§ 35-201. Generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose. This article establishes use, dimensional and design regulations for certain types of land use activities. The procedures for permitting such activities are also described. The purpose is to consolidate the various aspects of the UDC applicable to these activities in order to improve the readability of this chapter and, in some cases, to encourage certain types of development.




    The provisions of this section apply to any "application for development approval" where the applicant chooses to develop pursuant to the standards and procedures of a use pattern described in this article. These provisions are optional in that a decision to develop pursuant to the regulations established herein is subject to the discretion of the applicant. However, the improvement standards, parking requirements, and other regulations may vary depending upon whether an applicant chooses to develop pursuant to a use pattern established in this article.


    Pursuant to V.T.C.A. Local Government Code § 212.003, it is not the intent of this article to regulate the use, intensity, density, bulk, height, or building size in the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Instead, the use patterns are optional, both within and outside of the city's corporate boundaries. Landowners in the ETJ may develop consistent with the criteria for a use pattern established in this article. If an applicant chooses to develop a use pattern described herein, the administrator shall certify that the applicant conforms to the regulations applicable to the use pattern if the applicant provides a restrictive covenant. The provisions of the restrictive covenant requiring compliance with the regulations of this article shall, to the extent permitted by law, not be subject to waiver, expiration or modification without a replat of the territory affected by said provisions.


    Applicability of Articles III and V. Article III establishes regulations governing use, density, and structural dimensions within each zoning district of the city. Article V establishes standards for all forms of development within the city. For the convenience of the reader, Table 201-1 summarizes the applicability of the various regulations of articles III and V to the use patterns.

    Table 201-1: Use Patterns and Applicable Provisions of UDC

    UDC Provision
    Conventional Subdivision
    Conservation Subdivision
    Commercial Center
    Commercial Retrofit
    Traditional Neighborhood
    Low Impact Development/
    Natural Channel Design Protocol
    35-202 35-203 35-204 35-205 35-206 35-207 35-208 35-210
    Use Regulations (§ 35-311) [incorporated areas only] Y Y P P N N Y Y
    Zoning District Design Regulations (§ 35-310) [incorporated areas only] Y P N N N N N P
    Traffic Impact Analysis (§ 35-502) Y Y Y Y N N P Y
    Parks and Open Space Standards (§ 35-503) Y P N P N P N P
    Stormwater Management (Appendix H of Chapter 35 ) Y Y Y Y P Y Y Y
    Transportation and Street Design (§ 35-506) - Generally Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P
    Cross section and Construction Standards (§ 35-506(d)) Y P Y Y N P P P
    Connectivity (§ 35-506(e)) Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Utilities (§ 35-507) Y P Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Impact Fees (§ 35-508) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P
    Buffers (§ 35-510) Y Y Y Y N P N P
    Landscaping (§ 35-511) Y Y Y Y N Y Y P
    Streetscape Planting Standards (§ 35-512) Y Y Y Y Y Y P P
    Tree Preservation (§§ 35-513, 35-523) Y N Y Y N Y Y P
    Fences and Walls (§ 35-514) Y Y Y Y Y N N Y
    Lot Layout Regulations (§ 35-515) Y P P Y P P P P
    Setback and Frontage Regulations (§ 35-516) Y P P Y P P P P
    Building Height Regulations (§ 35-517) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P
    Edwards Aquifer Recharge Protection (§ 35-521) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Floodplain Development Standards (Appendix H of Chapter 35) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Outdoor Storage Standards (§ 35-525) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P
    Minimum Parking Standards (§ 35-526(b)) Y N Y Y N N P P
    Off-Street Truck Loading Requirements (§ 35-527) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


    Notes to Table 201-1: "Y" means that the provision applies to the use pattern; "N" means that the provision does not apply to the use pattern; "P" means that the provision applies in part or applies differently to the use pattern. If an "N" is indicated alternative standards may be provided by this article.

    Table 201-1 is provided for the convenience of the reader; if any provision of Table 201-1 conflicts with a provision of sections 35-202 to 35-208, or 35-210, applicable to a use pattern, the latter provisions shall govern.

(Ord. No. 101816, § 2, 12-15-05; Ord. No. 2016-02-18-0107 , § 2, 2-18-16)