SubDivision A. General MS4 Protections
§ 34-701. Definitions.
§ 34-702. Prohibited discharges into the MS4.
§ 34-703. Placing brush cuttings, clippings, and/or rubbish into the MS4.
§ 34-704. Placing household hazardous wastes into the MS4.
§ 34-705. Prohibiting the improper use of pesticides in order to keep them from entering the MS4.
§ 34-706. Authority to enforce outside the city limits.
§ 34-707. Authority to enforce within 5,000 feet outside the city limits.
§ 34-708. Criminal penalty.
§ 34-709. Civil penalty.
§ 34-710. Additional enforcement remedies.
§ 34-711. Conflict.
§ 34-712. Severability.
§§ 34-713—34-800. Reserved.
SubDivision B. Stormwater Compliance for Construction Activity
§ 34-801. Statement of purpose.
§ 34-802. Definitions.
§ 34-803. Applicability of Subdivision B entitled "Storm Water Compliance for Construction Activity," and declaration of nuisance for violation.
§ 34-804. General prohibition against construction pollution of the municipal separate storm sewer; measurable volumes for violation; required TCEQ TPDES permit; SWPPP and WPAP (as applicable).
§ 34-805. Additional federal and state requirements generally applicable to responsible parties associated with TPDES Regulated Projects: proper custody of federal or state storm water pollution prevention plans (SWPPP); applicable to parties required to provide TPDES notice of intent (NOI) or Small Construction Site Notice (CSN) to EPA or TCEQ and San Antonio Water System (SAWS); requirement to post TPDES Notices at site; requirement to make SWPPP available to city inspector; copy of Notice of Termination (NOT) or small construction site or large construction site secondary operator completed site notices required by TCEQ or SAWS.
§ 34-806. Best management practices (BMP) guidelines; compliance with this subdivision should not be relied upon by the regulated community to automatically effect compliance with what may be more stringent federal or state regulations pertaining to EPA/TCEQ permitted construction sites; explanation of federal jurisdiction.
§ 34-807. Enforcement procedures.
§ 34-808. Criminal and civil enforcement.
§ 34-809. Declaration of nuisance within applicable limits of the city's ETJ; city's authority to enforce within five thousand (5,000) feet outside the city limits.
§§ 34-810—34-849. Reserved.
SubDivision C. Storm Water Compliance for Industrial and Commercial Activities
§ 34-850. General provisions.
§ 34-851. MSGP permit required.
§ 34-852. Conditional no exposure certification.
§ 34-853. Storm water pollution prevention plan requirements.
§ 34-854. Inspection and entry.
§ 34-855. Falsifying information.
§ 34-856. Enforcement and penalties.