§ 35-303. Establishment of Districts.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Base Zoning Districts. In accordance with the requirement of V.T.C.A. Local Government Code § 211.005 that zoning regulation be by districts, the city, as shown on the official zoning map accompanying this chapter and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby divided into the following base zoning districts, the overlay and special zoning districts established in subsections (b) and (c) hereto, and the conditional zoning districts established pursuant to section 35-321 of this article, which shall be governed by all of the uniform use and area requirements of this chapter, the respective symbol for each type of district being set forth opposite its title:

    Residential Base Zoning Districts

    "RP" Resource Protection
    "RE" Residential Estate
    "R-20" Residential Single-Family
    "R-6" Residential Single-Family
    "R-5" Residential Single-Family
    "R-4" Residential Single-Family
    "R-3" Residential Single-Family
    "RM-6" Residential Mixed
    "RM-5" Residential Mixed
    "RM-4" Residential Mixed
    "MF-18" Limited Density Multi-Family
    "MF-25" Low Density Multi-Family
    "MF-33" Multi-Family
    "MF-40" Multi-Family
    "MF-50" Multi-Family
    "MF-65" Urban Multi-Family


    Nonresidential Base Zoning Districts

    "NC" Neighborhood Commercial
    "C-1" Light Commercial
    "C-2NA" Commercial, Nonalcoholic Sales
    "C-2P" Commercial Pedestrian
    "C-2" Commercial
    "O-1" Office
    "O-1.5" Mid-Rise Office
    "O-2" High-Rise Office
    "C-3NA" General Commercial, Nonalcoholic Sales
    "C-3R" Restrictive Commercial
    "C-3" General Commercial
    "D" Downtown
    "L" Light Industrial
    "I-1" General Industrial
    "I-2" Heavy Industrial


    Flex Base Districts

    "FR" Farm and Ranch
    "RD" Rural Development
    "UD" Urban Development
    "MI-1" Mixed Light Industrial
    "MI-2" Mixed Heavy Industrial



    Overlay Districts. The city hereby establishes the following overlay districts which shall be governed by all of the uniform use and area requirements of this chapter. Within these overlay districts, additional requirements are imposed on certain properties within one (1) or more underlying general or conditional zoning districts. The overlay districts established by this chapter, including the symbol for each type of district is as follows:

    Overlay Districts
    (Listed in Alphabetical Order)

    "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District
    "EP" Facility Parking/Traffic Control District
    "ERZD" Edwards Recharge
    "H" Historic District
    "HE" Historic Exceptional
    "HS" Historic Significant
    "MAOZ" Military Airport Overlay Zone
    "MAOZ-1" Military Airport Overlay 1
    "MAOZ-2" Military Airport Overlay 2
    "MLOD" Military Lighting Overlay
    "MPOD" Mission Protection Overlay
    "MSAO" Military Sound Attenuation
    Overlay Districts
    "NCD" Neighborhood Conservation
    "IH" National Highway System High Priority Corridor District
    "RIO" River Improvement Overlay
    "UCD" Utility Conversion Districts
    "VP" Viewshed Protection Districts


    Corridor Districts

    "GC" Gateway Corridor
    "MC" Metropolitan Corridor
    "PC" Preservation Corridor



    Special Districts. Special districts are created by division 5 of this article to address unique situations. However, unlike overlay districts, special districts replace the standards and requirements of the base districts.

    Special Districts
    (Listed in Alphabetical Order)

    "AD" Airport District
    "AE-1" Arts and Entertainment District
    "AE-2" Arts and Entertainment District
    "AE-3" Arts and Entertainment District
    "AE-4" Arts and Entertainment District
    "BP" Business Park District
    "DR" Development Reserve
    "ED" Entertainment District
    "FBZD" Form Based Development
    "G" Golf Course District
    "IDZ" Infill Development Zone
    "MH" Manufactured Housing District
    "MHC" Manufactured Housing Conventional District
    "MHP" Manufactured Housing Park
    "MPCD" Master Planned Community
    "MR" Military Reservation District
    "MXD" Mixed Use District
    "NP-8" Neighborhood Preservation
    "NP-10" Neighborhood Preservation
    "NP-15" Neighborhood Preservation
    "PUD" Planned Unit Development
    "QD" Quarry District
    "SGD" Sand & Gravel District
    "TOD" Transit Overlay District



    Conditional Zoning Districts. See section 35-321 of this article.


    Additional Zoning Districts. Additional zoning districts may be added from time to time upon the recommendation of the zoning commission to the city council pursuant to section 35-421 of this chapter. Proposed changes to the zoning district regulations, including the addition of new zoning districts and incidental changes to the official zoning map, may be submitted by the zoning commission or any other interested party.


    Conversion Matrix. Districts established prior to the date of adoption of this chapter are set forth in Appendix "D" to this chapter. The city hereby finds and determines that the existence of two (2) separate sets of zoning districts, one dating from 1938 and the other dating from 1965, causes confusion and difficulties in the administration of the zoning regulations and periodic updates to the city's comprehensive planning policies. In order to ease the administration of this chapter, the city hereby adopts the conversion matrix established in Appendix "D" to this chapter by reference in order to determine the appropriate zoning district of each property within the zoning jurisdiction of the city.

(Ord. No. 95352 § 6) (Ord. No. 98091 § 2) (Ord. No. 99555 § 2)(Ord. No. 100126) (Ord. No. 2006-11-30-1333, § 2, 11-30-06) (Ord. No. 2009-01-15-0001, § 2, 1-15-09) (Ord. No. 2010-06-24-0639, § 2, 6-24-10) (Ord. No. 2010-06-24-0640, § 2, 6-24-10) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10) (Ord. No. 2012-10-18-0829, § 2, 10-18-12) (Ord. No. 2014-10-02-0742, § 2, 10-2-14)