§ 35-339.03. "NHS" National Highway System High Priority Corridor Districts.  

Latest version.

    Within the city there are interstate highways that contribute to domestic and international trade between the United States, Canada and Mexico. Significant infrastructure improvements have been or will be completed to further facilitate trade and commerce and contribute to the economic development initiatives of the City of San Antonio. To preserve, enhance, and perpetuate the value of these interstate highways the city council hereby authorizes the establishment of a National Highway System ("NHS") High Priority Corridor overlay zoning district.

    The purposes of this overlay district are as follows:

    •  To create a more attractive, cohesive, and safe environment for visitors, freight traffic and area residents.

    •  To create favorable impressions of San Antonio to further promote targeted economic development initiatives of the city.

    •  To enhance San Antonio's image as a family friendly city.

    •  To preserve, protect, and enhance areas of high tourist and visitor visibility.

    •  To enhance the appearance and economic viability of areas along interstate highways.

    •  To reduce visual chaos and limit driver distractions along public roadways.

    •  To protect publicly funded capital investments in the national transportation infrastructure.


    "NHS" High Priority Corridor District Established. This section authorizes the establishment of an "NHS" high priority corridor overlay district. However, separate ordinances are required to establish each district. This division also specifies the general purposes of the "NHS" high priority corridor district and the scope of the standards that the separate ordinances may address. Ordinances establishing each district shall identify the street corridor(s) and specify the individual purposes and standards for that district. In event of a conflict between the provisions of a specific corridor ordinance and other provisions of the City Code, the provisions of this section shall apply.

    (Commentary - "NHS" priority corridor districts established as of January 1, 2005 include:

    1. The "IH-35" North Corridor District Ordinance No. 99358 dated June 24, 2004. Details relative to specific design standards and requirements are maintained in the planning and community development director's office.)


    Designation Criteria. To be designated an "NHS" high priority corridor district an area must be designated as a high priority corridor in the national highway system in accordance with section 1118 of the Transportation Efficiency Act of the 21st Century enacted in 1998 amending Title 23 of the United States Code (23 U.S.C.).


    Initiation Procedures and Zoning Classification.


    City council resolution shall initiate zoning changes to establish a specific "NHS" high priority corridor district.


    The department of planning and development services shall undertake land use and other background studies necessary to establish an "NHS" high priority corridor district. All property owners within the proposed district and adjacent areas shall be afforded an opportunity to participate in drafting the proposed regulations through public hearings and meetings.


    An "NHS" high priority corridor district is established as an overlay district to the regular base zoning districts established by this chapter.


    The zoning designation for the "NHS" high priority corridor district shall consist of a base zone symbol and the overlay district symbol "IH" as a suffix. High priority corridor districts shall be numbered sequentially to distinguish among different districts, i.e., "IH-1," "IH-2," etc. Adopted high priority corridor districts referenced herein by their title and date of adoption are:


    Northeast Gateway Corridor District ("IH-1"); June 24, 2004.


    Boundaries. An "NHS" high priority corridor district shall be designated on both sides of a street except when one side is not located within the City of San Antonio. The maximum width of a district along either side of the street right-of-way shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) feet. The minimum length of a district shall be two thousand six hundred forty (2,640) feet.


    Zoning/Rezoning Plan. An "NHS" high priority corridor district may be adopted as an overlay zone on top of the existing base zoning to incorporate additional urban design standards, and to ensure safe traffic movement within the corridor. The zoning ordinance creating an "NHS" high priority corridor district shall include a development plan. Uses allowed in the corridor shall be in accordance with the design and development standards found in Table 35-339.03-1 of this section. The city council may elect to rezone all or portions of the district to reflect compatible land use relationships.


    The development plan approved as part of the zoning ordinance creating a corridor district shall include development and design standards for new construction of any building or structure, or the relocation or rehabilitation to the street facade of an existing building or structure as set forth in subsection (f) below.


    The development plan and requisite development and design standards shall not apply to those activities that constitute ordinary maintenance and repair of the building or site using the same or similar material and design.


    Nonconforming structures shall be governed by article VII of this chapter.


    Development and Design Standards. Development and design standards for the corridor district may only include the following elements and no others governing the physical characteristics and features of all property (public or private) within the proposed corridor district:


    Siting, grading;


    Building size;


    Lot coverage; floor area ratio;


    Front and side setbacks;


    Lot frontage;


    Driveway size and sidewalks;


    Parking, off-street parking and loading requirements;


    Screening of lighting for entrances, parking lots, walkways and building exteriors;


    Screening; fences, walls and berms;


    Landscaping to encourage the use of native trees and plants;


    Tree preservation;


    Natural areas to encourage the use of native trees and plants;


    Noise levels;


    Building materials;


    Street wall facade of permanent structures;


    Trash receptacles, utility boxes;


    Satellite dishes and components;


    Solar systems and components.


    Corridor Ordinance Administration.


    A site plan and building elevations for all properties within a corridor district shall be submitted in conjunction with an application for a building permit as required by the city's building code. The plan shall be on a standard drawing sheet of a size not to exceed twenty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36) square inches and shall be submitted in four (4) copies, including one (1) reproducible copy, together with a reproducible eight and one-half by eleven (8.5 x 11) inches reduction of the plan.


    The site plan shall include the following, as applicable, for a particular corridor district:


    Street address, legal description, vicinity diagram, scale, north arrow, and perimeter boundaries;


    Location and dimensions of existing and/or proposed structures, easements, driveways, and parking areas;


    Location and height of required screening;


    Locations and dimensions of all signs and appurtenances; and


    Location of lighting.


    Building elevations shall include:


    Building materials; and


    Building dimensions and details.


    No building permit shall be issued by the department of development services for new construction or an alteration or addition to the street facade of an existing building or structure within a designated "NHS" high priority corridor district without the submission and approval of design plans submitted in conformance with the development and design standards established pursuant to subsection (f) above and the issuance of a certificate of compliance by the planning and community development director, provided however, a sign permit may be issued upon review of the applicable corridor ordinance by the department of development services without issuance of a certificate of compliance by the planning and community development director.


    The development services director shall forward a copy of a building permit application to the planning director for review and comment. Upon receipt of all submittal materials required in subsection (1), the planning and community development director shall issue or deny a certificate of compliance to the applicant within ten (10) working days. If approved or disapproved, the plan shall be so annotated and the plan shall be returned to the department of development services.


    If the plan is not approved, the applicant may appeal the staff decision to the board of adjustment.


    Sign Standards.


    General. The provisions of section 28-220 of the City Code shall apply to corridor districts established pursuant to this section, provided that in the event of a conflict between the provisions of a specific corridor ordinance and section 28-220, the most restrictive provisions shall apply.


    Prohibited Signs. In addition to the signs prohibited by section 28-220, no signs shall be permitted in public rights-of-way except for licensed residential monument signs and other signs expressly authorized by permit or license before the effective date of this section.


    Nonconforming Signs. Abatement of nonconforming signs shall be governed by section 28-245, nonconforming sign abatement, of this chapter; provided however that the right to maintain any nonconforming sign shall terminate and shall cease to exist whenever the device is damaged or destroyed from any cause whatsoever and the cost of repairing such damage or destruction exceeds sixty (60) percent of the replacement cost of the sign on the date of such damage or destruction.


    On-Premises Signs. The maximum sign height and message area shall be as indicated in Table 35-339.03-1. Sign consolidation incentives may be considered for individual corridors not to exceed the maximum sign areas in Table 35-339.03-1.


    Off-Premises Advertising Signs and Billboards. This Code does not prohibit signs advertising goods or services off-premises. However, such a prohibition may be adopted as a requirement of a designated corridor.


    Sign Master Plan Development Agreements. No provision in this section may be construed to prohibit a sign master plan development agreement as defined by section 28-244 of the City Code.


    Automobile Sales. Where the primary use of a lot is automobile sales, one (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted for each two hundred (200) linear feet of street frontage in accordance with Table 35-339.03-1. The maximum height and size for all allowed signs on lots where the primary use is automobile sales shall be in accordance with Table 35-339.03-1 On lots with frontage on more than one (1) street, the same shall apply for each street.


    Definitions. For the purposes of this section the following definitions apply:


    Dual Tenant Sign. Dual tenant signs are signs that advertise no more than two (2) businesses, each with a separate certificate of occupancy on the same platted lot. Provisions pertaining to dual tenant signs may only be used when no more than two (2) businesses occupy a single platted lot. An individual tenant shall not exceed the maximum allowable message area of a single tenant sign as designated in Table 35-339.03-1.

    Commentary: The provision of dual tenant signs in corridor districts is to encourage the reduction in the number of freestanding signs.


    Monument Sign. Monument signs are signs that are directly supported by the earth for the full width of the sign face area.


    Freestanding Sign. Freestanding signs means any type of sign supported by structures or supports that are placed on, or anchored in, the ground and is independent of any structure and of a permanent nature. This type of sign shall include any form of monument sign as defined in chapter 28 of the City Code.


    Public Facilities and Utilities. Public agencies shall take into account a corridor designation and be sensitive to the intent and provisions of a corridor ordinance in the siting and design of projects and facilities that are located within or adjacent to a corridor district. On-site utilities may be required to be located underground unless required by the utility to be otherwise located. Public agencies that own property within a corridor district shall be encouraged to provide landscaping along public rights-of-way.


    TABLE 35-339.03-1


    MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT. The maximum sign height for freestanding signs shall be established in accordance with the table below as measured feet. The maximum sign heights below shall apply to Arterial Type A, Arterial Type B and Expressways in the district.


    Single Tenant       10—45 ft.


    Dual Tenant       10—45 ft.


    Multiple Tenant       10—50 ft.

    Up to an additional ten (10) feet of overall sign height may be added if the adjacent street grade is elevated. The difference in elevation between the property and the street grade shall be the determining factor in the height allowed.


    MAXIMUM FREESTANDING SIGN MESSAGE AREA (single/dual/multiple tenant). The maximum sign face area for freestanding signs shall be established in accordance with the table below as measured in square feet.

    A. Single Tenant 100—300 sq. ft. (Expressway)
     65—200 sq. ft. (Arterial Type A or B)
    B. Dual Tenant 100—375 sq. ft. (Expressway)
    100—240 sq. ft. (Arterial Type A or B)
    C. Multiple Tenant 130—500 sq. ft. (Expressway)
    130—400 sq. ft. (Arterial Type A or B)



    NUMBER OF FREESTANDING SIGNS. To be determined for each designated "NHS" High Priority Corridor district, provided that, one (1) freestanding sign per platted lot is permitted. Additional freestanding signs may be permitted if a minimum spacing between signs of two hundred (200) feet exists along one (1) side of the street and no sign is within the clear vision area defined by section 35-506. Except in those instances provided in subsection (h) (7) above, additional freestanding signs shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the allowable height and size set out in Table 35-339.03-1.


    MAXIMUM ATTACHED SIGN MESSAGE AREA. The maximum allowable sign area, as a percentage of the area of each building elevation, for attached signs along all street frontage shall be as follows, provided that each occupancy that has a separate and distinct public entrance located on an Arterial Type B street shall be allowed a minimum of fifty (50) square feet of sign message area, each occupancy that has a separate and distinct public entrance located on an Arterial Type A street shall be allowed a minimum of seventy-five (75) square feet of sign message area, and each occupancy that has a separate and distinct public entrance located on an Expressway shall be allowed a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of sign message area.


    Cabinet Sign; Painted or Flat Sign 15%


    Channel Letters Raised or Incised 20%



    Prohibited Uses. It shall be a violation to operate, own, manage, or maintain a sexually oriented business within a national highway system high priority corridor district.

(Ord. No. 99355) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10)