§ 35-205. Office or Institutional Campus.  

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  • 35-205.png

    Office or Institutional Campus


    An office or institutional campus ("campus") provides employment or civic uses interspersed with open space areas and pedestrian walkways. This section is designed for business uses which carry on their operation in enclosed facilities in such a manner that no negative impact is created outside of the boundaries of the business park district. The campus use pattern implements the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Work towards establishing San Antonio as a major hub for distribution and light manufacturing (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  Regional: Develop potential business and market opportunities in South Texas. Continue to protect and increase military contracting by San Antonio businesses and protect and enhance military and civilian employment at military bases (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  Promote San Antonio's health care industry as a regional and national leader through marketing of its excellent health care facilities and world class physicians (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  National and International: Promote the tourist and convention industries to national and international visitors. Facilitate and promote development of San Antonio's tourism industry. Fully utilize existing community assets to maximize San Antonio's visitor industry (Economic Development, Policy 1c, 1d).

    •  Facilitate the development of export industries by encouraging the use of local and regional artistic, heritage and entertainment resources through international tours as a means to increase and diversify San Antonio export industries and economy (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  Work towards establishing San Antonio as the dominant link between the United States and Mexico; and continue to support the expansion of free trade with other countries (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  Facilitate the development and expansion of targeted industries including manufacturing and assembly; research; high technology; aviation and regional distribution (Economic Development, Policy 1d).

    •  Support efforts to plan, coordinate and monitor the redevelopment of military installations and other defense related issues (Economic Development, Policy 1e).

    •  Facilitate the development of business incubator facilities (Economic Development, Policy 3b)

    •  Facilitate economic development activities that will strengthen neighborhoods and communities; provide educational, training and employment opportunities; provide necessary support services; and promote and encourage economic participation for all San Antonio citizens (Economic Development, Policy 3e).


    Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to any application meeting the requirements of subsections (c) through (o) of this section and which is designated a "campus" by the applicant.


    Processing Procedures. An office or institutional campus may be approved in any of the following districts: the "BP" (see section 35-347), "O-1", "O-1.5", "O-2", "C-2", "C-3" and "L" districts.


    Uses and Density within the "BP" Business Park District. Within the business park district no building, structure, or land shall be used for any purpose other than the following, or any combination thereof, providing that such uses take place within a completely enclosed building in such a manner that no nuisance factor is created outside of the park district boundaries as described in the performance standards set forth in subsection (o) of this section:


    Uses Permitted by Right. Uses permitted in the "L" light industrial district (See Table 311-2 Nonresidential Use Matrix).


    Accessory Uses. Accessory uses, whether located within a plant facility for its sole use or within a separate facility to be shared in common by occupants of the business park district, shall be demonstrably related to the permitted principal uses and provided primarily for the convenience, use, and service of occupants of the business park and their visitors.

    Authorized accessory uses include the following:


    Personal services such as cafeteria, restaurant, barber/beauty shop, newsstand, laundry/dry cleaning pickup station, sundries store, or child day care center, provided that such facilities shall have no advertising display other than directional or informational signs.


    Retail incidental to or in support of any of the principal permitted uses.


    Recreational facilities, industrial health clinics and first aid stations, technical libraries, auditoriums, employee training facilities, meeting and display rooms.


    Outdoor storage provided that the requirements for screening are met, and that not more than ten (10) percent of each lot is so used.


    Temporary buildings, trailers and vehicles for uses incidental to construction work.


    Other accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to any permitted principal use.

    Any permitted uses involving the handling or sale of food or food products shall comply with the requirements set forth in chapter 13 of the City Code (food and food handlers).


    Traffic Impact Analysis. A campus shall comply with the traffic impact analysis standards of this chapter.


    Lot Layout. A campus shall comply with the lot layout standards of this chapter and the following:


    Area. The ground level square footage of all buildings and improvements other than streets and parking areas within a business park district shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the total area of each lot.


    Setbacks. No building, parking garage, covered parking or other structure, except streets, walks, and parking lots, shall be erected within the following setback lines measured along the perimeter of a business park district:


    Forty-five (45) feet from any perimeter abutting a residential use; and


    Twenty-five (25) feet from any perimeter abutting a nonresidential use.

    Setback lines shall be defined as the linear horizontal distance measured at a right angle from the business park district boundary line and running parallel with the boundary line for its entire length.


    Height. The height of buildings and other improvements shall not exceed thirty (30) feet within a distance of one hundred (100) feet from any perimeter abutting a residential use. The height of buildings and other improvements may be increased two (2) feet for each one (1) foot they are set back beyond the one hundred-foot distance.


    Transportation. A campus shall comply with the transportation standards of this chapter and the following:




    Vehicular access to a business park district shall be permitted only from major thoroughfares. The classification of any street as a major thoroughfare shall be determined by the major thoroughfare plan.


    Pedestrian access. Sidewalks shall be provided on public and private streets in accordance with the transportation standards of this chapter.




    Streets within a business park district may be public and/or private. The planning commission may, however, require dedication of right-of-way and construction of paving for a public street(s) through or into a business park district as the commission deems necessary. Private streets shall comply with the specifications and design standards set forth in the transportation standards of this chapter.


    Vehicle access points shall be located so as to provide a minimum of conflict between internal traffic and the traffic on adjacent streets. Parking shall be prohibited on any private street less than thirty (30) feet in width.


    Sidewalks shall be provided on public and private streets in accordance with the design specifications of the transportation standards of this chapter.


    Stormwater Management. A campus shall comply with the stormwater management standards, section 35-504 of this chapter. Landscaped areas, buffer areas, or areas where trees are preserved, as required by sections 35-510, 35-511, or 35-523 of this chapter, may be used to comply with the stormwater management standards.


    Utilities. See utilities standards, section 35-507 of this chapter.


    Parks and Open Space. A campus shall comply with the parks and open space standards (section 35-503) of this chapter. In lieu of the requirements of Table 503-1, parks and open space shall be provided at a rate of one hundred ninety (190) square feet per equivalent dwelling unit. The equivalent dwelling units shall be calculated in accordance with the SAWS Utility Service Agreement for "EDUs". The following provisions of the parks and open space standards shall not apply to an office or institutional campus: subsections 35-503(c) (park and open space characteristics), and 35-503(d) (suitability). Parks and open space provided pursuant to this subsection shall be maintained in private ownership, unless the applicant chooses to dedicate a greenway to the city with the city's acceptance.


    Natural Resource Protection. A campus shall comply with the natural resource protection standards of this chapter.


    Buffers, Landscaping, Streetscape Planting and Tree Preservation. A campus shall comply with the buffer (section 35-510), landscaping (section 35-511), streetscape planting (section 35-512) and tree preservation (section 35-513) standards of this chapter and the following:


    Screening. Structures other than buildings which are visible from view outside of the business park district shall be screened by plantings, landscaping, and/or a solid wall/fence at least six (6) feet in height. The use of a wall or fence is in addition to, and does not replace, the requirements for landscaping or trees as set forth in sections 35-510 and 35-511 of this chapter.




    A bufferyard, as defined in Table 510-1, shall be installed and maintained along the perimeters of a business park district abutting developed residential areas.


    Along the perimeters of a business park district abutting undeveloped or nonresidential areas, a class B bufferyard shall be installed and maintained.


    Utility and drainage easements/rights-of-way may be considered as part of a bufferyard provided all other requirements of this section are met.


    Bufferyards shall comply with the landscaping standards of this chapter. In addition to trees and shrubs, bufferyards shall be planted with lawn, native grasses, or evergreen ground cover.


    Plant requirements shall be applied proportionally to bufferyard lengths of less than one hundred (100) feet. Existing land and/or plants which otherwise meet the requirements above may be counted toward satisfying bufferyard requirements.


    The landscape plan required by Appendix "B" of this chapter shall also include the landscaping and bufferyard areas required by this section.


    In addition to perimeter bufferyards, not less than ten (10) percent of each lot within a business park district shall be maintained as landscaped areas.


    Parking. A campus shall comply with the parking standards of this chapter and the following:


    Off-street parking areas shall be landscaped with a minimum two (2) canopy trees, one (1) understory tree, and four (4) shrubs per twenty-four (24) automobile spaces. Existing plant materials may be counted as contributing to the total required landscaping. These requirements shall be applied proportionally to any number of spaces other than twenty-four (24).


    No parking shall be permitted on any street, drive, alley, or any place other than paved parking areas. Space for off-street parking and storage of vehicles shall be provided in accordance with the minimum requirements of this chapter. All parking areas shall have proper drainage, be curbed and paved, with individual spaces clearly marked, and directional arrows and directional arrows and traffic signs provided as necessary for traffic control. All parking areas visible from outside the boundary of the business park district shall be architecturally screened to a minimum height of four (4) feet with berms and/or landscaping.


    Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with this chapter. All loading areas shall be paved and, where visible from outside the boundaries of the business park district, shall be screened to a minimum of six (6) feet in height with berms, walls, fences, and/or landscaping.


    Outdoor Storage. A campus shall comply with the outdoor storage standards of this chapter and the following:


    Outdoor storage shall be enclosed within a solid masonry wall or solid heavy timber fence (two (2) inches thick or greater) or landscaping consistent with the requirements of subsection 35-511(c)(7) of this chapter, so as to completely screen all operations conducted within such wall from observation outside the business park district.


    The wall shall be at least six (6) feet, but not more than ten (10) feet in height. All outdoor storage shall be completely shielded from public view.


    Lighting and Signs.


    Lighting. Lights illuminating off-street parking or loading areas shall comply with the following standards as a protection against excessive glare and light spilling over to adjacent properties:


    When a light source has elements such as shields, reflectors, or refractor panels which direct and cut off the light at a cutoff angle that is less than ninety (90) degrees, the maximum permitted height shall be thirty (30) feet.


    When a light source has a cutoff angle of ninety (90) degrees or greater, the maximum permitted height shall be fifteen (15) feet.


    Signs. The use of signs in a business park shall conform to chapter 28 of the City Code.


    Performance Standards. It is the intent of these regulations to prevent any use or operation, including those permitted by right, from creating any dangerous, injurious, noxious, or unreasonably objectionable condition so as to adversely affect the surrounding area. Specifically, all uses shall operate in conformance with the standards set forth in each subsection below.

    •  Air pollution. All uses within a business park district shall operate in compliance with the most current revision of the regulations of the Texas Air Control Board pertaining to the control of air pollution. The city hereby adopts by reference these regulations, a copy of which is on file in the offices of the city clerk and the department of planning and development.

    •  Noise. All uses shall comply with the provisions of chapter 21, article III of the City Code, Noise, and shall not create a noise nuisance as defined in said article III of chapter 21.

    •  Glare and heat. No direct or sky-reflected glare so as to be visible at the lot line shall be permitted. These regulations shall not apply to signs or floodlighting of parking areas otherwise permitted by this chapter. There shall be no emission or transmission of heat or heated air so as to be discernible at the boundary of the lot line.

    •  Vibration. All machines shall be so mounted as to minimize vibration and no vibration shall be produced which is discernible without the aid of instruments at the boundary of the business park district.

    •  Noxious odors. The emission of any odors which are discernible without the aid of instruments shall be prohibited beyond the boundaries of the business park district.

    •  Toxic and liquid wastes. The discharge of any toxic or liquid waste material into any outdoor water course or drainageway shall be prohibited.

    •  Fire and explosion. All activities and all storage of flammable and explosive materials shall be provided with adequate safety and firefighting devices in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the city. The storage of petroleum and other flammable products is permitted only as an incidental use and is prohibited in aboveground tanks.

    •  Radioactivity. No operation shall cause radioactivity at any lot line in violation of the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as set forth in Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and all applicable regulations of the State of Texas.

    •  Electromagnetic radiation. No operation shall be conducted which shall adversely affect the performance of electromagnetic radiators or receptors other than those of the creator of the radiation.

(Ord. No. 96564 § 1, 3) (Ord. No. 98697 § 6) (Ord. No. 101816, § 2, 12-15-05) (Ord. No. 2010-11-18-0985, § 2, 11-18-10)