§ 35-B120. Signage, Pavement Markings, Street, Alley, and Cross Walkway Plans.
Number of Copies. The applicant shall provide three (3) sets of construction plans and two (2) sets of the pavement design report.
Format. Construction plans shall be twenty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36) inches with a margin of two and one-half (2½) inches on the left side of the sheet, and appropriate margins on the other three (3) sides. Construction plans shall be drawn at a scale of one (1) inch equal to fifty (50) feet.
Where more than one (1) sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire area to be subdivided, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision at an appropriate scale shall be attached to the plat.
Contents. The plans and profiles for street, alley, cross walkway and drainage easement improvements submitted shall include the following information:
Typical sections showing the proposed pavement width, type, thickness and crown; the proposed curb and gutter type, location in relation to center line and exposure; the proposed parkway grading slopes; the proposed locations and type of wheelchair ramps; location of traffic signal conduit; and construction details of all drainage including dimensions, reinforcing and components such as grates and manhole covers. The information shall be given for each different type of streets and alleys in the subdivision.
Alignment of each street, alley, cross walkway and drainage easement showing a beginning and ending station; each deflection angle of the center line and the station of the point of intersection; the station of the point of curvature and the point of tangency of each curve; the station and angle of intersection of each intersection with another street, alley or drainage easement; the station and radius of each curb return; the location of adjacent right-of-way lines; location and station of city limit or county lines; the location and limits of sidewalks and curbs of each street; the location and size of existing trees to remain in ROW; the location of each drainage structure; the location and size of all storm sewers; and the length, width, and thickness of cement stabilized base.
The top of curb grade at each curb end, each fifty-foot station and each end of each curb return; the center line grade at each end and at each fifty-foot station of alleys and drainage ditches; the gradient of each tangent grade and the location and length of each vertical curve; the direction of storm drainage flow at each intersection; the flow line elevations of each drainage structure; the flow line elevation of each storm sewer at each point of change of grade, each end, and the intervening gradients. The profiles of streets, alleys and drainage ditches shall show the natural ground at adjacent property lines and the proposed center line.
Scale, north arrow, date and plat number of the associated plat. Plans and profiles shall be drawn to scales of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet horizontally and one (1) inch equals five (5) feet vertically, unless different scales are approved by the director of planning and development services.
Signage and pavement marking plans shall show the locations of street signs, warning, and regulatory signs, pavement markings and raised pavement markers and provide a summary table listing sign types, pavement markings types, and pavement marker types using TMUTCD designations with quantities.
All signage, pavement markings, street and alley plans and profiles shall bear the seal of a licensed professional engineer.
(Ord. No. 98697 § 1)(Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)
Editor's note
Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, adopted Dec. 17, 2015, changed the title of § 35-B120 from "Street, alley, and cross walkway plans" to "Signage, pavement markings, street, alley, and cross walkway plans." This historical notation has been preserved for reference purposes.