§ 35-310.10. "C-1," "C-2," "C-2P," and "C-3" Commercial Districts.  

Latest version.
  • Generally.


    These districts permit general commercial activities designed to serve the community such as repair shops, wholesale businesses, warehousing and limited retail sales with some outdoor display of goods. These districts promote a broad range of commercial operations and services necessary for large regions of the city, providing community balance.

    The "C-1," "C-2," "C-2P," and "C-3" districts implement the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Ensure that proposed land uses and development are compatible in their use, character and size to the site and the surrounding areas (Growth Management, Policy 1b).

    •  Support and encourage efforts to diversify the economic base of San Antonio (Economic Development, Policy 1e).

    •  Define, preserve and promote neighborhood centers which include schools, libraries, stores, transit centers and community service facilities in accessible, pedestrian friendly environments (Urban Design, Policy 1a).

    •  Develop zoning regulations that would allow mixed-use development (i.e. residential and commercial) to be placed in the same building (Urban Design, Policy 1e).


    Lot and Building Specifications. See subsections (a)(1), (b)(1), (c)(1) and (d)(1), below.


    "C-1" Commercial.


    "C-1" districts accommodate neighborhood commercial uses which depend on a greater volume of vehicular traffic than an "NC" district. "C-1" uses are considered appropriate buffers between residential uses and "C-2" and "C-3" districts and uses.


    General Provisions.


    Scale. See section (1) under "Statement of Purpose" of this section.


    Location of Uses. Unless permitted as an accessory use, uses permitted within the commercial districts shall occur within completely enclosed structures.


    Noise. No external sound systems or live music shall be allowed.


    Outdoor Storage or Display. No outdoor storage or display of goods shall be permitted except for outdoor dining.


    "C-2" Commercial.


    "C-2" districts accommodate commercial and retail uses that are more intensive in character than "NC" and "C-1" uses, and which generate a greater volume of vehicular traffic and/or truck traffic.


    General Provisions.


    Scale. See subsection (1) under "Statement of Purpose" of this section.


    Outdoor Storage or Display. No outdoor storage or display of goods shall be permitted except for outdoor dining.


    Front Setback.


    The maximum front setback in a "C-2P" district is thirty-five (35) feet.


    The district regulations within the "C-2" district are the same as in the "C-2P" districts except that there is no required front setback maximum.


    "C-3" Commercial.


    "C-3" districts are designed to provide for more intensive commercial uses than those located within the "NC," "C-1," "C-2" or "C-3" zoning districts. "C-3" uses are typically characterized as community and regional shopping centers, power centers and/or assembly of similar uses into a single complex under either single ownership or the structure of a property owners or condominium styled organization. "C-3" districts should incorporate shared internal circulation and limited curb cuts to arterial streets.


    General Provisions. No outdoor storage is permitted. Outdoor operations and display shall be permitted in areas which are screened as provided in subsection 35-510(g) of this chapter.


    Alcohol Restricted Districts.


    The district regulations within the "C-2NA" district are the same as in the "C-2" districts, except that no sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises or off-premises consumption shall be permitted.


    District regulations within the "C-3R" district are the same as in "C-3" districts except that no sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption shall be permitted.


    District regulations within the "C-3NA" districts are the same as in "C-3" districts except that no sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises or off-premises consumption shall be permitted.


    Noise Restricted Districts.


    The district regulations within the "C-2NR" district are the same as in the "C-2" districts, except that no external sound systems or outside live music shall be allowed.


    The district regulations within the "C-3NR" district are the same as in the "C-3" districts, except that no external sound systems or outside live music shall be allowed.

(Ord. No. 95490 § 1) (Ord. No. 2006-11-30-1333, § 2, 11-30-06) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10; Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)