§ 35-310.17. "FR" Farm and Ranch District.  

Latest version.
  • "FR" Generally.


    Purpose. The farm and ranch district "FR" is intended to preserve rural character and culture by implementing larger minimum lot sizes and by prohibiting incompatible land uses.

    The "FR" district provides areas for agricultural operations and natural resource industries. These districts are composed primarily of large tracts of land that are vacant or in agricultural uses and may contain a minimal number of dwellings and accessory structures.

    "FR" zoning protects and preserves valuable agricultural areas, implements agricultural and natural resource protection, preserves rural areas, and identifies areas appropriate for agricultural preservation. The "FR" district may be used to establish and buffer low intensity uses along streams, floodplains, and similar environmentally sensitive areas.

    The "FR" district implements the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Growth Management, Policy 1b: Distribute land uses to meet the physical, social, cultural, economic and energy needs of present and future populations.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 2b: Assist in the development of a comprehensive, regional natural resources plan.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 2d: Preserve the integrity of the natural settings of neighborhoods, communities, open spaces and parks, and develop clear procedures for their enforcement.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 1a: Based on a comprehensive land use plan, encourage more intensive development in and near neighborhood centers with less intensive development between neighborhood centers, and implement these changes through zoning.


    "FR" Uses and Conditions.

    Applicability (see subsection 35-310(a)).

    The farm and ranch district "FR" allows development in accordance with the dimension standards contained in section 35-310, Table 310-1, lot and building dimensions table. All permitted and specifically permitted uses in the farm and ranch district "FR" are enumerated in section 35-311, Table 311-1a, Residential Use Matrix, and Table 311-2a, Nonresidential Use Matrix, unless otherwise provided for in this section.


    Single-Family Residential Uses.


    Accessory detached dwelling units (ADDU) are permitted in the "FR" districts under the following conditions:


    Each property is permitted a maximum of two (2) ADDUs.


    The total square footage for each ADDU shall not exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet or be less than three hundred (300) square feet.


    An ADDU may not contain more than three (3) bedrooms.


    The owner is not required to occupy either the principal dwelling unit or an ADDU on the property as a primary residence.

    Reference: Section 35-371 contains regulations for accessory dwelling units as a supplemental use.


    Other Accessory Structures.


    An "FR" property is permitted a maximum of five thousand (5,000) total square feet for accessory structures, not including permitted ADDUs, for every twenty-five (25) acres.

    Reference: Section 35-370 contains regulations for accessory use structures (that are not used as a dwelling unit) as a supplemental use.


    Building setbacks are enumerated in Table 310-1.


    Density Bonus. A density bonus allowed when property is developed as a conservation subdivision, per section 35-203, and subject to the following requirements:


    A minimum of seventy-five (75) percent of the property is contained within the conservation easement for agricultural land, ranch land, or open space.


    The remainder of the property may be developed up to a maximum density of two (2) units per acre.


    The residential units shall be developed in conformance with the housing types and lot configurations referenced in Table 203-1, column B ("RP," "RE," and "R-20" districts).


    Up to five (5) percent or five (5) acres (whichever is less) of the conservation easement set aside may be designated as parks and open space if dedicated in accordance with section 35-503, and may be used to fulfill the parks and open space requirement.

    Example: On a one hundred (100) acre lot, this would result in a maximum density of fifty (50) dwelling units on twenty-five (25) acres with seventy-five (75) acres in a conservation easement.

    Comparison: A standard "FR" development would allow four (4) units on a one hundred (100) acre lot compared to the fifty (50) units allowed in a conservation subdivision.

    Reference: Section 35-203 Conservation Subdivision. Table 203-1 contains allowable housing types and lot configurations.


    Multi-Family Residential Uses. Multi-family (apartment) dwelling units are not permitted in the "FR" district.


    Commercial Uses.


    Ag Commercial. Permitted uses, as indicated in the Ag Commercial column of Table 311-2a, Nonresidential Use Matrix shall be permitted subject to the lot and building dimension standards contained in the "FR" Ag Commercial row of Table 310-1, Lot and Building Dimensions Table.


    Village Center. Permitted uses, as indicated in the "FR" village center/ minor node column of Table 311-2a, Nonresidential Use Matrix, shall be permitted in a village center constructed in accordance with the "MI-1" Village Center standards, subsection 35-310.18(a)(3).


    Minor Node. Permitted uses, as indicated in the "FR" village center/ minor node column of Table 311-2a, Nonresidential Use Matrix shall be located fronting on and within one-eighth ( 1/8 ) mile of the intersection of the centerlines of any two (2) of the following: major thoroughfares (including boulevards, main streets and avenues), collector streets, and rural roadways as defined by the city's major thoroughfare plan, Table 506-1 and Table 506-2. No drive-through uses/windows are allowed. Maximum building size for an individual building shall not exceed six thousand (6,000) square feet.


    Village Center Option. Table 311-2a indicates uses that may be permitted in a village center. The standards are the same as the "MI-1" district, section 35-310.18.


    "FR" Blocks, Lots, Streets, Sidewalks, Parking and Loading Design. All blocks, lots, streets and sidewalks shall be designed in accordance with article V of this chapter with the following exceptions: (Where the exceptions conflict with article V the provisions of this section shall apply.)


    Blocks - (no additional standards are required).




    All lots shall comply with the provisions of Table 310-1. The minimum lot size shall be twenty-five (25) acres.


    Pre-existing lots - (same as "UD" district).


    Streets - (no additional standards are required).


    Sidewalks and Pedestrian Circulation - (no additional standards are required).


    Parking and Loading - (same as "UD" district, agricultural related uses are exempt from requirements).


    "FR" Parks and Open Space - (no additional standards are required).


    "FR" Nonresidential Building/Site Design and Articulation - (no additional standards are required).


    Lighting - (same as "UD" district except only subsections 35-310.15(d)(5)A., B., C., and F. apply to a village center).


    "FR" Signs - (same as "UD" district). See subsection 35-310.15(e).


    "FR" Buffers - (same as "UD" district, subsection 35-310.15(f), except Table 310.15-3 does not apply).


    "FR" Natural Resource Protection - (same as "UD" district). See subsection 35-310.15(g).


    "FR" Master Plan Consistency - (same as "UD" district, subsection 35-310.15(h), provided that the residential density is no more than one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres).


    "FR" Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction and Production - (same as "MI-1" district). See subsection 35-310.18(i).

(Ord. No. 98091 § 6) (Ord. No. 100126) (Ord. No. 101816, § 2, 12-15-05) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10)