§ 35-206. Commercial Retrofit.  

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    Commercial Retrofit


    The purpose of this section is to encourage the redevelopment of existing shopping centers, big-box retail sites, and other sites characterized by large expanses of surface parking into a development pattern which is pedestrian friendly, compatible with surrounding development, provides a visually attractive site design, and which reduces reliance on the automobile for vehicular trips.


    Applicability. Existing parking lots adjoining the frontage of any site located within the "C-2", "C-3", "D", "MXD" or "IDZ" zoning districts may be replaced with buildings. Property that is vacant and without structures may not use the provisions of this section. A density bonus may be permitted to encourage such activities pursuant to section 35-360 of this chapter.


    Processing Procedures. A commercial retrofit shall require a building permit approval. Variances shall be processed as set forth in subsections (2) and (3), below, except for applications within the Edwards Recharge Zone District (ERZD) or utility conversion districts.


    Variances - Incorporated Areas. Within the incorporated areas of the city:


    A variance to the requirements of subsection (c) shall be processed in accordance with section 35-482 of this chapter.


    A variance to the requirements of subsections (b) and (d) through (n) shall be processed in accordance with section 35-483 of this chapter.


    Variances - Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Within the ETJ, variances shall be processed in accordance with section 35-483 of this chapter.


    Buildings and Structures. Buildings and structures in compliance with the standards of this section are permitted by right in a commercial retrofit use pattern. If a lot or lots are to be created the property shall require platting.


    Size and Location of Site. The provisions of this section apply to existing parking lots adjoining the frontage of any site located within the "C" or "IDZ" zoning districts


    Uses and Density. Development may consist of the following activities:


    The construction of additional buildings between a street right-of-way and the existing buildings (hereinafter "additional buildings"). The facades of the additional buildings which face the public right-of-way and the existing buildings on the lot, tract or parcel shall conform to the commercial urban design standards (subsection 35-204(o)), above.


    Uses and Density


    Apartments may be placed above new or existing office or retail uses. The floor area devoted to apartments shall not exceed Table 206-1, Uses and Density.

    TABLE 206-1;
    Uses and Density

    Zoning District Existing Number
    of Stories
    Additional Stories of
    Apartment Use Permitted
    NC, O-1 1 2
    2 1
    3 or more 0
    C-1 1 2
    2 2
    3 or more 1
    C-2 1 2
    2 3
    3 or more 3
    C-3 1 3
    2 3
    3 3
    4 3
    5 or more 3
    Other district 1 2
    2 2
    3 or more 2



    Traffic Impact Analysis. The traffic impact analysis standards shall not apply to a commercial retrofit.


    Lot Layout. The additional buildings shall have a facade oriented to the existing buildings and a facade facing the frontage line. The facades of the additional buildings which face the public right-of-way and the existing buildings shall conform to the commercial urban design standards (section 35-204 (o)), above.


    Transportation. A commercial retrofit shall comply with the transportation standards of this chapter.


    Stormwater Management. A commercial retrofit shall comply with the stormwater management standards, section 35-504 of this chapter, unless no new impervious surface will be added.


    Utilities. See utilities standards, section 35-507 of this chapter.


    Parks and Open Space. A commercial retrofit shall not be subject to the parks and open space standards of this chapter provided, however, that a commercial retrofit may provide plazas, courtyards, and/or forecourts as defined in section 35-503, Table 503-1.


    Natural Resource Protection. A commercial retrofit shall not be subject to the natural resource protection standards of this chapter.


    Buffers, Landscaping, Streetscape Planting and Tree Preservation. A commercial retrofit shall not be subject to the landscape, screening and buffering standards of this chapter. A commercial retrofit within the city and the extraterritorial jurisdiction shall comply with streetscape planting standards of this chapter.




    Additional parking may be placed to the rear of the principal buildings so long as the number of spaces for the entire site do not exceed the maximum parking requirements of this chapter.


    Parking areas may be connected to rear parking lots on adjoining properties (see example 2) in order to allow customers to drive to other locations without re-entering the major roadway network and adding to traffic volumes. (See subsection 35-506(r)(8)).


    Service entrances and service yards shall be located only in the rear or side yard. Service yards shall be screened from adjacent residentially zoned or used property by the installation of a bufferyard as set forth in the buffer standards of this chapter.


    Not more than four (4) rows of parking may be placed between the existing buildings and any buildings constructed between the existing buildings and the street right-of-way pursuant to this subsection.

(Ord. No. 96564 § 1, 3) (Ord. No. 101816, § 2, 12-15-05)