§ 35-332. "ERZD" Edwards Recharge Zone District.  

Latest version.

    The Edwards Recharge Zone district "ERZD" has been established for locations where the Edwards and associated limestone formations come to the surface to provide a recharge area for the underground water supply contained within these formations. The recharge area also can provide an entrance to the underground water supply for contaminated water runoff from uses on the recharge zone as well as from the related sensitive area. Thus this recharge zone district is designed to not allow land uses which could adversely affect the water supply, and thereby minimizing the risk of potential occurrences wherein such substances could enter the water reservoir. Land uses permitted are those not having operations, production, or storage of hazardous materials which could contribute contaminants to the water supply. All land uses allowed within the "ERZD" by this subdivision must also conform to the requirements of article VI, division 6 of this chapter.

    The provisions of this section implement the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Develop and implement a management plan for land use activities which includes the best management practices, based on scientific study, that will protect the recharge and drainage zones of the Edwards Aquifer from pollution.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Aggressively implement the water quality recommendations included in the 1994 report, The Edwards Aquifer: San Antonio Mandates for Water Quality Protection and any subsequent revisions.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Incorporate comprehensive watershed management considerations in revisions of land use and development standards.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Support new development designs that incorporate street, drainage and lot layouts which reduce storm runoff, pollutant loading, and the need for landscape irrigation.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Adopt urban drainage standards which reduce non point source pollution and minimize downstream flooding.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Continue to enforce, and strengthen if necessary, requirements for underground storage tanks.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Identify significant recharge features and accurately record their location onto subdivision plats using current computer technology.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Protect recharge features through such measures as acquisition, zoning restrictions, and buffering.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Consider impacts of transportation on the recharge zone when revising and implementing the major thoroughfare plan.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Utilize vegetated buffer zones along 100-year floodplains and significant creeks.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Establish standards for vegetation clearing and maintenance.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Maximize open space and minimize impervious cover through all available means.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Study the correlation between land use and stormwater quality and set standards in accordance with the findings.

    •  Natural Resources, Policy 1b: Utilize mechanisms such as land banking to provide incentives to public and private entities to mitigate impacts at a higher ratio than the minimum required.

    •  Adopt local guidelines and support regional guidelines for construction activities in the Edwards Aquifer Drainage and Recharge Zones area.


    Boundaries. The limits of the Edwards Recharge Zone district (ERZD) are described on United States Geological Survey Quadrangle Maps, being copies of the official maps in the offices of the Texas Environmental Quality Commission (TEQC), and are defined in the Texas Administrative Code, 31 TAC § 701 et seq. (West 1997). If the limits of the ERZD cannot be accurately determined, then Watershed Protection and Management Department of SAWS shall interpret the district boundaries after obtaining such geologic information as is necessary from the United States Geological Survey or other properly designated agency.


    Zoning Classification.


    The Edwards Recharge Zone district (ERZD) is designed as an overlay to the regular zoning districts. Property located within this overlay district must also be designated as being within one (1) of the regular zoning districts. Authorized uses must be permitted in both the regular zoning district and the overlay district.


    Uses permitted by right and with a specific use permit are specified in section 35-311, use regulations of this article. It shall be unlawful for any person to make use of any property located within the Edwards Recharge Zone district, except in accordance with such tables of permitted uses.


    Development Standards. No use may be established, and no development activity shall occur, within the ERZD except in compliance with the Edwards Aquifer Protection Standards (chapter 34, article VI, division 6 of the City Code). For subdivisions constructed over Edwards and associated limestone formations, all construction shall meet the herein referenced city specifications and the latest revision of the Texas Administrative Code, 31 TAC 313.1-313.11.