§ 35-359. "AD" Airport District.

Latest version.

    The "AD" airport district accommodates the uses encompassed by a local or regional airport to serve the general public and industries that contribute to the operation of an airport or by which by nature of their operations need to locate on airport property.

    Commentary: The airport district is a base zoning district intended for airport properties and immediately adjacent properties that relate to the uses of an airport. The Airport Zoning District does not replace or relieve any requirements of the "AHOD" Airport Hazard Overlay District.


    Location. An airport district may be established on public property used for an airport or on a property adjacent to such an airport that is considered sensitive due to its relationship with the airport operations.


    Permitted Uses. In an airport district the following are permitted uses:


    Aviation facilities including passenger terminals, air cargo facilities, hangars, aircraft refueling, parking facilities and other uses integral to airport operations.


    Commercial or industrial uses that are related to aviation and require direct access to an airport facility or aviation services, including assembly or sale of aircraft, air frames, aircraft engines, aircraft parts or associated components, radios or navigational equipment, and similar products or services.


    Service establishments such as auto rental and travel agencies, commercial parking lots and garages, automobile service stations, car washes, banks, gift shops, newsstands, bookstores, restaurants, bars, medical offices, postal facilities, laundry services, and similar facilities available to airport users and airport employees.


    Public and institutional uses that support the aviation industry such as aviation technical schools, security services, and inspection facilities.


    Warehousing and storage facilities that support the aviation industry.


    Public transportation and freight railroad facilities.


    The following uses shall be allowed only upon first obtaining a recommendation for approval by the aviation director (and/or his designated agent) and then submission of a request for approval of a specific use authorization ("S") to the development services department. As a condition of the specific use authorization, sound attenuation may be required.


    Outdoor recreation facilities such as golf courses, tennis courts, driving.


    Ranges and swimming pools.


    Hotels and motels.


    Office buildings.


    Day care facilities.


    Resource extraction.




    Colleges or universities.


    Radio, television antennae and wireless communication systems.


    Bulk above ground fuel storage tanks or facilities.


    Bulk flammable or bulk compressed gas storage.


    Prohibited Uses. Residential uses, primary or secondary schools (public or private), public assembly facilities (inclusive of but not limited to churches, party houses, libraries, stadiums, outdoor and indoor theaters and amphitheaters), feed lots, water reservoirs, transfer stations, landfills and water treatment plants.


    Height and Yard Requirements.


    All uses shall comply with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations including but not limited to heights.


    Setbacks and buffer requirements. Where an AD use abuts a residential use or a residential zoning district, a minimum setback of fifty (50) feet and Type F buffer shall be maintained. This setback and buffer shall not be required where the uses are separated by a public right-of-way of at least fifty (50) feet in width. The fifty-foot setback and Type F buffer shall not apply if the property with residential zoning is occupied by a nonresidential use such as a school, church, park or golf course.


    Fencing. Fencing in excess of the maximum heights authorized by 35-514 shall be permitted where supported by a noise attenuation study or where required by the Department of Homeland Security.


    International Airport Gateways. Within the AD district, land uses located on properties with frontage on Terminal Drive or Airport Boulevard shall include the following:




    Elective criteria required for compliance with 35-511 shall be 85 points.


    All landscaping plans must be approved prior to permitting, construction and/or installation by the airport's wildlife hazard management officer.


    Setbacks. Buildings shall be setback at least fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way of Terminal Drive or Airport Boulevard.




    On-premises freestanding signs shall be limited to six (6) feet in height and thirty-two (32) square feet in area for single-tenant uses and eight (8) feet in height and fifty (50) square feet in area for multiple tenant uses.


    Off-premises signs shall be prohibited.


    Completeness Review. No application submitted pursuant to this chapter for development within the AD district shall be deemed complete until reviewed by the City of San Antonio Aviation Department. Such review shall occur within ten (10) working days.


    Precedence of Regulations. In no instance or case shall the above regulations take precedence and/or supersede any federal or Federal Aviation Authority regulations governing the operation and maintenance of a public airport.

(Ord. No. 2010-06-24-0639, § 2, 6-24-10)