§ 35-356. "MHP" Manufactured Housing Park District.  

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  • (a)

    Purpose. The manufactured housing park "MHP" district is composed of areas suitable for manufactured homes and compatible uses. The districts are intended to provide suitable locations for HUD-Code manufactured homes for manufactured home parks. The district regulations are designed to provide adequate protection both for the manufactured homes and for the surrounding development.


    Permitted Uses. The permitted uses within an "MHP" district shall be those uses permitted in an "RM-4" district, and manufactured homes and manufactured home parks.


    Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots.


    HUD-Code manufactured homes may be located on individual lots in a manufactured home park. All manufactured homes in an "MHP" district shall be permanently installed and limited to one (1) home per lot. In addition they shall be subject to the following standards which are designed to ensure acceptable compatibility in exterior appearance between HUD-Code manufactured homes and site built dwellings that have been or may be constructed in adjacent or nearby locations.


    HUD-Code manufactured homes shall be permanently affixed to a foundation with a visible foundation system and skirting acceptably similar in appearance to foundations of site built residences. The foundation shall form a complete enclosure under exterior walls. Wheels and axles shall be removed. All units must also have site built steps and porches.


    Each HUD-Code manufactured home shall have a sloping roof with eave projections of at least six (6) inches, constructed with material generally acceptable for site built housing. The pitch of the main roof shall not be less than one (1) foot of rise for each four (4) feet of horizontal run.


    Any materials that are generally acceptable for site built housing may be used for exterior finish if applied in such a manner as to be similar in appearance, provided, however, that reflection from such exterior shall not be greater than from siding coated with clean, white, semi-gloss enamel paint.


    Dimensional Regulations. The dimensional regulations for an "MHP" district are the same as those applicable to an "RM-4" district (see section 35-310 of this article).


    Manufactured Homes Developed within a Manufactured House and Recreational Vehicle Park. Manufactured homes within an "MHP" district not developed on individual lots per the above shall be developed in compliance with the provisions of section 35-379 manufactured homes and recreational vehicle parks.

(Ord. No. 97568 § 2) (Ord. No. 2009-01-15-0001, § 2, 1-15-09; Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)