San Antonio |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 2. VIOLATIONS |
§ 19-38. Payment of fine, issuance of process.
The following schedule of fines for parking violations is hereby established:
Violations Fine (1) Failure to pay a parking meter or a pay station, staying after the paid-for time has expired, or failure to display pay-and-display station receipt on the inside of the vehicle's windshield and on the side next to the curb so that it is easily readable by police and parking enforcement officers ..... $ 30.00 (2) Overtime parking ..... 35.00 (3) Parking in a loading zone ..... 35.00 (4) Parked within a 20 ft of crosswalk at an intersection ..... 35.00 (5) Parked within 50 ft. of a railroad crossing ..... 40.00 (6) Obstructing flow of traffic ..... 35.00 (7) Parked facing oncoming traffic ..... 35.00 (8) Overloading taxi stand ..... 35.00 (9) Parked in an alley ..... 35.00 (10) Double parked ..... 35.00 (11) Parked within 15 ft. of a fire plug ..... 85.00 (12) Emergency parking restriction/sacked meter ..... 35.00 (13) Blocking a street ..... 35.00 Blocking a sidewalk ..... 35.00 Blocking a driveway ..... 35.00 (14) Blocking a fire lane ..... 140.00 (15) Parked more than 18 inches from the curb/edge of roadway ..... 35.00 (16) Parked with tire on or over the curb/edge of roadway ..... 35.00 (17) Parked during restricted hours ..... 35.00 (18) Using public street for storage ..... 48.00 (19) Parked in no parking zone; no parking this side of block ..... 35.00 (20) Handicap parking violation ..... 230.00 (21) Oversized vehicle in residential zone ..... 500.00 (22) Parked on front lawn/side setback ..... 48.00 (23) Curbstone ..... 50.00 (24) Parking in residential permit parking zone without required permit ..... 35.00 (25) False representation of motor vehicle entitlement to permit ..... 35.00 (26) Duplication of permit; display of a duplicated permit ..... 35.00 (27) Failure to surrender permit upon request ..... 35.00 (28) Other violations ..... 35.00 (b)
If the violator fails to make payment within the above-mentioned time limitations, the clerk of the municipal court shall issue process for his appearance.
(Code 1959, § 38-98: Ord. No. 34175, 3-10-66; Ord. No. 36055, § 1, 12-21-67; Ord. No. 51102, § 1, 8-9-79; Ord. No. 80787, § 1, 9-14-94; Ord. No. 90496, § 1, 9-16-99; Ord. No. 98188, § 1(Att. A), 9-18-03; Ord. No. 2009-09-17-0731I, § 1(Att. A), 9-17-09; Ord. No. 2010-05-06-0387, § 2, 5-6-10; Ord. No. 2014-04-17-0259, § 1, 4-17-14; Ord. No. 2018-03-01-0161 , § 3, 3-1-18)