§ 35-310.08. "NC" Neighborhood Commercial.  

Latest version.

    This district provides small areas for offices, professional services, service and shop front retail uses, all designed in scale with surrounding residential uses. The district regulations are designed to protect and encourage the transitional character of the districts by permitting a limited group of uses of a commercial nature and to protect the abutting and surrounding residential areas by requiring certain minimum yard and area standards to be met which are comparable to those called for in the residential districts. These districts are also intended to reduce energy consumption by permitting a limited group of commercial uses to be located in close proximity to residential areas. This district provides a balance of residential and nonresidential land use opportunities reflecting the economic needs of residents and business owners. The "NC" district implements the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Neighborhoods, Policy 2b: Amend the Unified Development Code to create neighborhood commercial districts.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 1a: Based on a comprehensive land use plan, encourage more intensive development in and near neighborhood centers with less intensive development between neighborhood centers, and implement these changes through zoning.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 5b: Encourage resident and employment growth within walking distance of the downtown area and neighborhood centers in order to support an inter-modal transportation system.

    "NC" districts should be limited to:

    •  The intersection of arterial/collector, collector/collector, collector/local street intersections, except where an existing commercial area has been established prior to the adoption of this chapter; or

    •  The interior of a block along an arterial or collector street which lies parallel to an existing commercial area.


    Lot and Building Specifications.


    In addition to the provisions set forth below, the following restrictions shall apply to the scale of buildings in each "NC" district. Individual buildings shall not exceed the following:


    Three thousand (3,000) square feet of gross floor area for a single-use building; or


    A five thousand (5,000) square foot of gross floor area for a multiple tenant, mixed-use building or a live-work unit, so long as the building does not exceed two (2) stories.


    Buildings shall conform to the design standards established in subsection (b)(2) of this section.


    General Provisions.




    Service entrances and service yards shall be located only in the rear or side yard of the business use. Service yards shall be screened from adjacent residential zones or uses by the installation and maintenance of a solid wall or fence having a height of not less than four (4) feet or greater than six (6) feet or vegetation having a minimum height of four (4) feet. Refuse enclosures shall be located at the rear of the site and screened with a wall and gate.


    Animal clinics shall provide all care on an out-patient basis only. Overnight boarding of animals is not permitted.


    Outside dining with consumption of alcoholic beverages incidental to food sales for restaurants are permitted subject to the following conditions: (1) no permanent structures shall be placed within the required setbacks; (2) no live entertainment or amplification shall be permitted outside; and (3) a six-foot solid screen fence shall be erected and maintained adjacent to all residentially zoned property.


    No external sound systems or live music shall be allowed in an "NC" district.


    No outdoor storage or display of goods shall be permitted except for outdoor dining.


    Signage in an "NC" district shall be limited to one (1) sign per occupied space on the building. Signs in an "NC" district may be lighted but shall not utilize any moving parts or flashing lights. No inflatable advertisement signs of logos, products or figures may be utilized temporarily or permanently in an "NC" district."


    Drive-Through uses shall not be permitted.

(Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10) (Ord. No. 2012-10-18-0829, § 2, 10-18-12; Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)