10′—25′ Tall, native Texas palm; sun Windmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei 10′—35′ Tree-like; sun; not considered a canopy; good foundation plant Mexican Blue Palm Brahea armata 12′—25′ Fan palm with blue-green leaves; sun Butia or Jelly Palm Butia capitata 10′—15′ Feather palm with blue-green leaves; sun European Fan Palm Chamaerops humilis 6′—12′ Tough, clumping fan palm with spiny petioles Mazari Palm Nannorrhops ritchiana 6′—25′ Slow growing fan palm with blue-green leaves Canary Island Date Palm Phoenix canariensis 40′ Beautiful feather palm; may be damaged in very cold winters Needle Palm Rhapidophyllum hystrix 5′—6′ Clumping shrublike palm foliage for sun to part shade Silver Saw Palmetto Sorenoa repens 3′—6′ Clumping low palm in both blue and green forms ORNAMENTAL GRASSES
Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Big Bluestem* Andropogon gerardi 1′—2′ Sun, clump grass Eastern Gamagrass* Tripsacum dactyloides 2′—3′ Dense, part shade, full sun Inland Seaoats* Chasmanthium latifolium 2′—4′ Shade, dappled shade, part shade Little Bluestem * Schixachyrium scoparium 1′—2′ Evergreen, part shade, full sun Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinensis 3′—5′ Full sun, part shade, specimen or screening Muhly Grass* Muehlenbergia lindheimeri 2′—5′ Evergreen, part shade, full sun Purple Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum ′Rubrum′ 2′—3′ Delicate color accent; full sun Sideoats Grama* Bouteloua curtipendula 2′—3′ Dappled shade, part shade, full sun Switchgrass* Panicum virgatum 3′ Part shade, full sun RIPARIAN AND AQUATIC
Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Button Bush* Cephalanthus occidentalis 6′—10′ Large, deciduous shrub, sun, white ball shape flowers Indigobush* Amorpha fruiticosa 6′—10′ Large, deciduous shrub, shade-sun, spikes of purple flowers Roughleaf Dogwood* Cornus drummondii 6′—15′ Large, decidous shrub or tree, shade-sun, clusters of white flowers Crab Apple* Crategus texana 8′—15′ Large, deciduous shrub or tree, shade-sun, large clusters of white flowers Wooly Rosemallow* Hibiscus lasiocarpus 3′—6′ Large shrub, white to rose flowers Edwards Plateau Sedge* Carex microdonta 1″—7″ Rhizomatous perennial, calcareous soils Bear Grass* Nolina sp 2′—3′ Large clump, grass-like, shade-sun, good for bank stabilization Purple Iris Iris brevicaulis 1′—1.5′ Hardy perennial, purple flowers Pickerelweed* Pontoderia cordata . 5′—1′ Aquatic edge, sun, spikes of purple flowers Horsetail Equisetum laevigatum 1′—1.5′ Rhizomatous, grass-like, shade-sun, water edge Blue Water Lily* Nymphaea n/a Floating, semi-sun-sun, Pond Weed Potamogeton illinoiensis 8″—16″ Rhizomatous, whorls of purple flowers * Texas Native Plant
Note: Red Tip Photinia and Oleander are no longer recommended due to new disease.
(Ord. No. 2006-11-30-1333, § 2, 11-30-06) (Ord. No. 2009-01-15-0001, § 2, 1-15-09)(Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)