§ 35-B113. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plans.
Number of Copies. The director of planning and development services may require the applicant to submit up to seven (7) processing copies and fifteen (15) final blue or black-line folded prints with respective department/agency request for reviews attached, a legible eight and one-half by eleven (8½ x 11) inch reduced copy of the plan proposal accompanied with the plan review fee. In addition to the hard copies, information shall be submitted in a digital data format as outlined in subsection 35-B101(e).
Format. The plan shall be drawn on sheet(s) no larger than twenty-four (24) inches wide and thirty-six (36) inches long with appropriate side margins. The plan shall be drawn at a scale of hundred feet to one inch (1"= 100') unless a smaller scale is approved by the director of planning and development services. Where more than one (1) sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire project site, an index sheet showing the entire area at an appropriate scale shall be attached.
Contents. The PUD plan shall include the following:
All of the information required by Table B101-1 of this appendix.
Site layout indicating size, location, scale, north arrow, and perimeter boundaries and setbacks.
Proposed land uses by location, type, density, and size.
Major physical features such as easements, streams, floodplains, and significant stands of trees as indicated on the most recent city-maintained aerials.
Location and dimensions of streets, parking areas, and access control stations, and clear vision areas.
Identification of common open space areas and/or the percentage of each lot which is to be reserved as open space, plus the calculations used to determine the required percentages.
Staging plan if PUD is to be developed in more than one (1) phase.
Plan review fee as specified in Exhibit C.
A list of names and addresses of the owners (as the ownership appears on the last approved ad valorem tax roll) of all property lying within two hundred (200) feet of the boundaries of the PUD, and a map showing the PUD site and all properties within the two hundred-foot radius. In lieu of providing the property owner names and addresses, the applicant may elect to have staff prepare the list upon payment of the notification list fee specified in Exhibit C.
Include with the existing developer requirements establishing the HOAs, a clear identification of all common elements/amenities to be built out in the future. This might include such things as tennis courts, pools, pavilions, walking trails etc.
Provisions for maintenance funding.
(Ord. No. 98697 § 1)(Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)