§ 35-310.12. "L" Light Industrial.  

Latest version.

    This district provides for a mix of light manufacturing uses, office park, flex-space, and limited retail and service uses that services the industrial uses with proper screening and buffering, all compatible with adjoining uses.

    The "L" district implements the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Ensure that proposed land uses and development are compatible in their use, character and size to the site and the surrounding areas (Growth Management, Policy 1b).

    •  Support and encourage efforts to diversify the economic base of San Antonio (Economic Development, Policy 1e).

    The zone and its uses should continue the orderly development and concentration of industrial and manufacturing uses. The land area should be sufficient to maintain compatibility with surrounding uses.


    General Provisions. Uses in this district shall be in full conformance with the standards of the following and other applicable sections of this chapter:


    Principal vehicle access to and from the site shall be from a primary driveway.


    All loading shall be from the rear or side of the building, but not facing an arterial street. These loading standards apply to new structures only, and existing buildings with loading docks facing the street may continue to be used, restored or enlarged without being subject to the side or rear loading requirement of this section. Loading docks may be located in the rear yard, or a side yard facing a street that is internal to an "L," "I-1" or "I-2" zoning district.