§ 2.2. Statement Of Policy  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this manual is to provide adequate measures for the retention, detention, and distribution of storm water in a manner that minimizes the possibility of adverse impacts on both water quantity and water quality during development. Innovative runoff management practices designed to meet the provisions of this manual enhance the recharge of groundwater, and maintain the function of critical environmental features are encouraged. The city recognizes that watercourses, and their associated watersheds, within the City of San Antonio's jurisdiction represent significant, irreplaceable, recreational, and aesthetic resources and contribute to the economic and environmental health of the city. As all of the these watersheds are susceptible to concentrated surface water runoff, disturbance of wildlife habitat, non-point source pollution, and sedimentation from development activities they should be developed in a sensitive and innovative manner.

    This manual implements the following policies of the master plan (Section 121 of City Charter, Resolution 97-05-01 approved May 14, 1997, Ordinance 86100 approved May 29, 1997):

    • Natural Resources, Policy 1d: Encourage retention of the 100-year floodplains as natural drainage ways without permanent construction, unnecessary straightening, bank clearing, or channeling.

    • Natural Resources, Policy 1d: 2. Adopt strong storm water management practices throughout the drainage area which include site specific measures such as:

    - On-site storm water retention and detention;

    - Reduction in impervious cover;

    - Natural bank contouring;

    - Floodplain preservation and buffering;

    - Preservation of riparian habitat;

    - Storm water harvesting sites for reuse purposes.

    Urban Design, Policy 1g: Prepare design and construction policies and standards for utility and transportation infrastructure, capital improvement projects, public facilities, and development projects that reinforce neighborhood centers and provide diverse, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods.

    If principles cannot be met, please visit with the Director of TCI or his authorized representative.