§ 14-10. Procedures for garbage, recycling, and organics collection service.  

Latest version.
  • (a)



    Types to use. It shall be the duty of the owner, manager, tenant, or occupant of any dwelling, building, or premises to place household refuse, recycling, and organics in authorized containers for collection by city trucks in the manner prescribed below. Residents serviced by the city's collection system shall be provided reusable, wheeled containers. Use of these containers is mandatory. Only city-provided containers will be serviced. Ownership of these containers belongs to the city. All materials placed out for collection must be within the container. No materials set outside or alongside the container will be collected.


    Weight limitations. It shall be the duty of the owner, tenant or occupant of any dwelling, building or premises to ensure that the total weight of any container and contents does not exceed the maximum weight limitation imprinted on the container.


    Number and size of containers. It shall be the duty of the owner, manager, tenant, or occupant of any dwelling, building, or premises to provide for a sufficient number of containers of adequate capacity to contain the solid waste, recyclables, or organic materials generated at such dwelling, building, or premises from one pickup time to the next pickup time.


    City-provided collection. CPS energy electric meter accounts shall be the basis for provision of city-provided containers. Each such residential account shall be provided one container for each service type.


    Convenience. Containers (small size) may be substituted for low-volume generators or locations with storage space constraints.


    Additional containers. Large volume generators and locations wherein the electric meter account does not accurately reflect the residences (e.g., master meters) may be provided additional containers. Current garbage containers must be of large size before additional containers may be added. An additional monthly fee will be assessed for each additional garbage container in accordance with the garbage container size.


    Residents may select a small, standard (medium) or large container for garbage. Monthly fees will be assessed in accordance with the garbage container size.


    Container default size. If a residential customer lives at an address that has been previously serviced by the department, the customer's address will default to the previous occupant's garbage container size. Residents are required to contact the department to request a different container size, if desired. New customers not previously serviced by the department that do not provide notification of their desired level of service will default to the standard (medium) sized garbage container.


    Changing container size. Residents may switch from a smaller to larger size garbage container. The customer is not assessed a fee for the first request to switch from a smaller to a larger garbage container but will be assessed a fee for every subsequent request for a larger garbage container. Residents may switch from a larger size to a smaller size at any time without incurring additional fees. Any exemption must be approved by the director or his designee.


    Convenience. Containers (small size) may be substituted for low-volume generators of recycling or organics or locations with storage space constraints.


    Additional containers. The procedure outlined at subsection (3)c. above applies.


    New move-ins. When a new residential customer occupies an existing home, the existing size garbage container and applicable fees apply to the new residential customer until such residential customer requests a change of container size.


    Multiple units. Owners of multiple units on a master meter must select one size and the same size of container for garbage, recycling and organics collection for their property. Any exemption must be approved by the director or his designee.


    Placement and removal of containers. It shall be the duty of the owner, manager, tenant, or occupant of any dwelling, building, or premises, or the proprietor or manager of any place of business, either in person or by his agent, or employee to place, or cause to be placed, such containers at a place accessible to the collection truck, as may be designated by the director or his designee. Containers shall not block sidewalks or be placed within three (3) feet of a mailbox, parked car, or other fixed object and shall be clear of low hanging limbs and utility lines. Containers shall not be placed within three (3) feet of other collection containers. All containers must be placed and removed from the curbside in compliance with those specifications listed in subsections (c) and (d).


    The standard location for container placement on public streets shall be at the base of the curb (where curbs exist) with wheels against the curb.


    Where placement at the standard location is not possible or feasible, alternate locations shall be used:


    Streets without curbs shall be at the edge of pavement.


    High traffic streets shall be in the parkway at the top of the curb.


    Driveway apron may also be used in certain restricted locations.


    Alleys shall be on a pad specifically constructed for containers or where no pad exits, on a level surface.


    Customers receiving collection at the street are required to maintain improvements, trees, and other vegetation in such a way as to:


    Provide a minimum overhead clearance of fourteen (14) feet high.


    Not extend out in to the roadway in a manner that impedes upon the safe and efficient collection of solid waste.


    Sanitation and maintenance of containers.


    It shall be the duty of the owner, manager, tenant, or occupant of any dwelling, building, or premises to keep all reusable containers and the location in which they are placed in a clean condition and free of fly and other insect breeding.


    When re-usable or disposable containers are placed at a common pickup location in multifamily living units, it shall be the responsibility of the owner or manager to maintain the containers and area in a sanitary condition.


    It shall be the duty of the city to repair or replace damaged city-owned containers. Where it is determined that the resident is at fault for damage or abuse, resident may be subject to the fees in subsection 14-30(a).


    Time for collection.


    It shall be the duty of the owner, manager, tenant or occupant of any dwelling, building or premises to place all containers at the designated point of collection no earlier than 6:00 p.m. of the day preceding scheduled collection. Containers not set out in non-CBD areas by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection or not at the point of collection when the collection crew passes may not be serviced until the next regularly scheduled collection.


    It shall be the duty of the owner, manager, tenant, or occupant of any dwelling, building or premises to remove all containers from the collection point by 10:00 p.m. on the same day as the collection except where such containers may be stored in alleys designated for collection. Containers not removed shall be declared a public nuisance and may be removed by the city.


    Collection in alleys.


    Alley collection containers shall be limited to residents receiving alley collection service on and before October 1, 2010. Alleys constructed after October 1, 2010 may be serviced if the following conditions are met:


    At least fifty (50) percent of customers to be serviced in the alley request through petition to receive alley collection service.


    Alley surface must be asphalt or concrete, smooth, and have a pavement condition index (PCI) of one hundred (100) percent. PCI refers to the physical condition of a roadway; measurement is based on numeric values ranging from zero (0) (poorest condition) to one hundred (100) (new or excellent pavement).


    Vegetation must be trimmed and clear of alleyway.


    Alley must not have obstacles or debris stockpiles.


    Must have clearance of fifteen (15) feet wide and fourteen (14) feet high.


    Must have clear path through the entire alley.


    Director or his designee must confirm that such alley satisfies the criteria.


    No other collections shall be performed in the alley, including brush collection, bulky collection, or special collections. Placement of any materials in the alley that are not authorized for collection from the alley is a violation of this chapter and may result in fines or penalties.


    It shall be the duty of owners, tenants or occupants of the abutting properties to keep the alleyway clear of obstructions including intruding or overhanging brush and tree limbs.


    There must be clearance of at least fifteen (15) feet wide by fourteen (14) feet high and be free of debris for refuse/recycling collection vehicles to pass through the alley. This shall be the responsibility of owners, tenants, or occupants.


    Temporarily closed. Alleys may be temporarily closed for construction activity (surface repair, utility repairs, or improvements), debris stockpiles, or overgrown vegetation preventing collection.


    In the event when an alley is impassible due to debris stockpiles or overgrown vegetation, customers of the abutting property will be notified by the city to take action in maintaining vegetation.


    Failure to comply with the department's request for customer action may result in the alley being temporarily closed for collection of refuse and recycling containers. Residents shall be notified that the alley is temporarily closed and that refuse and recycling containers shall be placed at the street side for collection until further notice by the department. Once the temporarily closure is lifted, the department shall notify customers to resume placing refuse and recycling containers in the alley for collection.


    Alleys that are temporarily closed for greater than one (1) year due to customer non-compliance may be permanently closed.


    Permanently closed. Alleys with refuse, organics or recycling collection may be permanently closed if one (1) or more of the conditions are met:


    Unsafe road conditions, obstacles, or any condition that is unsafe for city collection crews.


    Illegal dumping that blocks access or a path for collection crews.


    Formal petition by owners or residents, or whomever pays for the service, in which fifty (50) percent of the persons abutting the alley in any given block request that collection service be discontinued.


    Alleys that are temporarily closed for greater than one (1) year due to customer non-compliance.


    Reopening a permanently closed alley. An alley may be re-opened for refuse and recycling collection if the following conditions are met:


    At least fifty (50) percent of customers serviced in the alley request through petition to have the alley reopened.


    Alley surface must be asphalt or concrete, smooth, and have a pavement condition index of at least eighty-five (85) percent.


    Vegetation must be trimmed and clear of alleyway.


    Alley must not have obstacles or debris stockpiles.


    Minimum clearance of fifteen (15) feet wide and fourteen (14) feet high.


    Must have clear path through the entire alley.


    Director or his designee must approve alley collection service.

(Ord. No. 2015-09-10-0760 , § 1, 9-10-15; Ord. No. 2018-09-13-0713 , § 1(Att. G.2), 9-13-18)