§ 35-451. Certificate of Appropriateness.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Applications proposing work or changes to the exterior of a landmark, in a historic district, in a river improvement overlay district, viewshed protection or mission protection overlay district, or a property identified as an eligible resource or recommended for historic designation in accordance [with] subsection 35-453(a) shall require review for appropriateness with the provisions of this article, and any adopted design guidelines. In addition, the demolition or relocation of any structure designated historic shall also require review for appropriateness in the same manner. Such applications may include, but are not limited to:


    Construction and reconstruction,


    Alteration, additions, restoration and rehabilitation,










    Construction or reconstruction of a parking lot,


    Construction or reconstruction of an appurtenance,


    Acquisition or deaccessioning of artwork,


    Demolition, and


    Lighting, furniture and seating plan, and awnings and umbrellas within the Riverwalk area and in the public right-of-way.


    Initiation. Applications for certificates of appropriateness shall be referred to the commission by the historic preservation officer. In the case of an application for new infill development or redevelopment of property zoned "D" Downtown, the application shall be referred to the commission by the director of the planning and community development department and shall be guided by procedures specified in the Downtown Design Guide in Appendix G of this chapter (35-G101). In the case of an application for demolition, the commission shall be guided by procedures specified in sections 35-614 to 35-617 of this chapter.


    Completeness Review. The historic preservation officer shall review an application for a certificate of appropriateness in accordance with section 35-402 of this chapter. The appellate agency for purposes of completeness review (see subsection 35-402(c) of this chapter) shall be the historic and design review commission.




    Commission Review. The commission shall make its written final recommendation to either approve, deny, or approve with stipulations the application within sixty (60) days after the historic preservation officer's receipt of the completed application. Applications forwarded to the commission shall include all required materials and documents from the applicant. If the commission does not make its final recommendation within a sixty-day period, the application shall be deemed recommended by the commission for approval and the city manager or her designee shall either approve, deny or approve with conditions the application within five (5) days of the applicant's demand. The sixty-day time period may be extended up to three additional times, with each time not exceeding thirty (30) days, with the concurrence of the applicant if additional time is required for the preparation of information or for research required by the commission. In cases involving demolition applications, the Historic Preservation Officer may extend this timeline consistent with subsection 35-455(d).


    City Manager Review. Upon receipt of the recommendation by the commission, or on their own initiative, the city manager or designee may implement such recommendation by notifying the applicant within ten (10) business days from receipt of such recommendation that the application has been approved, conditionally approved, or disapproved. The city manager designee for this purpose shall be the historic preservation officer, unless the city manager chooses to designate otherwise. The city manager or designee shall also submit a copy of the decision to the commission for its information, to the department of planning and development services for issuance of permits, and to other departments, as applicable. The city manager or designee shall assure the decision is based on the criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation, and was considered by the commission in the determination as to issuance or denial of any certificate.


    Appeal. An applicant for a certificate may appeal the decision of the city manager or designee to the board of adjustment within thirty (30) days after receipt of notification of the city manager's action. The applicant shall be advised by the city manager or designee of the time and place of the hearing at which the appeal will be considered and shall have the right to attend and be heard as to the reasons for filing the appeal. In determining whether or not to grant the appeal, the board of adjustment shall consider the same factors as the commission and the report of the commission. If the board of adjustment approves the application, it shall direct the city manager or designee to issue a certificate for the work covered. If the board of adjustment disapproves the application, it shall direct the city manager or designee not to issue such certificate. Such disapproval may indicate what changes in the plans and specifications would meet the conditions. Upon receipt of the written disapproval of the board of adjustment, the city manager or designee shall immediately advise the applicant and the commission in writing.


    Approval Criteria (See article VI of this chapter.)


    Subsequent Applications. In the case of disapproval of an application by the board of adjustment, a new application for the same work shall not be resubmitted for consideration until one (1) year has elapsed from the date of disapproval unless the indicated changes in the plans and specifications required to meet the conditions have been incorporated into the new application. The commission, by a majority of its membership, may waive the aforementioned time limitation if the application presents new substantial evidence. If such waiver is granted, a new application shall be filed with the historic preservation officer.


    Amendments. A certificate of appropriateness shall be amended in the same manner as the approval of the original application.


    Scope of Approval. A certificate of appropriateness shall authorize only those modifications to a building or structure requested in the application and approved as provided herein. The historic and design review commission shall recommend approval, denial, or approval with conditions for the application before it, unless said application is revised with the consent of the applicant. Following commission approval of final design, defined as eighty (80) percent working drawings, and issuance of a certificate, an applicant must secure permits within one hundred eighty (180) days and start work within one hundred eighty (180) days of issuance of permits or the certificate becomes null and void and of no force or effect. Thereafter, the applicant must reapply for reissuance of a certificate to the historic preservation officer. The historic preservation officer will determine whether significant changes have occurred to the final design. If the historic preservation officer determines that significant changes have occurred, then plans must be resubmitted to the commission for rehearing and action.


    Recording Procedures. A certificate of appropriateness need not be recorded, but shall be maintained and displayed by the applicant on the premises. The historic preservation officer shall also retain a copy of the certificate of appropriateness for public inspection.

(Ord. No. 95352 § 4) (Ord. No. 98697 § 1, 4 and 6) (Ord. No. 2009-01-15-0001, § 2, 1-15-09) (Ord. No. 2010-06-24-0616, § 2, 6-24-10) (Ord. No. 2011-03-31-0240, § 2, 3-31-11) (Ord. No. 2014-04-03-0206, § 6, 4-3-14; Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15; Ord. No. 2017-10-05-0756 , § 1(Att. A), 10-5-17; Ord. No. 2017-12-14-1010 , § 2, 12-14-17)