§ 35-803. Historic and Design Review Commission.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Appointment. The historic and design review commission is hereby established. The historic and design review commission shall consist of eleven (11) members who reside in the City of San Antonio and are appointed by the city council.


    Duties and Functions. The commission shall serve to assist in an advisory capacity to the City of San Antonio directors of parks and recreation, planning and community development, development services, code enforcement services, public works, arts and cultural affairs, office of historic preservation and other appropriate heads of municipal departments, in accordance with Section 49 of the City Charter, and to the city manager. The commission shall have no authority to bind the City of San Antonio by contract or otherwise. The commission shall have the following duties and functions:


    To conduct an ongoing inventory to identify historically, culturally, architecturally, and archaeologically significant buildings, objects, sites, structures, public art and design enhancements, and areas that exemplify the cultural, social, economic, political, archaeological, or architectural history of the city, state, or nation;


    To investigate and recommend through the city zoning commission the designation of areas having special historic, cultural, architectural, or archaeological value as historic districts; and buildings, objects, sites, structures, or clusters having special historic, cultural, architectural, or archaeological value as exceptional or significant landmarks;


    To hold public hearings and to review applications for construction, reconstruction, alteration, relocation, renovation, landscaping, or demolition affecting proposed or designated landmarks or buildings, objects, sites, signs, public art and design enhancements, or structures in the Riverwalk area, historic districts, and public property and rights-of-way and recommend issuance or denial of certificates of appropriateness for such actions;


    To recommend specific design guidelines for the restoration, rehabilitation, alteration, construction, reconstruction, or relocation of landmarks, or buildings, objects, sites and structures within historic districts, in the Riverwalk area, on public property, or in the public right-of-way;


    To recommend guidelines for signage, street furniture, appurtenances, advertising devices, landscaping, monuments and works of art for each historic district, each landmark, the Riverwalk area, and for public property and public rights-of-way;


    To hold public hearings and to review applications for ad valorem tax exemption for residential and commercial buildings and structures which have historical significance and are in need of tax relief to encourage their preservation and rehabilitation; to certify the facts governing eligibility, along with the commission's recommendation, to the Bexar Appraisal District, for approval or disapproval of the application for exemption; upon receipt of a sworn statement of completion, to investigate the building or structure to determine whether the restoration or rehabilitation has been substantially completed as required for certification, and to notify the Bexar Appraisal District in writing if verification of completion is favorable;


    To review and make recommendations concerning proposed tax increment districts and special assessment districts that would affect proposed or designated landmarks or historic districts;


    To testify through the chairman or vice chairman before all boards and commissions on any matter affecting historically, culturally, architecturally, or archaeologically exceptional, or significant areas, buildings, objects, sites, structures, clusters, historic districts, property located in the Riverwalk area, or public property;


    To review all proposed National Register nominations within the City of San Antonio upon recommendation of the city's historic preservation officer;


    To inform and educate the citizens of San Antonio concerning the historical, cultural, architectural, and archaeological heritage of the city;


    To recommend conferral of recognition upon the owners of landmarks or buildings, objects, sites or structures within historic districts by means of certificates, plaques, or markers;


    To review periodically the zoning ordinance of the City of San Antonio and to recommend any amendments appropriate for the preservation and protection of landmarks or buildings, objects, sites and structures within historic districts, in the Riverwalk area, on public property, or in the public right-of-way;


    To create committees of no more than four (4) persons from among its membership to meet at times other than regular commission meetings, to consider specified categories of applications; and to make recommendations to the full commission; and


    To prepare and submit annually to the city council a report summarizing the work of the commission during the previous calendar year which has been adopted by the commission.


    To hold public hearings and review and make recommendations on applications for new development or redevelopment on property zoned "D" Downtown Zoning District, in accordance with the Downtown Design Guide in Appendix G of this chapter (35-G101).


    Composition and Qualifications. In appointing members of the commission, the city council shall make appointments that are sensitive to the preservation and development goals of the city and will enable the city to retain compliance as a certified local government under the rules incorporating the provisions of the U.S. Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and Title 13, Texas Historic Commission, chapter 15, so that all members shall have a demonstrated "interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation."


    Composition. Composition shall be from three (3) categories of members from the following disciplines or backgrounds:


    One (1) representative shall be selected from each of the following disciplines: architecture (licensed in the State of Texas), history, architectural history, archaeology, and planning. Memberships from these five (5) disciplines are required in order to achieve compliance with the U.S. Historic Preservation Act, as well as applicable Texas law.


    One (1) representative from each of the following disciplines: landscape architecture (licensed in the State of Texas), and a professional in the field of public art or art history. Membership from these two (2) disciplines are required to provide design expertise related to the Riverwalk and public art.


    Four (4) individuals in business/professional categories which shall include disciplines and backgrounds in real estate/commercial development, economic development, law, banking or accounting, or civil engineering and in a general category which shall include experience or background in urban design, visual arts, public art, neighborhood representation, or design enhancements, or who shall be a citizen-at-large.

    Members of the commission shall represent the general ethnic and gender makeup of the community. All board and commission members serve at the pleasure of the city council and may be removed from office at the discretion of the city council without cause, such removal to be evidenced by passage of an ordinance.


    Appointment. The mayor and city council will each appoint one (1) member of the commission to complete category representation.


    Terms of Members. Members are appointed for a term of office of two (2) years. The term of office for each board or commission member will run concurrently with the terms of office of the city council that appoints each member. Any vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the city council.


    Chairman and Vice Chairman. Members of the commission shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from among those members who have served at least one (1) year as commission members. The chairman and vice chairman shall serve for a one-year term, but no person shall serve more than two (2) consecutive city council appointed terms in the same office. The chairman shall preside over all meetings of the commission. The vice chairman shall preside in the absence or at the request of the chairman. An additional presiding officer pro-tem may be selected by the commission members to preside over meetings in the absence of both the chairman and vice chairman.


    Election of Officers. Election of commission officers shall occur in January of each year. On the day of the election of officers, the chairman shall turn the meeting over to the historic preservation officer who will accept nominations from the membership for chairman and vice chairman. Officers must receive a majority vote of the commission members. The term of office shall begin the day of the election. Should the chair or vice chair resign or not be reappointed prior to the end of the term of office, a special election shall be held at the next meeting after such vacancy to fill the position(s) for the remainder of the term.


    Secretary. The historic preservation officer or his or her representative shall act as secretary of the commission and shall attend and keep minutes of all meetings, acting in an advisory capacity and participating fully in commission discussions but having no right to vote.


    Meetings of the Commission. The commission shall hold each regular meeting on the basis of not less than once each month, and more frequently if necessary, at a regularly scheduled time with advance notice posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Additional special meetings may be called by the chairman, or upon written request to the historic preservation officer signed by a majority of the members, when a matter requires urgent consideration of the commission. All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. The place, day and/or hour of meetings may be changed by vote of the commission at any regular meeting. Notice of such action shall be provided in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Minutes of the commission's proceedings showing the vote shall be filed in the office of the city historic preservation officer and shall be a public record.


    Meeting Procedures. The commission shall observe the following procedures:


    Any motion by a member shall require a second. After a motion has been made and duly seconded, discussion of the motion may be held for a reasonable time. Discussion by members or by opponents or proponents of a question before the commission shall terminate whenever a member shall call for a vote upon the question or whenever the chairman shall so rule.


    Whenever any question of procedure or qualification may be raised at a commission meeting, the chairman shall rule thereon. A member may move to overrule the chairman's decision which may be done by a majority vote of the members present.


    Voting on all matters may be by voice vote provided that a roll call vote shall be taken upon demand of any member.


    Releases and statements to the public and press in the name of the commission shall be made only by the presiding officer and in accordance with the Texas Open Records Act.


    Any question of order or procedure not covered by these rules shall be decided according to the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, insofar as they may be applicable.


    Meetings of Commission Committees. All decisions of committees shall be submitted to the commission at its next regular meeting. Any applicant who is dissatisfied with a recommendation by a committee shall have the right to appeal to the full commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Minutes of committee proceedings showing the vote shall be filed in the office of the city historic preservation officer and shall be a public record.




    A quorum of the commission shall require six (6) members present. The affirmative votes of a majority of the members present is required for action, except in the case of an application for demolition which shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present for a recommendation of approval.


    Except when considering an application for demolition or a question of procedure or qualification, when a motion to approve, deny, or approve with conditions fails to pass with the requisite number of five votes, such outcome shall be deemed to be the approval of a motion to reconsider the question, and an automatic continuance to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the commission. If the commission has continued an item at two (2) consecutive meetings, such action, at the option of the applicant, shall be deemed to be a negative recommendation.


    Subpart (2) shall apply only when an application has been heard and the chair calls for motions, and so long as no subsequent motions on the application are made.


    Conflicts of Interest. No member of the commission shall vote or participate as a member in any matter that materially affects the property, income, or business interest of that member or in which the member holds a substantial interest. Such member shall refrain from all discussions of the matter with other commissioners, not be present when the matter is considered, not vote on the matter, and file all required written recusal documents prior to consideration of the item.

(Ord. No. 98697 §§ 1 and 6) (Ord. No. 2007-05-30-0593, § 2, 5-30-07)(Ord. No. 2009-01-15-0001, § 2, 1-15-09) (Ord. No. 2010-06-24-0616, § 2, 6-24-10) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10) (Ord. No. 2014-04-03-0206, § 6, 4-3-14)(Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)