§ 35-333. Historic Districts and Landmarks.  

Latest version.

    Pursuant to V.T.C.A. Local Government Code §§ 211.001 and 211.003, historic districts and landmark designations are adopted in order to protect and preserve places and areas of historical, cultural, or architectural importance and significance. Historic districts and landmark designation preserve and enhance the city's historic resources pursuant to Goal 2 of the Urban Design Element of the master plan.


    Establishment. Historic districts and landmarks shall be established and governed in accordance with division 2 of article VI of this chapter.


    Design, new construction, alterations, site elements, additions, signage and maintenance within historic districts and landmarks shall be governed by the historic design guidelines as adopted by the city council.


    Applications for Rezoning.


    The designated historic districts have outstanding historic and cultural significance. When considering applications for rezoning relating to landmarks and in historic districts, the zoning commission shall apply the following goals and guidelines in addition to the criteria set forth in section 35-421 of this chapter:


    Preserve the architectural integrity of the historic district or landmark.


    Promote the general welfare of the community by fostering compatible land uses.


    Permit only uses which would be compatible within these districts.


    Prevent uses which would deteriorate the landmark, historic district, and/or district character.


    Provide a sense of community identity and continuity for site planning issues such as open space, parking ratios, setbacks, lot size, building heights, signs, lighting, and traffic.


    All decisions approving a rezoning related to a landmark or within a historic district should:


    Conform as closely as possible to established zoning regulations while incorporating these goals; and


    Protect adjacent property; and


    Encourage preservation, restoration and revitalization of existing structures and neighborhood integrity.


    When considering applications for a rezoning related to a landmark or within a historic district, the zoning commission should encourage housing, commercial or institutional uses, or combinations thereof, to maintain the historic, architectural, and cultural harmony of design and function. It is further the intent of these goals and guidelines to provide for:


    Zoning which preserves existing historic districts, landmarks, architecture, structures, trees, outstanding natural topography, and geologic features.


    An efficient use of inner city land resulting in the use of existing facilities, structures, utilities, streets, topography, and resources.


    An environment of stable architecture in harmony with the historic and cultural character of the surrounding cityscape.


    Complimentary design, new construction, alterations, site elements, additions, signage and maintenance within historic districts and landmarks in accordance with the historic design guidelines as adopted by the city council.


    Flexibility to implement special development concepts should be encouraged, but should not detract from these goals and guidelines.

(Ord. No. 2011-11-08-0877, § 2, 11-8-12)