§ 35-386. Sanitary Landfills, Solid Waste Facilities.  

Latest version.
  • Sanitary landfills and solid waste facilities are permitted in the "I-2" heavy industry district, subject to special approval by the city council and the following conditions:


    Separation Distance. A minimum separating distance of one hundred (100) feet shall be maintained between disposal operations and the perimeter of the site.


    Fencing. A chain-link fence with a minimum height of six (6) feet, shall be installed along the perimeter of the site.


    Buffering. A thirty-foot greenbelt shall be established and maintained adjacent to the fence along the site perimeter. The greenbelt shall be established prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy and shall include, as a minimum, the following number of plants per one hundred (100) linear feet of greenbelt: Five (5) canopy trees, and fifteen (15) shrubs.

    Existing trees and shrubs may be counted toward satisfying the greenbelt requirement. Newly planted vegetation shall meet the minimum size standards required by section 35-3168, "buffering techniques," and shall consist of native or naturalized low maintenance species. Once the zoning is approved by the city council, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of a greenbelt plan, drawn to scale, to the solid waste management director for approval. The plan shall be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect and shall include the following information:


    Location and type of existing vegetation, if any.


    General location and species of proposed canopy understory trees and shrubs.


    Description of how the greenbelt will be maintained to include provision for adequate irrigation.


    Property lines.

    The solid waste management director shall approve or disapprove the plan within twenty (20) working days of submittal. If approved, a copy of the plan shall be forwarded to the director of planning and development services for use in issuing the certificate of occupancy.


    Land Use Plan. The zoning application shall be accompanied by a land use plan indicating the following information:

    • Character of the surrounding land uses within one (1) mile of the proposed facility.

    • Proximity to residences and other uses (schools, churches, cemeteries, historic structures and sites, archaeologically significant sites, sites having exceptional aesthetic quality, etc.). Give the approximate number of residences and business establishments within one (1) mile of the proposed facility including the distances and directions to the nearest residences and businesses.

    • Availability and adequacy of access roadways, to include types of surfacing, pavement widths, complete details of upgrading required, any significant roadway limitations (structures, surfacing, sight distances, alignment, dust hazards, weight limits, etc.), and estimate the number, size, and maximum weight of vehicle expected to use the site daily.

    • Volume of vehicular traffic on access roads, both existing and expected, during the life of the proposed facility.

    • Existing and proposed elevations of the landfill and the area within one (1) mile of the proposed facility.


    Monitoring System. A monitoring system approved by the solid waste management director shall be installed to detect any lateral migration of methane and other decomposition gases.

(Ord. No. 98697 § 1, 4 and 6) (Ord. No. 101816, § 2, 12-15-05) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10)