§ 35-310.11. "D" Downtown.  

Latest version.

    This district provides concentrated downtown retail, service, office and mixed uses in the existing downtown business district. Major/regional shopping centers are permitted, but urban design standards are required in order to maintain a neighborhood commercial scale, to promote pedestrian activity, and to maintain the unique character of the center. Large outdoor sales areas are not permitted. Pedestrian circulation is required as are common parking areas. The "D" district promotes the long-term vitality of the downtown business district. The "D" district implements the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Neighborhoods, Policy 2b: Amend the Unified Development Code to create mixed-use districts.

    •  Neighborhoods, Goal 5: Encourage development of the downtown area as a complete neighborhood to enhance its image to both visitors and residents.

    •  Neighborhoods, Policy 5a: Encourage new development in the downtown area to create a broad range of housing stock including single occupancy hotels, low, moderate, and upper income housing, and housing for elderly persons.

    •  Neighborhoods, Policy 5a: Give priority to existing buildings, particularly vacant upper floors in existing buildings for meeting housing needs.

    •  Neighborhoods, Policy 5a: Adapt zoning, construction and fire codes that facilitate housing in existing buildings without compromising the basic health and safety of building occupants.

    •  Neighborhoods, Policy 5a: Facilitate the development of new infill multi-family housing in single use or mixed-use developments on vacant tracts in the downtown.

    •  Neighborhoods, Policy 5g: Encourage development of vacant parcels and parcels with underutilized buildings [in downtown] as office space.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 5b: Encourage resident and employment growth within walking distance of the downtown area and neighborhood centers in order to support an inter-modal transportation system.


    Location Criteria. The "D" downtown district shall be permitted only in the downtown business district, as defined in appendix A, which is the area originally settled and the locus of economic activity in the region. This shall include the area described as follows: Start at the intersection of Salado and El Paso Streets; north on Salado to its intersection with Frio Street; thence northeast in a straight line to the intersection of IH-10 and Cadwallader; south on IH-10 to IH-35; northeast on IH-35 to a perpendicular point connecting with Cherry Street; south on Cherry Street to César E. Chávez Boulevard; west on César E. Chávez Boulevard to the San Antonio River; south along the San Antonio River to Arsenal Street; west on Arsenal to El Paso Street; and then west on El Paso to Salado.


    Figure 310-11


    Design Standards and Guidelines. Properties zoned "D" Downtown District shall be governed in accordance with the Downtown Design Guide in Appendix G of this chapter (35-G101).

(Ord. No. 2014-04-03-0206, § 6, 4-3-14; Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)