§ 35-310.09. "O-1," O-1.5" and "O-2" Office Districts.  

Latest version.
  • Generally.


    These districts permit institutional, indoor retail, service and office uses requiring arterial or collector street access and business and commercial development along urban arterials. The purpose of the office districts is to accommodate well-designed development sites that provide excellent transportation access, make the most efficient use of existing infrastructure and provide for orderly transitions and buffers between uses.

    The "O-1," "O-1.5" and "O-2" districts implement the following policies of the master plan:

    •  Promote San Antonio's health care industry as a regional and national leader through marketing of its excellent health care facilities and world class physicians (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  Facilitate the development of export industries by encouraging the use of local and regional artistic, heritage and entertainment resources through international tours as a means to increase and diversify San Antonio export industries and economy (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  Work towards establishing San Antonio as the dominant link between the United States and Mexico; and continue to support the expansion of free trade with other countries (Economic Development, Policy 1c).

    •  Facilitate the development and expansion of targeted industries including manufacturing and assembly; research; high technology; aviation and regional distribution (Economic Development, Policy 1d).

    •  Facilitate the development of business incubator facilities (Economic Development, Policy 3b).

    •  Facilitate economic development activities that will strengthen neighborhoods and communities; provide educational, training and employment opportunities; provide necessary support services; and promote and encourage economic participation for all San Antonio citizens (Economic Development, Policy 3e).


    "O-1" Office Districts.


    The "O-1" district restricts uses primarily to offices and ancillary uses (for the purposes of this subsection, ancillary uses are those provided for the convenience of on-site tenants and which do not provide services or products to the general public) which do not have peak weeknight or weekend usage in order to provide a buffer between residential areas and more intensive uses. "O-1" districts provide for the establishment of low to mid-rise office buildings. Uses within an "O-1" district are limited to uses incidental to the needs of the occupants of the building and are not designed to serve a regional market area.


    General Provisions.


    Scale. Buildings in an "O-1" district shall be restricted to a maximum size of ten thousand (10,000) square feet for individual buildings.


    Outdoor display/sales. The outdoor display or sale of merchandise is prohibited in the "O-1" district.


    "O-1.5" Mid-Rise Office Districts.


    The "O-1.5" district allows the same uses as the "O-1" district, however the "O-1.5" district is intended for taller, mid-rise office buildings or campuses.


    General Provisions.


    Uses. Uses allowed in the "O-1.5" district are the same as are allowed by right in the "O-1" district.


    Scale. Building size in an "O-1.5" district is unlimited, however any building in an "O-1.5" district shall not exceed a maximum height of sixty (60) feet or five (5) stories regardless of the provisions of subsection 35-517(d).


    Outdoor display/sales. The outdoor display or sale of merchandise is prohibited in the "O-1.5" district.


    "O-2" High-Rise Office Districts.


    The "O-2" district provides a wider variety of office and accessory retail uses that are primarily designed to serve on-site tenants but may provide services or products to the general public as a secondary market in support of the building's primary office tenants in order to promote mixed uses and the internal capture of vehicular trips, while facilitating economic development. "O-2" districts provide for the establishment of low to high-rise office buildings. Uses within an "O-2" district may serve a regional market area.


    General Provisions.


    Building Height. Unlimited except as specified in Table 310-1.


    Buffer. Where an "O-2" district or use abuts an area either developed with residential uses or zoned as a residential zoning district, a minimum buffer of sixty-five (65) feet zoned "NC," "C-1" or "O-1" shall be provided. Existing areas zoned "NC," "C-1" or "O-1" may be considered in computing the width of this buffer.


    Outdoor Display/Sales. The outdoor display or sale of merchandise is prohibited in the "O-2" district.


    Uses. Other than office, park, church, or school uses, any other use listed in the Use Matrix as permitted by right in the "O-2" District is only allowed as an accessory use to a primary and principal office use, for example: a deli on the first floor of a high-rise office tower.

(Ord. No. 95573 § 2, Amendment "D") (Ord. No. 96564 § 1) (Ord. No. 2006-11-30-1333, § 2, 11-30-06) (Ord. No. 2009-01-15-0001, § 2, 1-15-09; Ord. No. 2015-12-17-1077 , § 2, 12-17-15)