§ Types of Flow in Open Channels  

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  • Open channel flow can be characterized in many ways. Types of flow are commonly characterized by variability with respect to time and space. The following terms are used to identify types of open channel flow:

    Steady flow —conditions at any point in a stream remain constant with respect to time (Daugherty and Franzini 1977).

    Unsteady flow —flow conditions (e.g., depth) vary with time

    Uniform flow —the magnitude and direction of velocity in a stream are the same at all points in the stream at a given time (Daugherty and Franzini 1977). If a channel is uniform and resistance and gravity forces are in exact balance, the water surface will be parallel to the bottom of the channel for uniform flow.

    Varied flow —discharge, depth, or other characteristics of the flow change along the course of the stream. For a steady flow condition, flow is termed rapidly varied if these characteristics change over a short distance. If characteristics change over a longer stretch of the channel for steady flow conditions, flow is termed gradually varied .