§ 35-360. Bonus Density.
§ 35-361. Transfer of Development Rights.
Secs. 35-362 to 35-369. - Reserved.


The master plan contains numerous provisions encouraging the protection of natural resources and the provision of parks and open space. The city can protect natural resources and require open space pursuant to its police powers. However, there are instances where it is in the best interests of the private landowner and the city to exceed the minimum requirements of this chapter. In such instances, the city's interests in restricting density or imposing certain regulatory requirements can be offset by increases in open space, natural resources, or the provision of affordable housing or certain amenities. Further, the system provides incentives to landowners while preserving the overall integrity of the master plan by providing uniform rules of general application for density increases. This system provides regulatory incentives while ensuring that regulatory modifications are not made solely and exclusively for the private benefit of the landowner.

The provisions of this division implement the following provisions of the master plan:

•  Growth Management, Policy 1b: Develop ordinance revisions and development proposals which conserve energy and water, enhance the attractiveness of the area, and protect valuable natural and cultural resources.

•  Growth Management, Policy 1b: Create a land exchange mechanism to acquire land for public purposes.

•  Growth Management, Policy 1f: Encourage a balance of new development and redevelopment.

•  Neighborhoods, Goal 4: Promote the provision of sound and affordable housing to all San Antonians.

•  Urban Design, Policy 1b: Encourage public art in all public and private projects.