§ 35-526. Parking and Loading Standards.  

Latest version.

    The purpose of this section is to prescribe minimum off-street parking and loading design standards for all developments. Lack of adequate parking can result in motorists parking in adjacent neighborhoods or business areas. This in turn can affect the perceived livability of the neighborhood and reduce the ability of business to accommodate customers. Circulation to find parking can increase which adds unnecessary vehicle trips on the surrounding street network, increasing the length of time and distance a vehicle is operated. Lack of adequate off-street loading areas can result in drivers unsafely loading/unloading large vehicles in a travel lane, which exposes the driver to moving traffic and reduces the capacity of the roadway while the vehicle is being loaded/unloaded.

    This section implements the following provisions of the master plan:

    •  Urban Design, Policy 5g: Additional parking where needed, but ensure that it is integrated into the surrounding environment.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 5g: Provide incentives to encourage private construction and ownership of structured parking facilities in those areas with the highest need.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 5g: Update parking code requirements to ensure that parking facilities reflect the surrounding natural, architectural and historic characteristics.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 5g: Promote mixed-use off-street parking facilities whereby two (2) or more distinguishable land uses have a common parking area.

    •  Urban Design, Policy 5g: Enact reasonable maximum parking ratios.


    General Requirements. The off-street parking facilities required by this article shall be provided for all uses except where otherwise indicated by this section. One (1) specific exemption provided by this sections is that areas zoned "D" downtown district shall be exempt from the off-street parking facilities provisions. The location, design, and number of spaces shall conform to the provisions of this section. In the event a use is enlarged or expanded, the amount of off-street parking facilities that would be required if the increment were a separate use shall be provided.


    Table of Off-Street Parking Requirements.


    Table 526-3 establishes the minimum number of parking spaces required, the maximum number of parking spaces permitted, and the minimum number of bicycle spaces required, for the uses indicated applicants are entitled to a reduction in the minimum parking requirements of Table 526-3 pursuant to subsection 35-523(f)(2) of this chapter to help meet the minimum tree preservation requirements.


    Where the parking variable indicated in Table 526-3 is the number employees, the parking requirements shall be based on the largest shift rather than the total number of employees.


    Where the parking variable indicated in Table 526-3 is square footage, the square footage shall not include any floor area accessory to a retail use devoted exclusively to storage or employee training.


    For the purposes of parking calculations, the gross area of any parking garage within a building shall not be included within the gross floor area of the building.


    Structured parking and pervious pavement shall not be subject to the maximum parking requirements.


    The director of planning and development services may waive up to fifty (50) percent of the minimum parking spaces required by Table 526-3 upon a written finding that the waiver will result in the preservation of woodlands or significant stands of trees in a natural state, or that the waiver will further a public purpose established in the master plan.


    The board of adjustment may adjust the minimum or maximum parking requirements based on a showing by the applicant that a hardship is created by a strict interpretation of the parking regulations. Any adjustment authorized by the board of adjustment shall apply only to the use in the original certificate of occupancy.


    Bicycle Parking Spaces. Bicycle spaces shall, at a minimum, equal ten (10) percent of the number of the minimum required vehicle spaces required for a given use, but no more than twenty four (24) shall be required. Bicycle parking may be short or long term in nature, and shall not create any obstruction to public walkways, bus stops and/or entrances and exits to buildings.


    Bicycle spaces shall be provided in the "D" downtown zoning district and all "IDZ" infill development districts at a minimum rate equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the minimum required vehicle spaces for the proposed use as if the proposed use were in a nonresidential zoning district requiring minimum off-street parking. Bicycle spaces shall include bicycle racks or bicycle lockers which shall not obstruct pedestrian traffic in accordance with subsection (l).


    Multi-family recycling facilities. The minimum parking requirement may be reduced in order to provide adequate space for a recycling facility in accordance with chapter 14 of the City Code. In such cases the recycling facility shall be screened in accordance with subsection 35-511(c).


    Storage in Front and Side Yards. There shall be no parking or storage of vehicles (other than noncommercial off-street parking), or storage or display of any merchandise or materials of any kind in any front yard as required by this chapter in any residential zoning district and/or property or in any side yard or rear yard which abuts any residential zoning district and/or property unless permitted specifically by Table 311-2 Nonresidential Uses and complies fully with all screening, buffering and landscape provisions of this chapter.

    TABLE 526-3a
    Parking in Residential Use Districts

    Permitted Use Minimum
    Vehicle Spaces
    Vehicle Spaces
    ASSISTED LIVING, BOARDING HOME, OR COMMUNITY HOME WITH 7 OR MORE RESIDENTS 0.3 per resident plus 1 space for each employee 1 per resident plus 1 space for each employee
    AUTOMOBILE NONCOMMERCIAL PARKING (Board of Adjustment) 1.5 per unit 2 per unit
    BED and BREAKFAST 0.3 per room 1 per room
    CHILD - CARE INSTITUTION (BASIC) 1 per 375 sf GFA 1.5 per 375 sf GFA
    CHURCH, TEMPLE, MOSQUE 1 per 8 seats 1 per 1.5 seats
    DAY CARE CENTER (commercial or non-profit) 1 per 375 sf GFA 1.5 per 375 sf GFA
    DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (Attached or townhouse) cluster parking allowed 1 per unit N/A
    DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (Detached) cluster parking allowed 1 per unit N/A
    DWELLING - 2 FAMILY cluster parking allowed 1 per unit 2 per unit
    DWELLING - 3 FAMILY cluster parking allowed 1.5 per unit 2 per unit
    DWELLING - 4 FAMILY cluster parking allowed 1.5 per unit 2 per unit
    DWELLING - ACCESSORY (Carriage houses, Granny flats, Echo homes) cluster parking allowed 1 per unit N/A
    DWELLING - COLLEGE FRATERNITY (off Campus) 1 per 2 beds 1 per bed
    DWELLING - School dormitories or housing (off Campus) 1 per 2 beds 1 per bed
    DWELLING - HUD-CODE MANUFACTURED HOMES (residential) cluster parking allowed 1 per unit N/A
    DWELLING - MULTI-FAMILY (25 units maximum) 1.5 per unit 2 per unit
    DWELLING - MULTI-FAMILY (30 units maximum) 1.5 per unit 2 per unit
    DWELLING - MULTI-FAMILY (40 units maximum) 1.5 per unit 2 per unit
    DWELLING - MULTI-FAMILY (50 units maximum) 1.5 per unit 2 per unit
    DWELLING - R.O.W. HOUSE, ZERO LOT LINE (cluster parking allowed) 1 per unit NA
    DWELLING - TOWNHOUSE (cluster parking allowed) 1 per unit NA
    FOSTER FAMILY HOME 1 per 250 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    FOSTER GROUP HOME 1 per 375 sf GFA 1.5 per 375 sf GFA
    GOLF COURSE (accessory to a residential subdivision) N/A N/A
    GREENHOUSE N/A 2 spaces
    GROUP DAY CARE HOME 1 per 375 sf GFA 1.5 per 375 sf GFA
    MUSEUM 1 per 1,000 sf GFA 1.5 per 1,000 sf GFA
    NURSERY (1 acre minimum) N/A N/A
    REGISTERED FAMILY HOME (12 children maximum) 1 per 375 sf GFA 1.5 per 375 sf GFA
    SCHOOL - PRIVATE (includes Church schools, private schools K-12, privately owned college or university, trade or specialty school) according to use according to use
    SCHOOL - PUBLIC (includes all ISD schools K-12, open enrollment charter schools, public college or university according to use according to use
    SHORT TERM RENTAL (TYPE 1) AND (TYPE 2) 1 per unit N/A
    URBAN FARM 2 spaces N/A
    UNIVERSITY or COLLEGE (private) 1 per 4 students 1 per 2 students


    TABLE 526-3b
    Parking in Nonresidential Use Districts

    Permitted Use Minimum
    Vehicle Spaces
    Vehicle Spaces
    ACCESSORY ACCESSORY USES - secondary or incidental to primary use N/A N/A
    ALCOHOL ALCOHOL - bar, lounge, tavern, nightclub, or dance hall
    Building area gross square footage (GSF)*
    * Gross square footage of entire building including accessory uses such as offices, kitchens, restrooms, storage areas, mechanical and dressing rooms.
    1 per 100 sf of GSF 1 per 75sf of GSF
    ALCOHOL ALCOHOL - beverage manufacture or brewery - alcohol 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    ALCOHOL ALCOHOL - distillation, storage 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    ALCOHOL ALCOHOL - microbrewery 1 per 2 seats 1 per 1.5 seats
    ALCOHOL ALCOHOL - beverage retail sales (Exclusive of bars, lounges, taverns, nightclubs, dance halls or sexually oriented businesses.) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    ALCOHOL ALCOHOL - winery with bottling 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    AMUSEMENT ANIMAL RACETRACK and/or RODEO ARENA 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA
    AMUSEMENT CARNIVAL and/or CIRCUS 1 per 600 sf outdoor recreation area 1 per 500 sf outdoor recreation area
    AMUSEMENT CARNIVAL and/or CIRCUS (temporary for not more than 60 days) 1 per 600 sf outdoor recreation area 1 per 500 sf outdoor recreation area
    AMUSEMENT FAIRGROUND and/or STADIUM 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA
    AMUSEMENT MINIATURE GOLF 1 per hole 2 per hole
    AMUSEMENT AMUSEMENT and/or THEME PARK - outdoor rides 1 per 600 sf outdoor recreation area 1 per 500 sf outdoor recreation area
    AMUSEMENT BILLIARD OR POOL HALL - no alcohol in "C-2" 5 per 1,000 sf GFA 6 per 1,000 sf GFA
    AMUSEMENT BINGO PARLOR 5 per 1,000 sf GFA 6 per 1,000 sf GFA
    AMUSEMENT CARNIVAL and/or CIRCUS - temporary use (time set by city council on individual case consideration) 1 per 600 sf outdoor recreation area 1 per 500 sf outdoor recreation area
    AMUSEMENT DANCE HALL 1 per 2 seats 1 per 1.5 seats
    AMUSEMENT GO-CART TRACK 1 per 6 seats of 1 per 30 sf of GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA if no permanent seats
    AMUSEMENT LASER HIDE AND SEEK GAMES - indoors 1 per 6 seats of 1 per 30 sf of GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA if no permanent seats
    AMUSEMENT LASER HIDE AND SEEK GAMES - outdoors permitted 1 per 6 seats of 1 per 30 sf of GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA if no permanent seats
    AMUSEMENT RACING - auto or truck track 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA
    AMUSEMENT THEATER - indoor permitting over 2 screens and/or stages 1 per 6 seats 1 per 4 seats
    AMUSEMENT THEATER - indoor with 2 or less screens and/or stages 1 per 6 seats 1 per 4 seats
    AMUSEMENT THEATER - outdoor including drive-in and amphitheaters 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA
    AMUSEMENT VIDEO GAMES - coin or token operated 1 per device N/A
    ANIMAL ANIMAL - equestrian center and riding trails 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    ANIMAL ANIMAL - pound or shelter 1 per employee N/A
    ANIMAL BREEDER - small animal only 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    ANIMAL CEMETERY - pets (limited to small animals) N/A N/A
    ANIMAL DOG TRAINING - indoor 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    ANIMAL DOG TRAINING - outdoor permitted 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    ANIMAL KENNEL - boarding and breeding (see health and environmental) 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    ANIMAL PET GROOMING - small animals only 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    ANIMAL SMALL ANIMAL CLINIC - no outside runs 1 per employee N/A
    ANIMAL SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL - outside runs are permitted 1 per employee N/A
    ANIMAL STOCKYARD 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL - large and small animal (outside runs, pens and paddocks permitted) 1 per employee N/A
    ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL - large and small animal (no outside runs, pens and paddocks permitted) 1 per employee N/A
    ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL - small animal (outside runs, pens and paddocks permitted) 1 per employee N/A
    ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL - small animals (no outside runs, pens and paddocks permitted) 1 per employee N/A
    AUTO TRUCK AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT - auction 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AMBULANCE SERVICE 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO - glass tinting 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO - manufacture 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    AUTO AUTO AND LIGHT TRUCK - oil, lube and tune up 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO AND LIGHT TRUCK AUCTION 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO AND LIGHT TRUCK REPAIR 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas, plus 2 additional spaces for each inside service bay 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas, plus 2 additional spaces for reach inside service bay
    AUTO AUTO AND VEHICLE SALES - new and used-small scale (no more than 15 vehicles currently licensed and in running condition on-site at any given time for storage and/or sale 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO AND VEHICLE SALES - new and used-large scale 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO - rental (pickup and drop off only in "C-2") 1 per 1,000 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    AUTO AUTO ALARM AND RADIO - retail (install. incidental to sales in "C-2") 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO GLASS SALES - installation permitted 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO MUFFLER - installation and sales only 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    AUTO AUTO PAINT AND BODY - repair with outside storage limited to 3 vehicles (all outside storage of parts to be totally screened) 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO AUTO PAINT AND BODY - repair with outside storage of vehicles and parts permitted but totally screened from view of adjacent property owners and public roadways 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO AUTO PARTS RETAIL - no outside storage in "C-2" 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO AUTO PARTS RETAIL - w/installation and no outside storage 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO AUTO STATE VEHICLE INSPECTION STATION 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO AUTO UPHOLSTERY - sales and installation completely enclosed 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO CARWASH 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO LIMOUSINE SERVICE -dispatch and office use only no servicing of vehicles onsite N/A N/A
    AUTO PARKING AND TRANSIENT VEHICLE STORAGE - related to a delivery ( auto, truck, trailer and marine)(each vehicle limited to 24 hours maximum parking time within any 48 hour period in "C3," "D" and "L") N/A N/A
    AUTO PARKING LOT - noncommercial N/A N/A
    AUTO PARKING LOT or GARAGE - commercial N/A N/A
    AUTO TAXI SERVICE - parking and dispatch (no washing or mechanical service permitted) N/A N/A
    AUTO TAXI SERVICE - parking and dispatch (washing or mechanical service permitted) N/A N/A
    AUTO TIRE REPAIR - auto and small truck (sale and installation only, no mechanical service permitted) 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO TRUCK REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO TRUCK STOP OR LAUNDRY - full mechanical service and repair permitted 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO TRUCK STOP OR LAUNDRY - tire repair permitted 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    AUTO VEHICLE STORAGE - see "AUTO PARKING AND/OR STORAGE LONG TERM" 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    BEVERAGE BEVERAGE MANUFACTURE - non-alcohol 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    CHURCH CHURCH 1 per 8 seats 1 per 1.5 seats
    DRY GOODS - wholesale DRY GOODS - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    DWELLING APARTMENT or EXTENDED STAY HOUSING - see (HOUSING - extended stay hotel or timeshares)
    DWELLING DWELLING - attached apartments/condominiums with maximum density of 6 dwellings per gross acre (allowed ratio of 1 sq. ft. of residential floor use to 1 sq. ft. of nonresidential floor use) 1 per unit 1.9 per unit
    DWELLING DWELLING - attached apartments/condominiums with maximum density of 10 dwellings per gross acre (allowed ratio of 1 sq. ft. of residential floor use to 1 sq. ft. of nonresidential floor use) 1 per unit 1.9 per unit
    DWELLING DWELLING - attachments apartments/condominiums with maximum density of 20 dwellings per gross acre (allowed ratio of 2 sq. ft. of residential floor use to 1 sq. ft. of nonresidential floor use) 1 per unit 1.9 per unit
    DWELLING DWELLING - attached apartments/condominiums with maximum density of 50 dwellings per gross acre (allowed ratio of 4 sq. ft. of residential floor use to 1 sq. ft. of nonresidential floor use) 1 per unit 1.9 per unit
    DWELLING GROUP DAY CARE - SEE (HOUSING - group day care limited to 12 individuals)
    DWELLING MOTEL - see (HOUSING - motel)
    FABRIC ELECTRONIC COMPONENT - fabrication 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    GOV. CORRECTION INSTITUTION 1 per employee on maximum shift, 1 per service vehicle 1 per employee on maximum shift, 1 per service vehicle
    HOUSING HOUSING - extended stay hotel or timeshares or short term rental (Type 2) 1 per unit 1.9 per unit
    HOUSING HOUSING - group day care limited to 12 individuals 0.3 per room 1 per room
    HOUSING HOUSING - hotel 0.8 per room plus 1 per 800 sf of public meeting area and restaurant space 1 per room plus 1 per 400 sf of public meeting area and restaurant space
    HOUSING HOUSING - motel 0.8 per room plus 1 per 800 sf of public meeting area and restaurant space 1 per room plus 1 per 400 sf of public meeting area and restaurant space
    INDUST BATCHING PLANT 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST BATCHING PLANT - temporary in "C-3" and "L" ( 6 months maximum) 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST BOOKBINDER 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST CABINET or CARPENTER SHOP 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST CAN RECYCLE COLLECTION STATION - no shredding 1 per employee N/A
    INDUST COFFEE ROASTING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST CONTRACTOR FACILITY 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST CREAMERY 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST DRY CLEANING - plant 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST LAUNDRY - plant 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST LUMBER YARD and BUILDING MATERIALS 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    INDUST MACHINE SHOP 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST PECAN SHELLING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST PRINTER - large scale 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST RUG CLEANING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    INDUST WELDING SHOP - limited to three (3) employees and screening of outside storage in "C-3" 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ABRASIVE - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ACETYLENE GAS - manufacturing and storage 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. AIR PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ARTIFICIAL LIMB ASSEMBLY 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ASBESTOS PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ASPHALT PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,000 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    MANF. BAG CLEANING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. BATTERY - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. BEVERAGE - manufacturing or processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. BIOMEDICAL PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. BOAT AND MARINE - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. BOILER and TANK WORKS 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. BROOM, BRUSH - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. BUILDING SPECIALTIES - wholesale outside storage permitted 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    MANF. BULK PLANT or TERMINAL (Includes Bulk Storage of Petro Chemicals) N/A N/A
    MANF. CAN MANUFACTURE 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. CANDLE - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. CANDY - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. CANVAS PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. CHEMICAL - manufacturing or processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. CHEMICAL/DRUG - wholesale and storage 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    MANF. CLOTHING MANUFACTURE - chemical process 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. CLOTHING MANUFACTURE - non-chemical process 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. CONCRETE PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. COTTON COMPRESS, GINNING and BAILING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. DRUG - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ELECTRONIC COMPONENT - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ELECTROPLATING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. FELT PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. GLASS MANUFACTURE 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. GRAIN - drying 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. GRAIN - milling 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. HATCHERY 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. HOSIERY - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ICE CREAM - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. ICE PLANT - manufacturing and processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. INSULATION PRODUCTS - manufacturing and processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. MATTRESS - manufacturing and rebuilding 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. METAL FORGING or ROLLING MILL 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. METAL PRODUCTS - fabrication 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. MILLINERY - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. MILLWORK AND WOOD PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. MOVING and TRANSFER COMPANY - with trucks attached to trailers for a total exceeding 24 feet in length N/A N/A
    MANF. NOVELTY and SOUVENIR - manufacture 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. NUCLEAR or RADIOACTIVE INSTRUMENTATION - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. OFFICE EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE - manufacture 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. OIL WELL SUPPLIES and MACHINERY - manufacturing. 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PACKING and GASKET - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PACKING PLANT - no rendering 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PAINTS, ETC. - manufacturing and processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PAPER PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PETROLEUM - manufacturing or processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PLANING MILL 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PLASTIC / VINYL - manufacturing or processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. POULTRY PROCESSING - caged hen operation 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. POULTRY PROCESSING AND LIVE POULTRY STORAGE - completely enclosed 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. PROCESSING - other than food 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. RENDERING PLANT 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. SAND or GRAVEL - storage and sales 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    MANF. SHOE - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. SHOE - wholesale (manufacturing permitted) 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. SHOE POLISH - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. SIGN MANUFACTURE 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. STONE CURING, MONUMENT - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. STORAGE - outside (open with no screening required) 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    MANF. STORAGE - outside (screening from public R.O.W.s and adjacent property required) 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    MANF. TEXTILE - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. TILE - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. TILE, ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. TOBACCO - processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. TOOL - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. TOY - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. TRAILER - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. VENETIAN BLIND - cleaning and fabrication 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. VULCANIZING, RECAPPING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. WATER DISTILLATION 1 per employee N/A
    MANF. WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR 1 per 1000 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    MANF. WIRE PRODUCTS - manufacturing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MANF. WOOL PULLING and SCOURING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    MEDICAL MEDICAL - surgical supplies wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    PROCESSING COSMETICS - manufacturing or processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    PROCESSING FOOD AND FOOD PRODUCTS - processing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    PROCESSING PUNCH CONCENTRATE - processing and mixing 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    PROCESSING PUNCH CONCENTRATE PRODUCTS - mixing only 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    RECREATION ARCHERY RANGE - outdoor 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION ARCHERY RANGE - indoor 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION ATHLETIC FIELDS - noncommercial 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION ATHLETIC FIELDS - commercial 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION BOWLING ALLEY 2 per lane 4 per lane
    RECREATION GOLF COURSE - private (see residential use table) N/A 6 per hole
    RECREATION GOLF COURSE - publicly owned N/A 6 per hole
    RECREATION GOLF DRIVING RANGE 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION RECREATIONAL FACILITY - private community wide 1.5 per 1,000 sf GFA 10 per 1,000 sf GFA
    RECREATION RECREATIONAL FACILITY - private neighborhood 1.5 per 1,000 sf GFA 10 per 1,000 sf GFA
    RECREATION RECREATIONAL FACILITY - public community wide 1.5 per 1,000 sf GFA 10 per 1,000 sf GFA
    RECREATION RECREATIONAL FACILITY - public neighborhood 1.5 per 1,000 sf GFA 10 per 1,000 sf GFA
    RECREATION RIFLE AND PISTOL RANGE - indoor 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION RIFLE AND PISTOL RANGE - outdoor permitted 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION SKATEBOARD TRACK 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION SKATING RINK - ice or roller skating 5 per 1,000 sf GFA 7 per 1,000 sf GFA
    RECREATION TENNIS, RACQUETBALL or HANDBALL - noncommercial (outside courts permitted) 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION TENNIS, RACQUETBALL or HANDBALL - commercial (outside courts not permitted) 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION TENNIS, RACQUETBALL or HANDBALL - commercial (outside courts permitted) 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RECREATION TENNIS, RACQUETBALL or HANDBALL -noncommercial (outside courts not permitted) 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf GFA if no permanent seats 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf of GFA is no permanent seats
    RETAIL AIR CONDITIONERS - retail (incidental to other onsite retail items in "D") 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL ANTIQUE STORE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL APOTHECARY - see (DRUGSTORE - apothecary) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL APPAREL AND ACCESSORY STORE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL APPLIANCE - retail (incidental to other onsite retail items in "D") 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL ART GALLERY 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL BAKERY - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL BOOKSTORE 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL BUSINESS MACHINES - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL CANDY, NUT and CONFECTIONERY - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL CATERING SHOP 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL CONVENIENCE ICE HOUSE - retail convenience store 6 per 1,000 sf GFA 10 per 1,000 sf GFA
    RETAIL CONVENIENCE STORE - w/ gas sales 6 per 1,000 sf GFA 10 per 1,000 sf GFA
    RETAIL DAIRY PRODUCTS - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL DRUGSTORE - apothecary 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL DRY GOODS - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FARM SUPPLIES 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FEED, SEED, FERTILIZER SALES - no outside storage in "C-3" 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FISH MARKET - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FLEA MARKET - indoor 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FLEA MARKET - outdoor 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building 1.5 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    RETAIL FLOOR COVERING - retail (incidental to other onsite retail items in "D") 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FLORIST - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FOOD LOCKER PLANT - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FOOD STORE - limited in "C-1" to maximum 3000 sq. ft. total floor area 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FRUIT and PRODUCE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL FURNITURE SALES - retail 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL GIFT SHOP - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL GLASS - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL GROCERY STORE - retail (limited to maximum 3,000 sq. ft. total in "C-1") 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 150 sf GFA
    RETAIL HARDWARE SALES - retail (limited to maximum 3000 sq. ft. total in "C-1") 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL HEAD SHOP 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL HOBBY STORE - retail (limited to maximum 3000 sq. ft. total in "C-1") 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER 1 per 400 sf GFA of sales and service building 1.5 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    RETAIL JEWELRY STORE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - sales and storage 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    RETAIL LEATHER GOODS or LUGGAGE STORE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL MEDICAL - surgical supplies retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL MILLINER - custom 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL MUSIC STORE 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL NEWSSTAND 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL NURSERY - retail (growing plants on-site permitted) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL NURSERY - retail (no growing plants on-site permitted) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL OFFICE EQUIPMENT and SUPPLY - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE - retail and wholesale 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL PET SHOP - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL PLUMBING FIXTURES - retail (incidental to other onsite retail items in "D") 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL RUG or CARPET - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL SECONDHAND MERCHANDISE - retail no outside storage or display of inventory permitted) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL SHOE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL SILK SCREENING - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL SPORTING GOODS - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL STAMPS and COIN SALES - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL STATIONARY PRODUCTS - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL TAMALE - preparation retail (less than 2,000 sq. ft. in "C-1" and "C-2") 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL THRIFT STORE - retail see (SECONDHAND MERCHANDISE) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL TOBACCO STORE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL TOY STORE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    RETAIL VARIETY STORE - retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SALES BOAT - sales and service 1 per 600 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    SALES MACHINERY, TOOLS AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    SALES FARM EQUIPMENT SALES, SERVICE or STORAGE 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    SALES OIL WELL SUPPLIES and MACHINERY SALES - used 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    SALES PORTABLE BUILDING SALES 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SCHOOL SCHOOL - private university or college 1 per 4 students According to use
    SCHOOL SCHOOL - public university or college 1 per 4 students According to use
    SCHOOL SCHOOL - Montessori 1 per classroom According to use
    SCHOOL SCHOOL - nursery (public and private) 1 per classroom According to use
    SCHOOL SCHOOL - private pre-kindergarten through 12th grade 1 per classroom According to use
    SCHOOL SCHOOL - public pre-kindergarten through 12th grade 1 per classroom According to use
    SERVICE AIR CONDITIONING / REFRIGERATION - service and repair 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE AMMUNITION - manufacturing, loading and storage 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    SERVICE APPLIANCE - repair major 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE APPLIANCE - repair small 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE AUDITORIUM 1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 sf if no permanent seating 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 sf if no permanent seating
    SERVICE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY, BOARDING HOME FACILITY, OR COMMUNITY HOME WITH NO MORE THAN 16 RESIDENTS 0.3 spaces per bed plus 1 space for each employee 1 per bed plus 1 space for each employee
    SERVICE BANK, CREDIT UNIONS, SAVINGS and LOAN 1 per 200 sf GFA for the portion of building used by the financial institution and 1 per 300 sf of GFA of office lease space 1 per 100 sf GFA for the portion of building used by the financial institution and 1 per 300 sf of GFA of office lease space
    SERVICE BARBER or BEAUTY SHOP 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE BICYCLE - repair 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building 1.5 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    SERVICE BOAT AND MARINE - storage (outside permitted) 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    SERVICE BODY PIERCING 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE COPY SERVICE - blueprinting and photocopying 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE COSMETICS - permanent 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE DAY CARE CENTER - child and/or adult care 1 per 375 sf GFA 1.5 per 375 sf GFA
    SERVICE DRY CLEANING - limited to five (5) employees 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE DRY CLEANING - pickup station only 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE ELECTRIC REPAIR - heavy equipment 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE ELECTRIC REPAIR - light equipment 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - repair 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE - service 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE EXTERMINATORS 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE FOOD, MOBILE FOOD COURT 2 per mobile food establishment unit 5 per mobile food establishment unit
    SERVICE FOOD - restaurant or cafeteria 1 per 100 sf GFA 1 per 40 sf GFA
    SERVICE FOOD - take out, maximum 15 occupants (including employees and customers) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE FUNERAL HOME or UNDERTAKING PARLOR 1 per 4 seats 1 per 2 seats
    SERVICE GASOLINE FILLING STATION - w/o repair service (car wash allowed) 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    SERVICE GASOLINE FILLING STATION - with repair service and/or car wash 1 per 500 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas 1 per 375 sf GFA including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
    SERVICE GUNSMITH 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE GYMNASIUM - commercial 1.5 per 1000 sf GFA 10 per 1,000 sf GFA
    SERVICE LABORATORY - research 1 per 1,000 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LABORATORY - testing 1 per 1,000 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING - self service 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LAUNDRY- limited to max of five (5) employees 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LAUNDRY or DRY CLEANING - pickup station only 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LAWNMOWER REPAIR AND SERVICE - no outside storage in "C-2" 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LIBRARY 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 125 sf GFA
    SERVICE LINEN or UNIFORM SUPPLY, DIAPER SERVICE (pickup and supply only) 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LOAN OFFICE 1 per 1,000 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE LOCKSMITH 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE MANUFACTURED HOME / OVERSIZE VEHICLE SALES, SERVICE or STORAGE 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    SERVICE MASSAGE - parlor 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MASSAGE - therapeutic 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - chiropractor office 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - clinic (physician and/or dentist) 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - clinic physical therapist 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - hospital or sanitarium 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - laboratory dental or medical 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - optical goods retail 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - optical goods wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - optometry office 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MEDICAL - skilled nursing facilities 0.3 per bed 1 per bed
    SERVICE MORTUARY - embalming and preparation only 1 per 400 sf GFA 1 per 100 sf GFA
    SERVICE MOVIE RENTALS 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE NURSING FACILITY 0.3 per bed 1 per bed
    SERVICE OFFICE CALL CENTER, OFFICE DATA PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, RECORD STORAGE FACILITY 1 parking space per 300 sf of GFA of office space plus 1 space for every 5,000 sf of GFA dedicated to storage or data equipment 1 parking space per 140 sf of GFA of office space plus 2 spaces for every 5,000 sf of GFA dedicated to storage or data equipment
    SERVICE PALM READING 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE PAWN SHOP 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 150 sf GFA
    SERVICE PICTURE FRAMING 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE POST OFFICE 1 per employee N/A
    SERVICE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 140 sf GFA
    SERVICE READING ROOM 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 125 sf GFA
    SERVICE REDUCING SALON 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE ROOMING HOUSE 1 per guest room plus 2 spaces for owners section N/A
    SERVICE SCHOOL - business college 1 per 200 sf 1 per 150 sf
    SERVICE SCHOOL - trade (no outside storage and training area permitted) 1 per 200 sf 1 per 150 sf
    SERVICE SCHOOL - trade (outside storage and training area permitted) 1 per 200 sf 1 per 150 sf
    SERVICE SELF-DEFENSE INSTRUCTION 1 per 200 sf 1 per 150 sf
    SERVICE SHOE - repair 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE SIGN SHOP - no outside storage 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE STUDIO - fine or performing arts 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE STUDIO - interior decorating 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE STUDIO - photographic 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE STUDIO - sound and recording 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE TAILOR SHOP 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE TATTOO PARLOR/STUDIO 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE TAXIDERMIST 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE TOOL RENTAL - fenced and screened outside storage permitted 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE TOOL RENTAL - outside storage permitted 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE TREE CUT AND TRIM SERVICE 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SERVICE WATCH REPAIR 1 per 300 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    SOCIAL CLUB - private 1 per 3 persons N/A
    SOCIAL CLUBHOUSE - private including lodges and meeting halls 1 per 3 persons N/A
    STORAGE COLD STORAGE 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    STORAGE FUR DYEING, FINISHING and STORING 1 per 1,500 sf GFA 1 per 300 sf GFA
    STORAGE PIPE STORAGE 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    STORAGE SELF-SERVICE STORAGE 4 spaces plus 2 for manager's quarters N/A
    STORAGE STORAGE - outside (under roof and screened) 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    TRANSPORTATION AIRPORT - non-governmental 1 per 666 emplanements N/A
    TRANSPORTATION HELIPORT 1 per 4 seating accommodations for waiting passengers plus 0.5 per employee N/A
    WAREHOUSE OFFICE WAREHOUSE (FLEX SPACE) - outside storage not permitted 1 per 2,000 sf GFA 1 per 200 sf GFA
    WAREHOUSING WAREHOUSING 1 per 5,000 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. BAKERY - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. BARBER and BEAUTY EQUIPMENT - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. CAMERA, PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. DAIRY EQUIPMENT SALES - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. DAIRY PRODUCTS - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. DRUG SALES - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. FISH MARKET - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. FLORIST 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    WHOLE. FOOD PRODUCTS - wholesale and storage 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. FRUIT and PRODUCE - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. FURNITURE SALES - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. GLASS - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. GROCERY - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. HARDWARE SALES - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. NURSERY - plant wholesale onsite growing permitted 1 per 500 sf GFA of sales and service building 1 per 375 sf GFA of sales and service building
    WHOLE. OFFICE EQUIPMENT and SUPPLY - wholesale (incidental to other onsite retail items in "D") 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. PAPER SUPPLIES - wholesale (incidental to onsite retail items in "C-3" and "D") 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. PLUMBING FIXTURES - wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. SHOE - wholesale no manufacturing 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. SPORTING GOODS - wholesale (incidental to onsite retail items in "D") 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. STONE MONUMENT - retail and wholesale 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA
    WHOLE. TAMALE - preparation wholesale (less than 2,000 sq. ft. in C-1 and C-2) 1 per 600 sf GFA 1 per 350 sf GFA



    Responsibility For Off-Street Parking facilities. The provision for and maintenance of off-street parking facilities shall be the responsibility of the operator and owner of the use, structure and/or land on which is located the use for which off-street parking facilities are required.


    Size and Location.


    Dimensions. Off-street parking spaces shall have minimum dimensions of nine (9) feet in width and eighteen (18) feet in length, exclusive of access or maneuvering area, ramps and other appurtenances and except as provided in subsection (b). Stall depth shall be based upon the angle of parking, as set forth in column (B) of Table 526-1. The minimum width of access aisles internal to a parking lot or structure shall be as prescribed in column (C) of Table 526-1.


    Compact Vehicles. Up to thirty (30) percent of the required parking spaces may be designated for use by compact vehicles with minimum dimensions of eight (8) feet in width and sixteen (16) feet in length. Compact vehicle parking areas shall be identified by individually marking each parking space surface with lettering a minimum of six (6) inches in size.

    Table 526-1
    Minimum Stall Length and Aisle Width (Feet)

    Parking Angle
    Stall Depth
    Aisle Width
    30° 17 13 12 19
    45° 19 16 12 19
    60° 20 18 16 20
    75° 20 19 22 22
    90° 18 18 25 25


    * Parking Angles permitted by City of San Antonio.

    Rules of Interpretation for Table 526-1:


    The aisle is the traveled path through a parking facility which provides access to one (1) or two (2) parking vehicles.


    Stall length refers to the length of the parking stall measured perpendicular to the angle of parking. Stall depth is the projected vehicle length from the wall measured perpendicular to the aisle.

    [Reference: Weant and Levinson, Parking (Eno Foundation, 1990).]


    Location. Except as otherwise permitted under a cooperative parking plan, off-street parking facilities shall be located on the lots on which the use or structure for which they are provided is located.


    Turnarounds. All parking areas containing three (3) or more parking spaces shall include a turnaround which is designed and located so that vehicles can enter and exit the parking area without backing onto a public right-of-way.


    Construction and Maintenance. Off-street parking facilities shall be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with the following specifications:


    Drainage and Surfacing. Areas shall be properly graded for drainage, surfaced with concrete, asphaltic concrete, or asphalt and maintained in good condition free of weeds, dust, trash and debris.


    Wheel Guards. Boundary or perimeter areas shall be provided with wheel guards, bumper guards or continuous curbing so located that no part of parked vehicles will extend beyond the property line of the parking area. One (1) wheel stop shall be placed at the end of each parking space.


    Protective Screen Fencing. Areas shall be provided with protective screen fencing so that occupants of adjacent structures are not unreasonably disturbed by the movement of vehicles either during the day or night.


    Lighting. Facilities shall be arranged so that the source of light is concealed from public view and from adjacent residential properties and does not interfere with traffic.


    Entrances and Exits. Facilities shall be provided with entrances and exits consistent with the requirements of subsection 35-506(r) of this chapter.


    Prohibition of Other Uses. Facilities shall not be used for the sale, repair, dismantling, or servicing of any vehicle, equipment, materials, or supplies.


    Limitation on Size of Vehicles. In residential districts facilities shall be used only by vehicles up to three-fourths (¾) ton.


    Vehicle Barrier Requirements. In order to minimize damage to errant vehicles and their occupants, vehicle barrier systems not less than two (2) feet nine (9) inches high shall be placed at the end of parking spaces and along driveways leading to or from surface parking lots where the slope drop off from the end of the parking space or driveway edge meets all of the following conditions:


    Distance to the edge of the drop off is seven (7) feet or less.


    The drop off depth exceeds two (2) feet.


    The slope is steeper than 1:1.

    Where the slope is between 1:1 and 1:3, then a concrete wheel stop or six-inch high concrete curb will be required at the end of the parking space or along the driveway edge.


    Vehicle Barrier Design. Vehicle barrier systems shall be designed to resist a single load of six thousand (6,000) pounds applied horizontally in any direction to the barrier system.


    Sharing Off-Street Parking Facilities - Cooperative Parking Plan. Pursuant to the following procedure, either part of all of the required off-street parking facilities may be located on a site other than the one (1) occupied by the use or structure requiring such facilities.


    Cooperative Parking Plan. Two (2) or more uses may share the same off-street parking facilities and each use may be considered as having provided such shared space individually. Such shared parking space, however, shall not be considered as having been provided individually unless the schedules of operation of all such uses are such that none of the uses sharing the facilities require the off-street parking facilities at the same time. This arrangement for sharing of off-street parking facilities shall be known as a cooperative parking plan. Cooperative parking shall be obtained within six hundred (600) feet of the property requiring the additional parking for all permitted uses in Table 526-3b "Parking in Nonresidential Use Districts." This maximum distance shall be measured from the property line to the driveway of the shared parking lot. This shared parking lot shall meet the requirements for a non-commercial parking lot listed in subsection 35-526(f).


    Application For Approval of Cooperative Parking Plan. An application for approval of a cooperative parking plan shall be filed with the director of planning and development services by the owner of the entire land area to be included within the cooperative parking plan, the owner or owners of all structures then existing on such land area, and all parties having a legal interest in such land area and structures. Sufficient evidence to establish the status of applicants as owners of parties in interest shall be provided. The application shall include plans showing the location of the uses or structures for which off-street parking facilities are required, the location of the off-street parking facilities, measurement between the property requiring additional parking and the shared facility and the schedule of times used by those sharing in common.


    Registration of Cooperative Parking Plan. The application shall be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the director of planning and development services. Upon approval, a copy of the plan shall be registered among the records of the director of planning and development services and shall thereafter be binding upon the applicants, their heirs, successors and assigns. The registration shall limit and control the issuance and validity of permits and certifications and shall restrict, limit, and control the use and operation of all land and structures included within such cooperative parking plan.


    Amendment or Withdrawal of Cooperative Parking Plan. Pursuant to the same procedure and subject to the same limitations and requirements by which the cooperative parking plan was approved and registered, any such plan may be amended or withdrawn, either partially or completely, if all land and structures remaining under such plan comply with all the conditions and limitations of the plan and all land and structures withdrawn from such plan comply with the regulations of this chapter.


    Shared Parking Facilities - Mixed-Use Developments. Developments which contain a mix of uses on the same parcel, as set forth in Table 526-2 below, may reduce the amount of required parking in accordance with the following methodology:


    Determine the minimum parking requirements in accordance with Table 526-2 for each land use as if it were a separate use;


    Multiply each amount by the corresponding percentages for each of the five (5) time periods set forth in columns (B) through (F) of Table 526-2;


    Calculate the total for each time period; and


    Select the total with the highest value as the required minimum number of parking spaces.

    The number of parking spaces may be reduced in accordance with this table without a cooperative parking plan.

    Table 526-2

    Land Use
    Weekday Weekend (F)
    (midnight - 6 a.m.)
    (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
    (6 p.m. - midnight)
    (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
    (6 p.m. - midnight)
    100% 10% 10% 5% 5%
    Retail 60% 90% 100% 70% 5%
    Hotel 75% 100% 75% 100% 75%
    Restaurant 50% 100% 100% 100% 10%
    40% 100% 80% 100% 10%



    Minimum Requirements. The minimum requirements for off-street parking facilities in all zones other than the "D" downtown district shall be governed by Table 526-3. The classification of uses enumerated in the table are general and are intended to include all similar uses. Where a classification of uses is not determined from the table, the director of planning and development services, after consulting with the director of planning and development services, shall fix the classification. Provided, however, said minimum requirements may be reduced in accordance with the provisions of subsection 35-523(f)(2).

    Where any requirement for five (5) or more parking spaces results in a fractional unit, a fraction of one-half (½) or more shall be considered a whole unit and a fraction less than one-half (½) shall be disregarded. In those cases in which less than five (5) spaces are required, a full parking space shall be required to fulfill a fractional space requirement.


    Pervious Pavement. Vehicle parking spaces may exceed the maximum number of spaces permitted if the additional spaces are designed as pervious pavement. Pervious pavement shall comply with the following:


    Pervious pavement shall be located only on soils having a permeability rating of moderate rapid to very rapid (see definition of Permeability in Appendix "A" of this chapter).


    Pervious pavement shall not be located in soils with an apparent or perched high water table or a depth to bedrock of less than ten (10) feet, as set forth in Table 3 of the Soil Survey.


    Pervious pavement shall not be located on any slope exceeding ten (10) percent over twenty (20) feet.


    The pervious pavement area shall be vacuum-swept and washed with a high-pressure hose not less than four (4) times per year.



    Rear Parking Design Standards. Parking in the rear of the principal use or principal building is encouraged. Off-street surface parking areas which are screened from the view of public streets by the principal buildings shall be exempt from the parking lot screening requirements of the landscaping standards of this chapter.




    Bicycle Spaces. Where bicycle spaces are required by subsection 35-526(b), bicycle racks or lockers shall be located within fifty (50) feet of a building entrance. The spaces shall not be located behind any wall, shrubbery, or other visual obstruction lying between the principal building and the bicycle spaces. The placement of bicycle racks or lockers should minimize conflicts with both pedestrians and motorized traffic. All bicycle parking provided should be set in concrete or flange mounted on concrete, and located a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches from a parallel wall, and thirty (30) inches from a perpendicular wall as measured to the closest bicycle rack.

    Bicycle spaces may be provided through bicycle lockers or bicycle storage racks. Bicycle spaces shall be at least two (2) feet in width and six (6) feet in length and shall be identified with MUTCD compliant (D4-3) signs advising persons of the location. Where each parallel bicycle rack is spaced at least thirty (30) inches apart said racks shall be counted as providing two (2) bicycle parking spaces (one on each side of the rack) provided there is at least four (4) feet between each bicycle space where arranged in linear fashion.


    The recommended bicycle rack design is an inverted U however; other bicycle security devices may be approved for use as long as they provide for:


    Supporting the bicycle frame at two (2) locations (not just a wheel);


    Allowing both the frame and at least one (1) wheel to be locked to the rack (without requiring that the lock be placed near the bicycle chain);


    Allowing the use of either a cable or "U-type" lock; and


    Bicycles that are equipped with water bottle cages.




    Cluster Parking.


    There shall be no maximum size for cluster parking areas.


    Ownership, administration, parking rights, limitations, maintenance, permitted uses and fees shall be by recorded instrument and shall be covenants running with the land of the lot to which they are applicable. The recorded instrument shall also reflect that the cluster parking area shall not be converted to any other use until it is replaced by a fully constructed parking facility meeting the requirements of this chapter or until such time that the lots being served have constructed and completed on them the required off street parking and that each lot that has an on-site parking requirement met in whole or part by means of cluster parking shall have on-site parking spaces plus cluster parking spaces assigned/reserved in a number equal to the number of on-site parking spaces required by this chapter.


    Additional parking may be provided for visitors but shall be clearly designated by markings to distinguish them from owner and/or tenant spaces. When feasible it is encouraged that visitor cluster parking and owner and/or tenant cluster parking be physically separated.


    The assigned or reserved space in cluster parking for owners and/or tenants shall be no greater than a maximum distance of five hundred (500) feet from the nearest entry of each structure for which the parking is assigned and/or reserved.


    Design and construction of the cluster parking areas shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter addressing parking lots including, but not limited to, landscaping, fencing, lighting, pavement, etc.

(Ord. No. 96564 § 2 and 3) (Ord. No. 97501 § 2) (Ord. No. 97568 § 2) (Ord. No. 98697 § 1 and 6) (Ord. No. 2006-11-30-1333, § 2, 11-30-06) (Ord. No. 2006-11-30-1333, § 2, 11-30-06) (Ord. No. 2008-12-11-1178, § 2, 12-11-08) (Ord. No. 2009-01-15-0001, § 2, 1-15-09) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10) (Ord. No. 2012-05-17-0355, § 3, 5-17-12) (Ord. No. 2012-10-18-0829, § 2, 10-18-12) (Ord. No. 2012-12-13-0972, § 2, 12-13-12; Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15; Ord. No. 2018-11-01-0858 , § 4, 11-1-2018)